Depressão Geriátrica Online (Geriatric Depression)
■ Capacidade de rastreio da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica com 10 e 5 itens.
Apóstolo, João Luís Alves et al.
Rev. Enf. Ref., Mar 2018, vol.serIV, no.16, p.29-40
■ Clinical practice guidelines for management of depression in elderly
A Avasthi, S Grover
Indian J Psychiatry 2018, vol 60 (Suppl 3): S3410362
■ Discrimation and risk for suicide in later life
Y Conwell
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018, vol 26 (1): 52-53
■ A systematic review of the measurement of function in late-life depression
K S Binghma, S Kumar, D R Dawson et al
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018, vol 26 (1): 54-72
■ Depression among older adults: a 20-year update on five common myts and misconceptions
E A P Haigh, O E Bogucki, S T Sigmon, D G Blazer
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018, vol 26 (1): 107-122
■ The gender difference in depression: Are elderly women at greater risk for depression than elderly men?
J S Girgus, K Yang, C V Ferri
Geriatrics 2017, vol 2 (4): 35
■ Memory and learning complaints in relation to depression among elderly people with multimorbidity
B Ghose, M Y A Razak
Geriatrics 2017, vol 2 (2): 15
■ Vascular depression consensus report – a critical update
Howard J. Aizenstein, Andrius Baskys, Maura Boldrini et al
BMC Med. 2016; 14: 161
■ Call to caution with the use of atypical antipsychotics for treatment of depression in older adults
K Amodeo, R B Schneider, I H Richard
Geriatrics 2016, vol 1 (4) 33
■ Medically serious and non-serious suicide attempts in persons aged 70 and above
S Wiktorsson, P Olsson, M Waern
Geriatrics 2016, vol 1 (3) 23
■ The pet ownership helpful in reducing the risk and severity of geriatric depression?
N J Needell, N Mehta-Naik
Geriatrics 2016, vol 1 (4): 24
■ Consumo de benzodiazepinas no idoso deprimido.
Gonçalves, Amadeu et al.
Revista Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental, Ago 2017, no.spe5, p.107-111
■ Indicadores de depressão em idosos e os diferentes métodos de rastreamento
Matias, Amanda Gilvani Cordeiro et al
Einstein (São Paulo), Mar 2016, vol.14, no.1, p.6-11
■ Benzodiazepine use in older adults: dangers, management, and alternative therapies
M Markota, T A Rummans, J M Bostwick et al
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2016, vol 91 (11): 1632-1639
■ Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in older people: population based cohort study
C Coupland, P Dhiman, R Morriss et al
BMJ 2011, vol 343: d4551
■ Eficácia da reminiscência na cognição, sintomas depressivos e qualidade de vida em idosos: protocolo de revisão sistemática
Gil, Isabel Maria de Assunção et al.
Rev. Enf. Ref., Mar 2018, vol.serIV, no.16, p.155-160
■ Depression and chronic pain in the elderly: links and management challenges
Panagiotis Zis, Argyro Daskalaki, Ilia Bountouni et al
Clin Interv Aging. 2017; 12: 709–720
■ Depressão em idosos
E M P Paradela
Revista HUPE Abr/Jun 2011
■ Geriatric depression in primary care
M Park, J Unützer
Psychiatr Clin North Am 2011, vol 3 (2)
■ Confiabilidade e validade da escala de depressão geriátrica em idosos com doença arterial coronariana
Pinho, Míriam Ximenes et al.
Arq. Bras. Cardiol., Maio 2010, vol.94, no.5, p.570-579
by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
■ Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular
■ Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular
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