Neuropatia Diabética: Artigos de Revisão Online (Diabetic Neuropathy: Online Medical Reviews)
■ A review of beneficial low-intensity exercises in diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients
C E Johnson, J K Takesomoto
J Pharm Pharma 2019, vol 22 (1): 22-27
■ Neuropatia diabética
Nascimento, Osvaldo José Moreira do, Pupe, Camila Castelo Branco and Cavalcanti, Eduardo Boiteux Uchôa
Rev. dor, 2016, vol.17, suppl.1, p.46-51 (Portuguese)
■ Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: epidemiology, diagnosis, and pharmacotherapy
Z Iqbal, S Azmi, R Yadav et al
Clinical Therapeutics 2018, vol 40 (6): 828-849
■ Diabetic neuropathy: A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association Diabetes Care 2017, vol 40: 136-154
R Pop-Busui, A J M Boulton, E L Feldman et al
Diabetes Care 2017, vol 40: 136-154
■ New horizons in diabetic neuropathy: mechanisms, bioenergetics, and pain
E L Feldman, D L H Bennet, K Nave, T S Jensen
Neuron 2017, vol 93 (6): 93 (6): 1296-1313
■ Cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus
Agashe S, Petak S.
Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 2018 Oct-Dec;14(4):251-256
■ Cardiac autonomic neuropathy: risk factors, diagnosis and treatment
Victoria A Serhiyenko, Alexandr A Serhiyenko
World J Diabetes. 2018 Jan 15; 9(1): 1–24
■ Update on the impact, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in diabetes: What is defined, What is new, and What is unmet?
Spallone V.
Diabetes Metab J. 2019 Feb;43(1):3-30
■ Pharmacologic management of chronic neuropathic pain: review of the Canadian Pain Society consensus statement
A Mu, E Weinberg, D E Moulin, H Clarke
Can Fam Phycian 2017, vol 63 (11): 844-852
■ A systematic review of treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy by pain phenotype versus treatment based on medical comorbidities
L C Rolim, E m K da Silva, J R De Sá, S A Dib
Front Neuro june 2017
■ Diabetic neuropathy and gait: a review
U Alam, D R Riley, R S Jugdey et al
Diabetes Therapu 2017, vol 8 (6): 1253-1264
■ Diabetic neuropathies: diagnosis and management
G Deli, E Bosnyak, G Pusch, et al
Neuroendocrinology 2013, vol 98: 267-280
■ Clinical approach to peripheral neuropathy: anatomic localization and diagnostic testing
A R Alport, H W Sander
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012, vol 18 (1): 13-38
■ Bases fisiopatológicas para una clasificación de la neuropatía diabética.
Olmos, Pablo R et al.
Rev. méd. Chile, Dic 2012, vol.140, no.12, p.1593-1605
by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Médico Cooperado Unimed BH – CRMMG: 7026
Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais/Brasil