Alergia Ocular Online (Ocular allergy)


Topical tacrolimus for the treatment of severe allergic keratoconjunctivitis in children

Liendo, Vera Lucia et al.

Arq. Bras. Oftalmol., Aug 2017, vol.80, no.4, p.211-214.


Ocular allergy: an updated review

B Kubaisi, K A Samra, S Syeda et al

J Allergy Immunol 2017: vol 1:002


Managing ocular allergy in resource-poor settings

M Bore

Comm Eye Health 2016, vol 29 (95): 47-49


Japanese guidelines for allergic conjunctival diseases 2017

Takamura E, Uchio E, Ebihara N et AL

Japanese Society of Allergology.

Allergol Int. 2017 Apr;66(2):220-229


Clinical and allergological analysis of ocular manifestation of sick building syndrome

Yusuke Saeki, Kazuaki Kadonosono, Eiichi Uchio

Clin Ophthalmol. 2017; 11: 517–522


Red eye: a guide for non-specialists

Andreas Frings, Gerd Geerling, Marc Schargus

Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017 , vol 114(17): 302–31


Differentiating urgent and emergent causes of acute red eye for the emergency physician

Christopher J. Gilani, Allen Yang, Marc Yonkers, Megan Boysen-Osborn

West J Emerg Med. 2017, vol 18(3): 509–517


Allergic conjunctivitis in Asia

B Y Thong

Asia Pac Allergy 2017, vol 7 (2): 57-64


Ocular itch associated with allergic conjunctivitis: latest evidence and clinical management

Stacey Ackerman, Lisa M. Smith, Paulo J. Gomes

Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2016 Jan; 7(1): 52–6


Differential diagnosis of the swollen red eyelid

R T Carlisle, J Digiovanni

American Family Physician 2015, vol 92 (2): 106-112


Update and clinical utility of alcaftadine ophthalmic solution o,25% in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

DeGaulle I Chigbu, Alissa M Coyne

Clin Ophthalmol. 2015; 9: 1215–1225


Perspectivas no tratamento da alergia ocular: revisão das principais estratégias terapêuticas

Sandrin, Leda das Neves Almeida and Santo, Ruth Miyuki

Rev. bras.oftalmol., Out 2015, vol.74, no.5, p.319-324


Inter-relationship between rhinitis and conjunctivitis in allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and associated risk factors in rural UK children

Michael R. Perkin, Tara Bader, Alicja R. Rudnicka, David P. Strachan, Christopher G. Owen

PLoS One. 2015; 10(11): e0143651


Food allergy and ocular surface

J L Fauquert

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014, vol 92 (s253)


Allergic conjunctivitis and the most common allergens in Northern Greece

Diamantis Almaliotis, Pavlos Michailopoulos, Dimitrios Gioulekas et al

World Allergy Organ J. 2013; 6(1): 12


Allergic conjunctivitis: a comprehensive review of the literature

M La Rosa, E Lionetti, M Reibaldi et AL

Ital J Pediatr 2013, vol 39: 18


Epidemiologia da alergia ocular e comorbidades em adolescentes.

Geraldini, Marcos et al.

  1. Pediatr. (Rio J.), Ago 2013, vol.89, no.4, p.354-360


Aumentando a base de conhecimento da epidemiologia da alergia ocular.

Bielory, Leonard.

  1. Pediatr. (Rio J.), Ago 2013, vol.89, no.4, p.330-33


Secondary allergic T cell responses are regulated by dendritic cell-derived thrombospoondin-1 in the setting of allergic eye disease

  1. E. Smith, N. J. Reyes, P. Khandelwal, S. L. Schlereth, H. S. Lee, S. Masli, D. R. Saban

J Leukoc Biol. 2016 Aug; 100(2): 371–380


Plasma vitamin D and serum total immunoglobulin E levels in patients with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis

Z Dadaci, M Borazan , A Kiyici, N O Acir

Acta Ophthalmologica 2014, vol 92 (6): e443-e446


Management of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis: guide to therapy

B P Bielory, T P O´Brien, L Bielory

Acta Ophthalmologica 2012, vol 90 (5): 399-407


Recent patents and emerging therapeutics in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Gyan P. Mishra, Viral Tamboli, Jwala Jwala, Ashim K. Mitra

Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov. 2011 Jan; 5(1): 26–36.


Ocular surface evalutation in children presenting ongoing ocular allergy

D Bremond-Gignac, H Copinn, S Milazzo

Acta Ophthalmologica 201, vol 89 (s248)


Mediadores alérgicos en lágrimas de niños con conjuntivitis alérgica estacional y perenne

Martínez, R. et al.

Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol, Jun 2011, vol.86, no.6, p.187-192


■ by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Rua Gonçalves Dias 202

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

31 30033306/40204020

CRMMG: 7026


Câncer de Ovário Online (OvarianCancer)


Epidemiology of ovarian cancer: a review

Brett M. Reid, Jennifer B. Permuth, Thomas A. Sellers

Cancer Biol Med. 2017 Feb; 14(1): 9–32


Diagnosis and management of ovarian cancer

C A Doubeni, A R B Doubeni, A E Myers

American Family Physician 2016, vol 93 (11): 937-944


Global trends and predictions in ovarian cancer mortality

M Malvezzi, G Carioli, T Rodriguez et AL

Annals of Oncology 2016, vol 27 (11): 2017-20125


Sexual health, mental health, and beliefs about cancer treatments among women attending a gynecologic oncology clinic

Lisa Eaton, Angela Kueck, Jessica Maksut et al

Sex Med. 2017, vol 5(3): e175–e183


Giant ovarian teratoma: an important differential diagnosis of pelvic masses in children

F N Figueiras, M L Duarte, E R Duarte et al

RadiolBras 2017, vol 50 (5): 342-343


Laparoscopic staging for apparent stage I epithelial ovarian cancer

A Melamed, N L Keating, J T Clemmer et al

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2017, vol 216 (1)


Pathological features and clinical behavior of Lynch syndrome associated ovarian cancer

N.A.J. Ryan, D.G. Evans, K. Green, E.J. Crosbie

GynecolOncol. 2017, vol 144(3): 491–495


The challenge of ovarian cancer. Steps toward early detection through advanced signal processing in magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Kelkic, D Belkic

IMAJ 2017, vol 19


A combined biomarker panel shows improved sensitivity for the early detection of ovarian cancer allowing the identification of the most aggressive type II tumors

Matthew R Russell, Ciaren Graham, Alfonsina D’Amato et al

Br J Cancer. 2017 Aug 22; 117(5): 666–674


Decreased levels of baseline and drug-induced tubulin polymerisation are hallmarks of resistancetotaxanes in ovarian câncer cells and are associated with epithelil-to-mesenchymal transition

George E Duran, Yan C Wang, François Moisan, E Brian Francisco, Branimir I Sikic

Br J Cancer. 2017 May 9; 116(10): 1318–1328


The role of endocrine G protein-coupled receptors in ovarian cancer progression

Qingyu Zhang, Nadine Ellen Madden, Alice Sze Tsai Wong, Billy Kwok Chong Chow, Leo TszOn Lee

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2017; 8: 66.


Acute Abdomen Secondary to Ruptured Epithelial Ovarian Cancer during Pregnancy: The Relevance of Teamwork

Ortiz-Mendoza, Carlos Manuel et al

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Sept 2017, vol.39, no.9, p.513-515


The cost-effectiveness of screening for ovarian cancer, results from the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS)

Usha Menon, Alistair J McGuire, Maria Raikou et al

Br J Cancer.2017, vol117(5): 619–627


Paraneoplastic antigens as biomarkers for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer

Madhumita Chatterjee, Laura C. Hurley, Michael A. Tainsky

GynecolOncol Rep.2017, vol21: 37–44


Methylome analysis of extreme chemoresponsive patients identifies novel markers of platinum sensitivity in high-grade serous ovarian cancer

TusharTomar, Nicolette G. Alkema, Leroy Schreuder et al

BMC Med.2017; vol15: 116.


Resolution of diffuse intrahepatic biliary strictures after chemotherapy for metastatic ovarian cancer

Daniel Lew, Vinay Sundaram, Brad D. Barrows, Simon K. Lo, Srinivas Gadda

ACG Case Rep J.2017; vol4: e77


Ovarian needle aspirationg in the diagnosis and management of ovarian masses

Kimberly Nagamine, Jordan Kondo, Ricky Kaneshiro et al

J Gynecol Oncol.2017, vol28(4): e40


Perioperative changes in serum CA125 levels: a prognostic factor for disease-specific survival in patients with ovarian cancer

NienkeZwakman, Rafli van de Laar, Toon Van Gorp et al

J GynecolOncol.2017, vol  28(1): e7.


Comparison of secondary cytoreductive surgery plus chemotherapy with chemotherapy alone for recurrent epithelian ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal carcinoma: a propensity score-matched analysis of 112 consecutive patients

Akimasa Takahashi, Kazuyoshi Kato, Motoki Matsuura et al

Medicine (Baltimore) 2017, vol96(37): e8006


Skin metastases in ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma: a case report and a review of the literature

Nam G, Lim YM, Cho MS, Lee J, Kim YH.

ObstetGynecol Sci. 2017 Nov;60(6):593-5


Could fertility-sparing surgery be considered for women with early stage ovarian clear cell carcinoma?

