Medicina do Adolescente: Perguntas & Respostas Online (Adolescent Medicine: Questions & Answers)
■ Quais os diagnósticos mais frequentes na adolescência? A realidade de uma consulta de Medicina do Adolescente
Abreu, Nina et al
Einstein (São Paulo), 2018, vol.16, no.2
■ Diferenças nas concentrações de cortisol em adolescentes com transtornos alimentares: uma análise sistemática.
Luz Neto, Laércio Marques da et al.
- Pediatr. (Rio J.), Feb 2019, vol.95, no.1, p.18-26
■ Onde são tratados os adolescentes e jovens adultos com câncer no Brasil?
Martins, Helena T.G. et al
- Pediatr. (Rio J.), Aug 2018, vol.94, no.4, p.440-445 (portuguese)
■ Why has adolescence smoking declined dramatically? Trends analysis using repeat cross-sectional data from New Zealand 2012-2015
Jude Ball, Dalice Sim, Richard Edwards
BMJ Open. 2018; 8(10): e020320
■ Versão reduzida da Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21: ela é válida para a população brasileira adolescente?
Silva, Hítalo Andrade da et al
Einstein (São Paulo), Dec 2016, vol.14, no.4, p.486-493
■ Can hepatic steatosis compromise the effect of physical exercise on body composition in obese children and adolescents?
Saraiva, Bruna Thamyres Ciccotti et al.
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum., Aug 2017, vol.19, no.4, p.459-468
■ Exercício físico ou atividade física: Qual apresenta maior associação com a percepção da qualidade do sono de adolescentes?
Oliveira, Luciano Machado Ferreira Tenório de et a
Rev. paul. pediatr., Set 2018, vol.36, no.3, p.322-328
■ Sono e adolescência: quantas horas os adolescentes precisam dormir?.
Pereira, Érico Felden et al.
- bras. psiquiatr., Mar 2015, vol.64, no.1, p.40-44
■ Ingestão de água e líquidos na prevenção e no tratamento da constipação intestinal funcional em crianças e adolescentes: existem evidências?
Boilesen, Sabine Nunes et al
- Pediatr. (Rio J.), Aug 2017, vol.93, no.4, p.320-327 (portuguese)
■ Adolescent drinking in different contexts: What behaviors do parents control?
Sharon Lipperman-Kreda, Paul J. Gruenewald, Melina Bersamin et al
Addict Behav Rep. 2017 Dec; 6: 39–44
■ How do adolescents use electronic diaries? A mixed-methods study among adolescents with depressive symptoms
Metsäranta K, Kurki M, Valimaki M, Anttila M.
J Med Internet Res. 2019 Feb 20;21(2):e11711
■ How does family functioning effect the outcome of family based treatment for adolescents with severe anorexia nervosa?
Andrew Wallis, Jane Miskovic-Wheatley, Sloane Madden et al
J Eat Disord. 2017; 5: 55
■ Identifying disordered eating behaviours in adolescents: how do parent and adolescent reports differ by sex and age?
Savani Bartholdy, Karina Allen, John Hodsoll et a
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2017; 26(6): 691–701
■ The dilemma of adolescent varicoceles: Do they really have to be repaired?
Bryan S. Sack, Mattias Schäfer, Michael P. Kurtz
Curr Urol Rep. 2017 May; 18(5): 38
■ Does puberty mark a transition in sensitive periods for plasticity in the associative neocorted
David J. Piekarski, Carolyn Johnson, Josiah R. Boivin, A. Wren Thomas, Wan Chen Lin, Kristen Delevich, Ezequiel Galarce, Linda Wilbrecht
Brain Res. 2017 Jan 1; 1654(Pt B): 123–144
■ Bullying the brain? Longitudinal links between childhood peer victimization, cortisol, and adolescent brain structure
du Plessis MR, Smeekens S, Cillessen AHN, Whittle S, Güroǧlu B.
Front Psychol. 2019 Jan 11;9:2706
■ Does emotional intelligence mediate the relation between mindfulness and anxiety and depression in adolescents?
Foster B, Lomas J, Downey L, Stough C.
Front Psychol. 2018 Dec 12;9:2463
■ Research on clinical preventive services for adolescents and young adults: Where are we and where do we need to go?
Sion K. Harris, Matthew C. Aalsma, Elissa R. Weitzman et al
J Adolesc Health. 2017 Mar; 60(3): 249–260
■ Are obesity risk genes associated with binge eating in adolescence?
Nadia Micali, Alison E Field, Janet L Treasure, David M Evans
Obesity (Silver Spring) 2015 Aug; 23(8): 1729–173
■ Does major depression affect risk for adolescent obesity?
Robert E. Roberts, Hao T. Duong
J Affect Disord. 2015 Nov 1; 186: 162–167
by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Médico Cooperado Unimed BH – CRMMG: 7026
Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais/Brasil