Lesão Esportiva: Maratona (Sport Injury: Marathon)


Maratona é uma corrida realizada na distância oficial de 42,195 km, normalmente em ruas e estradas. Única modalidade esportiva que se originou de uma lenda, seu nome foi instituído como uma homenagem à antiga lenda grega do soldado ateniense Fidípides, um mensageiro do exército de Atenas que teria corrido 42 km entre o campo de batalha de Maratona até Atenas para anunciar aos cidadãos da cidade a vitória dos exércitos atenienses contra os persas e morreu de exaustão após cumprir a missão. Uma das mais longas, desgastantes e difíceis provas do atletismo, a maratona é, ininterruptamente, uma prova olímpica desde a primeira edição dos Jogos Olímpicos, em Atenas 1896. Sua distância atual, percorrida pela primeira vez em Londres 1908 só se tornou oficial em 1921. No calendário olímpico a maratona é, tradicionalmente, o último evento dos Jogos Olímpicos.


A marathon runner with right lateral foot pain

A C Bean, H L Osoria, A S Tenforde et al

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2020, vol 99 (8): 766-768



An unusual case of upper limb ischemia in a marathon runner

William Gondoputro, Saissan Rajendran, David Celermajer, Raffi Qasabian

J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech.2020 Mar; vol 6(1): 160–164



Pulmonary edema during the Boston marathon

Joe Aoun, Khabib Dgayli, Cynthia Abou Zeid, Gordon Wong, Peter LaCamera

Respir Med Case Rep.2019; vol 27: 100845



Persistent exertional chest pain in a marathon runner: exercise-induced, painful, left blundle branch block syndrome treated with his-bundle pacing

Olubunmi O. Oladunjoye, Adeolu O. Oladunjoye, Oreoluwa Oladiran et al

Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes.2019, vol 3(2): 226–230



A new approach to prevent critical cardiac acidents in athletes by real-timme electrocardiographic tele-monitoring system: initial trial in full marathon

Ousaka, N Sakano, M Morita et al

J Cardiol Cases 2019, vol 20 (1): 35-36



Acute traumatic tear of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus in a marathon runner

B Godshaw, M Wong, C Ojard et al

Oschesner J 2019, vol 19 (4): 405-409



Chest pain in an elite master ultra-marathon runner: a case report with a follow-up on his subsequent athletic activity

E Dadowska-Krepa, B Klapci´nska, D Gerasimuk et al

Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2020, vol 33 (4): 523-534



Femoral neck stress fracture in marathon runners: a case report

K Yusuwan, K Chareancholvanich

J Med Assoc Tahi 2019, vol 102 (10): 95



Fulminant liver failure following a marathon: five case reports and review of literature

Wojciech Figiel, Marcin Morawski, Michał Grąt et al

World J Clin Cases.2019, vol 7(12): 1467–147



Nutritional strategies in an elite wheelchair marathoner at 3900 altitude: a case report

Santiago Sanz-Quinto, Manuel Moya-Ramón, Gabriel Brizuela et al

J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2019; vol 16: 51



Athlete´s hepatites in a young healthy marathon runner

Hafiz Khan, Jobin Phillipose, Moiz Ahmed, Liliane Deeb

Case Rep Gastroenterol.2018, vol 12(1): 176–181



Common electrocardiograma variations pre- and post-marathon

John P. Martin‐Beaulieu, Karen M. Myrick, Thomas Martin et al

Clin Case Rep.2016, vol 4(10): 944–94




Anti-VEGF in a marathon runner´s retinopathy case

A K Soon, P R C de Oliveira, D R Chow

Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine 2016!Article ID 5756970



Running a marathon from – 45C to + 55C in a climate chamber: a case study

K Kälin, B Knechtle, K Mydlak, T Rosemann

Open Acess Journal of Sports Medicine 2012, vol 3: 131-145



A completed stress fracture in a marathon runner: case report

The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine 2009, vol 26 (4)