DimitriosNasioudis, Eloise Chapman-Davis, Melissa K. Freyet al

J Gynecol Oncol.2017, vol28(6): e71


Young Israeli women with epithelial ovarian cancer: prevalence of BRCA mutations and clinical correlates

LimorHelpman, OmriZidan, Eitan Friedman et al

J Gynecol Oncol.2017 Sep; 28(5): e61


A multiplex platform for the identification of ovarian cancer biomarkers

Kristin L. M. Boylan, Kate Geschwind, Joseph S. Koopmeiners et al

Clin Proteomics. 2017; vol14: 34


Ovarian cancer: density equalizing mappingof the global research architecture

DörtheBrüggmann, Katharina Pulch, Doris Klingelhöfer et al

Int J Health Geogr.2017; vol16: 3


Hipercalcemia e hipofosforemiaenniñacon tumor ovárico.

UbetagoyenaArrieta, Mercedes et al.

Nefrología (Madr.), Feb 2017, vol.37, no.1, p.100-101


Early and consistent overexpression of ADRM1 in ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma

Rosie T. Jiang, Anna Yemelyanova, Deyin Xing et al

J Ovarian Res. 2017; 10: 53.


A prospective study to evaluate the risk malignancy index and its diagnostic implication in patients with suspected ovarian mass

Santosh Kumar Dora, Atal Bihari Dandapat, Benudhar Pande, Jatindra Prasad Hota

J Ovarian Res. 2017; 10: 55.


Biological effects of combined resveratrol and vitamin D3 on ovarian tissue

Francesca Uberti, Vera Morsanuto, Silvio Aprile et AL

J Ovarian Res. 2017; 10: 61


Increased`RHAMM expression relates to ovarian cancer progression

Stephanie T. Buttermore, Mitchel S. Hoffman, Ambuj Kumar et al

J Ovarian Res. 2017; 10: 66


Prediction of clinical response to drugs in ovarian câncer using the chemotherapy resistance test (CTR-test)

Frank Christian Kischkel, Carina Meyer, Julia Eich et al

J Ovarian Res. 2017; 10: 72.


Ovarian mature cystic teratoma: challenges of surgical management

Abha Sinha, Ayman A. A. Ewies

Obstet Gynecol Int. 2016; 2016: 2390178


Targeting the tumor microenvironment in ovarian cancer

Jean M. Hansen, Robert L. Coleman, Anil K. Sood

Eur J Cancer. 2016, vol 56: 131–143


Ultrasound monitoring of extant adnexal masses in the era of type 1 and type 2 ovarian cancer: lessons learned from ovarian cancer screening trials

Eleanor L. Ormsby, Edward J. Pavlik, John P. McGahan

Diagnostics (Basel) 2016, vol7(2): 25


Identification of twelve new susceptibility loci for different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer

Catherine M. Phelan, Karoline B. Kuchenbaecker et al

Nat Genet.2017, vol49(5): 680–691.


The unique molecular and cellular microenvironment of ovarian cancer

Thomas Worzfeld, ElkePogge von Strandmann, Magdalena Huber et al

Front Oncol.2017;vol7: 24


Management of relapsed ovarian cancer: a review

G H Giomelli

Springerplus 2016, vol 5 (1): 1197


Metabolic risk factors and mechanisms of disease in epithelial ovarian cancer: a review

Eric R. Craig, Angelina I. Londoño, Lyse A. Norian, Rebecca C. Arend

GynecolOncol. 2016 Dec; 143(3): 674–683


Mechanisms and target involved in dissemination of ovarian cancer

U H Weidle, F Birzele, G Kollmorgen, R Rueger

CancerGenomics Proteomics.2016 Nov-Dec; 13(6): 407–423.


Ovarian cancer screening and mortality in the UK Collaborative Trial of ovarian cancer screening (UKCTOCS):  a randomized controlled trial

I J Jacobs, U Menon, A Ryan et al

Lancet 2016, vol 387 (10022): 945-956


Ovarian cancer screening and mortality in the UK Collaborative Trial of ovarian cancer screening (UKCTOCS):  a randomized controlled trial

I J Jacobs, U Menon, A Ryan et al

Lancet 2016, vol 387 (10022): 945-956


The impact of paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy on the autonomous nervous system of patient with ovarian cancer

Emmanouil V. Dermitzakis, Vasilios K. Kimiskidis, George Lazaridis et al

BMC Neurol.2016; vol16: 19


Racial/ethnic differences affecting adherence to cancer screening guidelines among women

Jacqueline M. Hirth, TabassumHaque Laz, Mahbubur Rahman, Abbey B. Berenson

J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2016, vol25(4): 371–380


Molecular characterization of epithelial ovarian cancer: implications for diagnosis and treatment

Veronica Rojas, Kim M. Hirshfield, ShridarGanesan, Lorna Rodriguez-Rodriguez

Int J Mol Sci.2016, vol17(12): 2113


Maintaining sexual health throughout gynecologic cancer survivorship: a comprehensive review and clinical guide

Laura B. Huffman, Ellen M. Hartenbach, Jeanne Carter et al

GynecolOncol. 2016, vol140(2): 359–368


How to ask and what to do: a guide for clinical inquiry and intervention regarding female sexual health after cancer

Sharon L. Bober, Jennifer B. Reese, Lisa Barbera et al

CurrOpin Support Palliat Care. 2016 Mar; 10(1): 44–54.


