Retinopatia Diabética II (Diabetic Retinopathy II)


Diabetic retinopathy classification for supervised machine learning algorithms

Luis Filipe Nakayama, Lucas Zago Ribeiro, Mariana Batista Gonçalves et al

Int J Retina Vitreous. 2022; 8: 1


Validation of an algorithm for the prediction of diabetic retinopathy in type 1 diabetic patients in a Spanish population

Pedro Romero-Aroca, Marc Baget-Bernaldiz, Raul Navarro-Gil et al

Clin Ophthalmol. 2022; 16: 715–72


Management of acute proliferative diabetic retinopathy related complications during the first COVID-19 wave

N Dhillon, S Santiago

BMC Ophthalmol 2022, vol 22: 119


The effect of diet and lifestyle on the course of diabetic rfetinopathy – a review of the literature

Anna Bryl, Małgorzata Mrugacz, Mariusz Falkowski, Katarzyna Zorena

Nutrients. 2022 Mar; 14(6): 1252


Epidemiology of moderately severe and severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy in South West England

C R Nevill, I M Stratton, S S Maruti et al

Eye (Lond) 2022, vol 36 (2): 433-440


Infographic: intravitreous aflibercept vs vitrectomy with panretinal pjotocoagulation for vitreous haemorrage from proliferative diabeteic retinopathy

A Song, A Ghareeb, A Methta et al

Eye (Lond) 2022, vol 36 (1): 8-9


Automated feature-based grading and progression analysis of diabetic retinopathy

L Al-Turk, J Wawrzynski, S Wang et al

Eye (Lond) 2022, vol 36 (3): 524-532


Optical coherence tomography in diabetes: focus on microaneurysms

G Querques, E Borreli, M Battista et al

Eye (Lond) 2021, vol 35 (1): 142-148


Review of retinal cameras for global coverage of diabetic retinopathy screening

R Rajalakshmi, V Prathiba, S Arulmalar, M Usha

Eye (Lond) 2021, vol 35 (1): 162-172


How is the risk of being diagnosed with referable diabetic retinopathy affected by failure to attend diabetes wye screening appointments?

R Virk, A M Binns, R Chambers, J Anderson

Eye (Lond) 2021, vol 35 (2): 477-483


A virtual-clinic pahway for patients referred from a national diabetes eye screening programme reduces servisse dedmands whilst maintaining quality of care

L Faes, D J Fu, J Huemer et al

Eye (Lond) 2021, vol 35 (8): 2260-2269


Early structural and functional neurovascular changes in the retina in the pediabetic stage

D Ratra, R Nagarajan, D Dalan et al

Eye (Lond) 2021, vol 35 (3): 858-867


Comparison of automated and expert human grading of diabetic retinopathy using smartphone-based retinal photography

T N Kim, M T Aaberg, P Li et al

Eye (Lond) 2021, vol 35 (1): 334-342


Retinopatia Diabética: Artigos de Revisão (Diabetic Retinopathy: Reviews)

Arquivos do Blog Internet Médica – novembro 2021


Retinopatia Diabética I (Diabetic Retinopathy I)

Arquivos do Blog Internet Médica – outubro 2017


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■ Blog Internet Médica –

■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

CRMMG: 7026

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil


março 2022

Alopecia Areata (Alopecia Areata)


– Alopecia areata é uma doença inflamatória que provoca a queda de cabelo. Diversos fatores estão envolvidos no seu desenvolvimento, como a genética e a participação autoimune. Os fios começam a cair resultando mais frequentemente em falhas circulares sem pelos ou cabelos.

– A alopecia areata também afeta comumente crianças, mas a doença é mais comum nos adultos

– A extensão dessa perda varia, sendo que, em alguns casos, poucas regiões são afetadas. Em outros, a perda de cabelo pode ser maior. Há casos raros de alopecia areata total, nos quais o paciente perde todo o cabelo da cabeça; ou alopecia areata universal, na qual caem os pelos de todo o corpo.