Marathon related death due to brainsttem herniation in rehydration-related hyponatremia: a case report

Axel Petzold, Geoffrey Keir, Ian Appleby

J Med Case Reports. 2007; vol 1: 186



Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Blog Internet Médica – www.internetmedica.com.br

Data: novembro 2021

Lesão Esportiva: Halterofilismo (Sport Injury: Weightlifting)


– Levantamento de peso olímpico ou halterofilismo, é um esporte cujo objetivo é levantar a maior quantidade de peso possível/, do chão até sobre a cabeça em um barra em que são fixados pesos


Spontaneous rupture of a bicuspid aortic valve in a middle-aged weightlifter

S A Karvonunaris, E Sivitanidis, P P Mavrommatis, G S Papaetis

Eur J Case Rep Intern Med 2021, vol 8 (1): 002234



A case of severe side effects due to muscle oil injections in combination with chemotherapy in a former bodybuilder

Gro Gitz‐Johansen, Anne Birgitte Als, Kristine Appel Uldall Pallesen

Clin Case Rep.2021, vol 9(7): e04444



Traumatic rupture of the posterior deltoid tendon during weight lifting: a case report and review of literature

Brent Sanderson, Michael Bogard, Reza Jazayeri

Clin Case Rep.2021, vol 9(8): 10.1002/ccr3.3710



Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis in a competitive bodybuilder with thyrotoxicosis factitia

Amy J. Patel, Stephanie Tejera, Stanislaw P. Klek, Gary D. Rothberger

AACE Clin Case Rep.2020, vol 6(5): e252–e256



A 29-year-old bodybuilder with liothyronine-induced thyrotoxic hypokalemia periodic paralysis

Querijn N E van Bokhorst, Yvonne H M Krul-Poel, Diederik L Smit, Willem de Ronde

Eur J Case Rep Intern Med.2021; vol 8(3): 002362



Acute myocardial infarction in a young bodybuilder: a case report and review of the literature

Abrão José Melhem, Jr., Amélia Cristina Araújo, Felipe Nathan S. Figueiredo, David Livingstone A. Figueiredo

Am J Case Rep.2020; vol 21: e924796-1–e924796-8



Severe hypercalcemia secondary to paraffin oil injections ina a bodybuilder with sginficant findings on scintigraphy

Parul Khanna, Alireza Khatami, Mina Swiha et al

AACE Clin Case Re 2020, vol 6(5): e234–e238



Epidemiology of hip pain in Brazilian bodybuilder

L Fagotti, L Ejnisman, M A A Santos et al

Acta Ortop Bras 2021, vol 29 (3)



Acute myocardial infarction in a young bodybuilder: a case report and review of the literature

Abrão José Melhem, Jr., Amélia Cristina Araújo, Felipe Nathan S. Figueiredo et al

Am J Case Rep.2020; vol 21: e924796-1–e924796-8



Myositis, rhabdomyolysis and severe hypercalcemia in a body builder

Ravikumar Ravindran, Justyna Witczak, Suhani Bahl et al

, Lakdasa D K E Premawardhana, Mohamed Adlan

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep.2020; 2020: 20-0032



Myositis from intramuscular oil injections in a bodybuilder

G Prosperi-Porta, C Oleynick, S Vaughan

CMAJ 2020, vol 192 (18): E480



Pneumomediastinum in a heavy weightlifter

N Swaminathan, A Agrawal, P Ram

Eur J Case Rep Intern Med 2019, vol 6 (5): 001085



The epidemiology of injuries across the weight-training sports

J W L Keogh, P W Winwood

Sports Medicine 2017, vol 47: 479-501



Painful muscle fibrosis following synthol injections ina bodybuilder: a case report

S Ghandourah, M J Hofer, A KieBling et al

Journal of Medical Case Reports 2012, article number: 248



Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Blog Internet Médica – www.internetmedica.com.br

Data: novembro 2021