Alopécia Androgenética: Artigos de Revisão (Androgenetic Alopecia: Reviews)


– A Alopecia Androgenética (AAG) é um distúrbio comum de perda de cabelo causado por fatores genéticos e hormonais, que são caracterizados pelo afinamento progressivo do couro cabeludo relacionado aos andrógenos em um padrão definido. Os tratamentos são:

– intradermoterapia que é um tratamento com injeções intradérmicas de solução para crescimento capilar,

– o laser de baixa intensidade que auxilia no aumento da circulação local e crescimento de novos fios,

– o plasma rico em plaquetas que é um produto derivado do sangue rico em fatores de crescimento que promove regeneração e reparação do tecido lesado, e

– a carboxterapia que é a aplicação de gás carbônico no couro cabeludo que estimula os folículos capilares.


Androgenetic alopecia: therapy update

S Devjani, O Ezemma, K J Kelley

Drugs. 2023; 83(8): 701–715


Androgenetic alopecia: an update

Sincengile Ntshingila, Ogheneochuko Oputu, Afolake T. Arowolo, Nonhlanhla P. Khumalo

JAAD Int. 2023 Dec; 13: 150–158


Treatment of androgenetic alopecia: current guidance and unmed needs

Michael Kaiser, Rama Abdin, Simonetta I Gaumond et al

Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2023; 16: 1387–1406


Human stem cell use in androgenetic alopecia: a systematic review

Katarzyna Krefft-Trzciniecka, Zuzanna Piętowska, Danuta Nowicka, Jacek C. Szepietowski

Cells. 2023 Mar; 12(6): 951


The psychological consequences of androgenetic alopecia: a systematic review

Erica L. Aukerman, Mohammad Jafferany

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023 Jan; 22(1): 89–95


Topical finasteride: a comprehensive review of androgenetic alopecia management for men and women

Akshunna Keerti, Bhushan Madke, Akshaya Keerti,et al

Cureus. 2023 Sep; 15(9): e44949


Recent advances in undertanding of the etiopahogenesis, diagnosis, and management of hair loss disease

Misaki Kinoshita-Ise, Masahiro Fukuyama, Manabu Ohyama

J Clin Med. 2023 May; 12(9): 3259.


The use of 2D:4D digit ratio as a predictor of androgenetic alopecia: a review

M Almashali, K Alekrish, A Shadid

Dermatol Pract Concept 2023, vol 13 (4): w2023237


Alopecia Areata

Arquivos do Blog Internet Médica – março 2022


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■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

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Fevereiro 2024

Lítio: Artigos de Revisão (Lithium: Reviews)


Facts and miths about the use of lithium for bipolar disorder in routine clinical practice: an expert consensus paper

A Fiorillo, G Sampogna, U Albert et al

Ann Gen Psychiatry 2023, vol 22:: 50


Lithium use in childhood and adolescence, peripartum, and old age: an umbrela review

D Janiri, G Sampogna, U Albert et al

Int J Bipolar 2023, vol 11: 8


Lithium pharmacokinetics in the perinatal patient with bipolar disorderr

C T Clark, R L Newmark, K L Wisner et al

J Clin Pharmacol 2022, vol 62 (11): 1385-1392U


Use of lithium in pediatric bipolar disorders and externalizing childhood-related disorders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

D Janiri, L Moccia, S Montanari et al

Curr Neuropharmacol 2023, vol 21 (6): 1329-1342


Countering the declining use of lithium therapy: a call to arms

G S Malhi, E Bell, M Jadidi et al

Int J Bipolar Disord 2023, vol 11: 30


Why is lithium (not) the drug of choice for bipolar disorder? A controversy between science and clinical practice

L V Kessing

Int J Bipolar Disord 2024, vol 12:3


Key questions on the long term renal effects of lithium: a review of pertinente data

Michael Gitlin, Michael Bauer

Int J Bipolar Disord. 2023; 11: 35


The true effect of lithium is hard to determine

R E Nielsen, R W Licht

Int J Bipolar Disord 2023, vol 11: 30


Pharmacological strategies for bipolar disorders in acute phases and chronic management with a special focus on lithium, valproic acid, and atypical antipsychotics

M Carli, F Weiss, G Grenno et al

Curr Neuropharmacol. 2023 Mar 30; 21(4): 935–950


Use of psychotropic drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic in Minas Gerais, Brazil

J C Barros, S N Silva

Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 2023, vol 26 (portuguese) (english)


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■ Blog Internet Médica –

■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

CRMMG: 7026

Consultório (Novo Endereço): Rua Rio Grande do Norte 23/ 9 andar

Tels 996346835   32438504

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil


Janeiro 2024