Exercício, Esporte & Envelhecimento: Artigos de Revisão (Exercise, Sports & Aging: Reviews)
■ Effect of sport on health in people aged 60 and older: a systematic review with meta-analysis
A Tiedemann, L B Macedo, L Maia et al
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023, vol 57 (4)
■ Recommendations for physical activity in the elderly population: a scoping review of guidelines
C Nikitas, D Kikidis, A Bibas et al
J Fraity Sarcopenia Falls 2022, vol 7 (1): 18-28
■ Physical activity guidelines for older people: knowledge gaps and future directions
M Izquierdo, G Duque, J E Morley
The Lancet 2021, vol 2 (6): E380-E383
■ A systematic review of the health effects of yoga for people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia
D Karamacoska, T Tan, D C Mathersul et al
BMC Geriatr 2023, vol 23: 37
■ Factors associated with the participation of older adults in cultural and sports activities
Mihaela Ghența, Aniela Matei, Luise Mladen-Macovei, Elen-Silvana Bobârnat
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May; 19(10): 6244
■ Effectiveness and characteristics of physical fitness training on aerobic fitness in vulnerable older adults: an umbrela review of systematic reviews
Dennis Visser, Elizabeth M Wattel, Karin H L Gerrits et al
BMJ Open. 2022; 12(5): e058056
■ Effects of sport-based exercise interventions on executive function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Falonn Contreras-Osorio, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Enrique Cerda-Vega, et al
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Oct; 19(19): 12573
■ Effects of exercise training on anabolic and catabolic hormones with advanced age: a systematic review
Hassane Zouhal, Ayyappan Jayavel, Kamalanathan Parasuraman, et al
Sports Med. 2022; 52(6): 1353–1368
■ Effects of diferente exercise intensity on bone mineral density in adults: a comparative systematic review and meta-analysis
- Kast, M. Shojaa, M. Kohl, S. von Stengel, M. Gosch, F. Jakob et al
Osteoporos Int. 2022; 33(8): 1643–1657
■ Physical exercise as a non-pharmacological strategy for reducing behavioral and psychological symptoms in elderly with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials
S L S Rodrigues, J M da Silva, M C C de Oliveira et al
Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr 2021, vol 79 (12)
■ Effects of diferente exercise interventions on heart rate variability and cardiovascular health factors in older adults: a systematic review
B Grässler, B Thielmann, I Böckelmann, A Hökelmann
Eur Rev Aging Phys Act 2021, vol 18: 24
■ The association of objectively measures physical activity and sedentary behavior with (instrumental) activities of daily living in Community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review
E S A Gomes, K A Ramsey, A G M Rojer et al
Clin Interv Aging 2021, vol 16: 1877-1915
■ Wearable devices for physicial activity and healthcare monitoring in elderly people: a critical review
E Teixeira, H Fonseca, F Diniz-Sousa et al
Geriatrics (Basel) 2021, vol 2 (2): 38
■ Effects of multimodal agility-like exercise training compared to inactive controls and alternative training on physical performance in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
M Morat, T Morat, W Zijlstra, L Donath
Eur Ver Aging Phys Act 2021, vol 18: 4
■ The proper diet and regular physicial activity slow down the development of Parkinson disease
P A Chromiec, z K Urba´s, M Jacko, J J Kaczor
Aging Dis 2021, vol 12 (7): 1605-1623
■ Being active with a total hip or knee prosthesis: a systematic review into physicial activity and sports recommendations and interventions to improve physicial activity behavior
Y Mooiweer, M Stevens, I van den Akker-Scheek
PAIR study group
Eur Rev Aging Phys Act 2022, vol 19: 7
■ Every step counts: synthesising reviews associationg objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour with clinical outcomes in community-dwelling older adults
K A Ramsey, C G M Meskers, A B Maier
The Lancet 2021, vol 2 (11): E764-E772
■ Efeitos do exercício físico em idosos fragilizados: uma revisão sistemática
A P Pillatt, J Nielsson, R H Schneider
Fisiot Pesqui 2019, vol 26 (2)
■ Effects of water aerobics on posture alignment and risk of falls of older adults: an intervention study
C C I Reis, M A P dos Santos, C F da Costa et al
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 2021, vol 43
■ Idosos praticantes de hidroginástica: significados atribuídos à atividade
G F Halley, M G Maciel, C F Melo et al
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 2021, vol 43: e013220
■ Efeitos do exercício físico no sistema nervoso do indivíduo idoso e suas consequências funcionais
A A Scianni, G S Faria, J S da Silva et al
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 2019, vol 41 (1): 81-95
■ Exercício & Envelhecimento (Exercise & Aging)
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Março 2023