– A alopecia areata não é contagiosa. Fatores emocionais, traumas físicos e quadros infecciosos podem desencadear ou agravar o quadro.

– A evolução da alopecia areata não é previsível.  Estudos sugerem que cerca de 5% dos pacientes perdem todos os pelos do corpo.

– Doenças autoimunes podem acontecer em alguns pacientes, como vitiligo, problemas da tireoide e lúpus eritematoso, por exemplo. Portanto, muitas vezes se faz necessária a reavaliação de exames de sangue. O principal dano aos pacientes é mesmo o psicológico. A interferência na rotina diária nos casos mais extensos pode prejudicar a qualidade de vida.

– Diversos tratamentos estão disponíveis para a alopecia areata. Medicamentos tópicos como minoxidil, corticoides e antralina podem ser associados a tratamentos mais agressivos como sensibilizantes (difenciprona) ou metotrexate. Corticóides injetáveis podem ser usados em áreas bem delimitadas do couro cabeludo ou do corpo. O uso de corticóides sistêmicos (em geral, prednisona) para tratar alopecia areata extensiva é controvertido. A opção deve ser realizada pelo dermatologista em conjunto com o paciente. Os tratamentos visam controlar a doença, reduzir as falhas e evitar que novas surjam. Eles estimulam o folículo a produzir cabelo novamente, e precisam continuar até que a doença desapareça.

– Embora o recrescimento espontâneo possa ocorrer mesmo com a alopecia total, nenhum tratamento mostrou-se consistentemente seguro e eficaz nos casos graves. Hoje em dia, a imunoterapia tópica com compostos químicos que causam dermatite de contato alérgica (p.ex., difenciprona) parece ser a opção terapêutica mais promissora

– Não há formas de prevenir a doença uma vez que suas causas são desconhecidas, mas existem várias dicas para que a pessoa se sinta melhor. Os grupos de apoio estão disponíveis para ajudar a lidar com possíveis efeitos psicológicos.


Association between alopecia areata and COVID-19: a systematic review

Rachel E. Christensen, Mohammad Jafferany

JAAD Int. 2022 Jun; 7: 57–61


Lifestyle factors involved in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata

Yoko Minokawa, Yu Sawada, Motonobu Nakamura

Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb; 23(3): 103


Cannabis use among patients with alopecia areata: a cross-sectional survey study

Jane J. Han, Adam Faletsky, Arash Mostaghimi, Kathie P. Huang

Int J Trichology. 2022 Jan-Feb; 14(1): 21–24


Superficial cryotherapy verus intralesional corticosteroids injection in alopecia areata: a trichoscopic comparative study

M H El Sayed, N E Ibrahim, A A Afify

Int J Trichology 2022, vol 14 (1): 8-13


Intramuscular corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of alopecia areata: a time-to-event analysis

Kumutnart Chanprapaph, Cherrin Pomsoong, Chaninan Kositkuljorn, Poonkiat Suchonwanit

Drug Des Devel Ther. 2022; 16: 107–116


Alopecia areata and dexamethasone mini-pulse therapy, a prospective cohort: :Real world evidence and fators realted to successful response

Manuel Sánchez-Díaz, Trinidad Montero-Vilchez, Ahinoa Bueno-Rodriguez et al

J Clin Med. 2022 Mar; 11(6): 1694


Evaluating the therapeutic potential of ritlecitinib for the treatment of alopecia areata

Hassiel Aurelio Ramírez-Marín, Antonella Tosti

Drug Des Devel Ther. 2022; 16: 363–374


Intramuscular corticosteroid therapy in the treatment of alopecia areata: a time-to-event analysis

Kumutnart Chanprapaph, Cherrin Pomsoong, Chaninan Kositkuljorn, Poonkiat Suchonwanit

Drug Des Devel Ther. 2022; 16: 107–116


Alopecia areata and dexamethasone mini-pulse therapy, a prospective cohort: Real world evidence and fators realted to successful response

