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Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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Case report: a case of recurrent strongyloides stercoralis colitis in a patient with multiple myeloma

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Taenia saginata as a cause of bowel obstruction

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Co-infection with Enterobious vermicularis and Taenia saginata mimicking acute appendicitis

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A case of biliary ascariasis in Korea

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Ascaridial volvulus: an uncommon cause of ileal perforation

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Ascaris in the urinary tract: a case report and review of the literature

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Gallbladder ascariasis in Kosovo – focus on ultrasound and conservative therapy: a case series

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Biliary ascariasis: mimicker of biliary stent

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Ascaris lumbricoides discharge from the mouth

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Ectopic schistosoma mansoni eggs inside a lipoma

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Elevated serum IgG4 levels in a young patient with polyserositis and necator americanus infection

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Hookworm infection caused acute intestinal bleeding diagnosed by capsule: a case report and literature review

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Tools for detection of schistosomiasis in resource limited settings

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Schistosomiasis in European travelers and migrants: analysis of 14 years tropnet surveillance data

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Are medical laboratories ready for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases?

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Helminths and intestinal barrier function

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Intestinal parasites: associations with intestinal and systemic inflammation

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by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

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