Adherence of primary care physician to evidence-based recommendations to reduce ovarian cancer mortality

Sherri L. Stewart, Julie S. Townsend, Mary C. Puckett, Sun Hee Rim

J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2016, vol25(3): 235–241.


Management, prognosis and reproductive outcomes of borderline ovarian tumor relapse during pregnancy: from diagnosis to potential treatment options

Francesco Cosentino, Luigi Carlo Turco, Stefano Cianciet al

J Prenat Med.2016, vol10(1-2): 8–14


Impact on survival with adjuvant radiotherapy for clear cell, mucinous, and endometriod ovarian cancer: the SEER experience from 2014-to 2011

Sagar C. Patel, Jonathan Frandsen, Sudershan Bhatia, David Gaffney

J GynecolOncol.2016, vol27(5): e45


Bevacizumab toxicity in heavily pretreated recurrent epithelial ovarian fallopian tube, and primary peritoneal cancers

Jovana Y. Martin, Renata R. Urban, John B. Liao, Barbara A. Goff

J GynecolOncol.2016, vol 27(5): e47.


Ovarian cancer screening in menopausal females with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer

Tiffany Lai, Bruce Kessel, Hyeong Jun Ahn, Keith Y. Terada

J GynecolOncol.2016 Jul; vol27(4): e41


Differences in risk for type 1 and type 2 ovarian câncer in a large câncer screening trial

Keith Y. Terada, Hyeong Jun Ahn, Bruce Kessel

J GynecolOncol.2016 May; 27(3): e25


Cell line and patient-derived xenograft models reveal elevated CDCP1 as a target in high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Brittney S Harrington, Yaowu He, Claire M Davies et al

Br J Cancer.2016, vol114(4): 417–426


Adult body mass index and risk of ovarian cancer subtype: a Mendelian randomization study

Suzanne C Dixon, Christina M Nagle, Aaron P Thrift et al

on behalf of the Ovarian CancerAssociation Consortium,

AOCS Group & Australian CancerStudy (Ovarian Cancer)

Int J Epidemiol.2016 Jun; vol45(3): 884–895


Whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of recurrent ovarian cancer: a clinical feasibility study

Katrijn L M Michielsen, IgnaceVergote, RaphaëlaDresen et al

Br J Radiol. November 2016; 89(1067): 2016046


Analgesic medications use and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in African American women

Lauren C Peres, Fabian Camacho, Sarah E Abbott et al

Br J Cancer. 2016 Mar 29; 114(7): 819–825


Association of vitamin D levels and risk of ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study

Jue-Sheng Ong, Gabriel Cuellar-Partida, Yi Lu et al

Australian Ovarian Cancer Study

Int J Epidemiol. 2016 Oct; vol45(5): 1619–1630


Mature Cystic Teratoma of Ovary with Abnormally High Levels of Ca19-9: A Case Report

Sampaio, Joana et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., July 2016, vol.38, no.7, p.365-367


SIADH secundario a adenocarcinoma seroso de ovario tratado conTolvaptán

Araujo Castro, Marta et al.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol.,Dic 2016, vol.81, no.6, p.507-510


Tuberculosis peritoneal conpresentación clínica como cáncer ovárico avanzado: revisión de la literatura

Serman V, Felipe et al.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., 2016, vol.81, no.5, p.411-42


Dolor abdominal agudo como presentación de un linfoma ovárico.

LafallaBernad, Olivia et al.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., 2016, vol.81, no.5, p.399-405.


United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening

U Menon, A Ryan, J Kalsi et al

Journal of Clinical Oncology jun 2015


Asociación entre obesidad y cáncer de ovário

Valladares, Macarena, Corsini, Gino and Romero, Carmen

Rev. méd. Chile, Mayo 2014, vol.142, no.5, p.593-59


Risk assessment, genetic counseling and genetic testing for BRCA-related cancer in women

  1. S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

V A Moyer

Ann Intern Med 2014, vol 160 (4): 271-281


Screening for ovarian cancer

  1. S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

V A Moyer

Ann Intern Med 2012, vol 157 (12): 900-904


Manejo multidisciplinar delcáncer epitelial de ovario: Diagnóstico radiológico.

Sánchez, M.C., Sáenz, J. andOstiz, S.

AnalesSis San Navarra, Ago 2011, vol.34, no.2, p.275-28


■ byDr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Rua Gonçalves Dias 202

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

31 30033306/40204020

CRMMG: 7026