Manuel Sánchez-Díaz, Trinidad Montero-Vilchez, Ahinoa Bueno-Rodriguez et al

J Clin Med. 2022 Mar; 11(6): 1694


CD4, CD8 and natural killer cells are depressed in patients with alopecia areata: their association with disease activity

Abdel-Khalek Younes, Refaat Hammad, Mona Othman, Ali Sobhy

BMC Immunol. 2022; 23: 13


Trichoscopy of pressure-induced alopecia and alopecia areata: a comparative study

S Neema, D Vashisht, A K Yaday et al

Int J Trichology 2022, vol 14 (1): 17-20


Determination of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in patients with alipecia areata and their comparison with levels in healthy controls. A cross-sectional study

F Paolo J Lizrondo, M K R Gervasio, C V S Chamberlin et al

JAAD Int. 2021, vol 5: 78-84


Cumulative life course impairment of alopecia areata

L J Bruns, N Mesinkovska, D Kranz et al

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (5): 197-200


Validation of case identification for alopecia areata using Inernational Classification of Diseases Coding

J Lavian, S J Li, E Y Lee et al

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (5): 234-237


Identical alopecia areata in identical twin sisters

S Verma, R Sinclair, A Das

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (5): 247-248


Effect of oral Minoxidil for alopecia: systematic review

J B do Nascimento, M Harries, V B Rocha et al

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (4): 147-155


More is not Always better in hair growth factors, epidermal growth fator: hair growth fator involved in alopecia areata pathogenesis

A M El-Refai, D M Elhabak, R A Khashaba

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (4): 182-187


Clinical experience with oral tofacitinib in a patient with alopecia areata universalis and rheumatoid arthritis

D T Abe, L M Tashima, F M A Basílio, F Mulinari-Brenner

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (4): 188-190


Utility of dermoscopic evaluation in predicting clinical response to diphencyprone in a cohort of patients with alopecia areata

R Abedini, E Alipour, N Ghandi, M Nasimi

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (3): 107-113


Comparison of dermoscopic patterns at the center and periphery of alopecia areata patch – a cross-sectional study in 100 patients

B A Darkase, S B Chikhalkar, U S Khopkar

Int J Trichology 2020, vol 12 (1): 24-28


Comparison of serum concentrations of interleukins 10, 12, 17 and 35 between patients with alopecia areata and controls

Marta Wojciechowska-Zdrojowy, Alina Jankowska-Konsur, Danuta Nowicka-Suszko et al

Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2021 Dec; 38(6): 1052–1057


Evaluation of the level of serum interleukins (IL-1, IL-4, IL-15 and IL-17) and its relationship with disease severity in patients with alopecia areata

Ö Alsin, S N Yücesoy, E Coskun et al

Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 2021, vol 96 (5): 551-557


Validation of the alopecia areata patient priority outcomes (AAPPO) questionnnaire in adults and adolescentes with alopecia areata

Kathleen W. Wyrwich, Randall Winnette, Randall Bender, et al

Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) 2022 Jan; 12(1): 149–16


Treatment of alopecia areata with diphenylcyclopropenone: methodology based on the principles of allergic contact dermatitis

A S A Lopes, R Lazzarini

Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 2022, vol 97 (1): 125-127


Alopecia areata-like and psoriasis after dupilumab use for atopic dermatitis

V M Maiolini, N Andrade, P F Marsillac, A L Bressan

Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 2021, vol 96 (5): 634-636


Randomized controlled study comparing the use of diphencyprone and anthralin in the treatment of extensive chronic alopecia areata

V B Rocha, P Kakizak, A Donati et al

Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 2021, vol 96 (3): 372-376


Consensus on the treatment of alopecia areata – Brazilian Society of Dermatology

P M Ramos, A Anzai, B Duque-Estrada et al

Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 2020, vol 95 (suppl 1): 39-52


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■ Blog Internet Médica –

■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

CRMMG: 7026

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil


Março 2022