Infertilidade: Artigos de Revisão Online (Infertility: Reviews)

¨As preocupações com a fertilidade são comuns em homens e mulheres em idade reprodutiva. A literatura médica atual fornece informações atualizadas sobre as tecnologias de reprodução assistida disponíveis para o casal infértil, bem como a preservação da fertilidade no contexto de mudanças relacionadas ao envelhecimento no sistema reprodutivo feminino.¨


Infertility: a practical framework

R Flyckt, T Falcone

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2019, vol 86 (7):473-482


A systematic review and standardized clinical validity assessment to male infertility genes

Manon S Oud, Ludmila Volozonoka, Roos M Smits et al

Hum Reprod. 2019, vol 34(5): 932–941


Health state utilities for infertiligy and subfertility

Marieke Krol, Annemiek Nap, Renée Michels et al

Reprod Health. 2019; 16: 47


The impact of infertility on daily occupations and roles

Megan Edwards Collins

J Reprod Infertil. 2019 Jan-Mar; 20(1): 24–34.


Is infertility a disease and does it matter?

Hane Htut Maung

Bioethics. 2019 Jan; 33(1): 43–53


The impact of bisphenol A on fertility, reproductive system, and development: a review of the literature

E Matuszczak, M D Komorowska, W Debek

International Journal of Endocrinology 2019, Article ID 4068717, 8 pages


Does the use of hernia mesh in surgical inguinal hernia repairs cause male infertility? A systematic review and descriptive analysis

Zhiyong Dong, Stacy Ann Kujawa, Cunchuan Wang, Hong Zhao

Reprod Health. 2018; 15: 69.


Role of mental health practicioner in infertility clinics: a review on past, present and future directions

Ansha Patel, P. S. V. N. Sharma, Pratap Kumar

J Hum Reprod Sci. 2018 Jul-Sep; 11(3): 219–228


What do people know about fertility? A systematic review on fertility awareness and its associated factors

J Pedro, T Brandão, L Schimidt et al

Ups J Med Sci 2018, vol 2018, vol 123 (2): 71-81


Genetics of the human y chromosome and its association with male infertility

Stacy Colaco, Deepak Modi

Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018; 16: 14


Female infertility, infertility-associated diagnosis, and comorbidities: a review

Brent Hanson, Erica Johnstone, Jessie Dorais et al

J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Feb; 34(2): 167–177


Impact of Zika virus for infertility specialists: current literature, guidelines, and resource

Jamie P. Dubaut, Nelson I. Agudelo Higuita, Alexander M. Quaas

J Assist Reprod Genet. 2017 Oct; 34(10): 1237–1250


A review of patient-reported outcome measures to assess female infertility-related quality of life

Helen Kitchen, Natalie Aldhouse, Andrew Trigg, et al

Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017; 15: 86


Priorities for family building among patients and partners seeking treatment

Elizabeth A. Duthie, Alexandra Cooper, Joseph B. Davis et al

Reprod Health. 2017; 14: 52


Sexual function in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome and unexplainde infertility

Michael P. Diamond, Richard S. Legro, Christos Coutifaris et al

for the NICHD Reproductive Medicine Network

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Aug; 217(2): 191.e1–191.e19


Causes of male infertility: a 9-year prospective monocentre study on 1737 patients with reduced total sperm counts

  1. Punab, O. Poolamets, P. Paju, et al

Hum Reprod. 2017 Jan; 32(1): 18–31


Who receives a medical evaluation for infertility in the United States?

Leslie V Farland, Ai-ris Y Collier, Katharine F Correia et a

Fertil Steril. 2016, vol 105(5): 1274–1280


The sexual impact of infertility among women seeking fertility care

William D. Winkelman, Patricia P. Katz, James F. Smith, Tami S. Rowen

Sex Med. 2016 Sep; 4(3): e190–e197


Prevalence of infertility and help seeking among 15000 women and men

  1. Datta, M.J. Palmer, C. Tanton, L.J. Gibson, K.G. Jones, W. Macdowall, A. Glasier, P. Sonnenberg, N. Field, C.H. Mercer,

Hum Reprod. 2016 Sep; 31(9): 2108–2118


Evaluation and treatment of infertility

T J Lindsay, K R Vitrikas

Am J Physician 2015, vol 91 (5): 308-314


Unexplained male infertility: diagnosis and management

Hamada, Alaa et al.

Int. braz j urol., Oct 2012, vol.38, no.5, p.576-594


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

Novo endereço:

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 815

Tel: 33245518 (Consulta Particular/Unimed)

– Centro Médico Unimed BH/Contagem/Pedro I

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

CRMMG: 7026


Cefaléia: Artigos de Revisão Online (Headache: Reviews)


P Rizzoli, W J Mullaly

Am J Med 2018, vol 131 (1): 17-24


Acute migraine headache: treatment strategies

L Mayans, A Walling

Am Fam Physicians 2018, vol 97 (4): 243-251


Migraine treatment: the doors for the future are open, but with caution and prudence

Krymchantowski, Abouch V., Krymchantowski, Ana Gabriela Ferreira and Jevoux, Carla da Cunha

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr., Feb 2019, vol.77, no.2, p.115-121


Beta-blocker for the prevention of headache in adults, a systematic review and meta-analysis

Jackson JL, Kuriyama A, Kuwatsuka Y, et al

PLoS One. 2019 Mar 20;14(3):e0212785


Psychological sleep interventions for migraine and tension-type headache: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Sullivan DP, Martin PR, Boschen MJ.

Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 23;9(1):641


Systematic review of episodic migraine prophylaxis: efficacy of conventional treatment used in comparisons with acupuncture

Trinh KV, Diep D, Chen KJQ.

Med Acupunct. 2019 Apr 1;31(2):85-97


Advances in genetics of migraine

Sutherland HG, Albury CL, Griffiths LR.

J Headache Pain. 2019 Jun 21;20(1):72


Clinical features of visual migraine aura: a systematic review

M Viana, E A Tronvik, T P Do et al

The Journal of Headache and pain 2019, vol 20: 64


Aura and stroke: relationship and what we have learnt from preclinical models

M Yemisci, K Eikermann-Haerter

The Journal of Headache and pain 2019, vol 20: 63


Medication-overuse headache. Retrospective comparison of preventive treatments.

Krymchantowski, Abouch V., Krymchantowski, Ana Gabriela Ferreira and Jevoux, Carla da Cunha

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr., Oct 2018, vol.76, no.10, p.668-673


Medication-overuse headache: a widely recognized entity amidst ongoing debate

Nicolas Vandenbussche, Domenico Laterza, Marco Lisicki, et al

J Headache Pain. 2018; 19(1): 50


Pressure pain thresholds over the cranio-cervical region in headache: a systematic review and meta-analysis

René F. Castien, Johannes C. van der Wouden, Willem De Hertogh

J Headache Pain. 2018; 19(1): 9


The association between migraine and physical exercise

Faisal Mohammad Amin, Stavroula Aristeidou, Carlo Baraldi, et al

European Headache Federation School of Advanced Studies (EHF-SAS)

J Headache Pain. 2018; 19(1): 83.


Myofascial triggler points in migraine and tension-type headache

Thien Phu Do, Gerda Ferja Heldarskard, Lærke Tørring Kolding et al

J Headache Pain. 2018; 19(1): 84.


Chronic headache due to overuse of analgesic and anti-migraine agents

Hans-Christoph Diener, Dagny Holle, Thomas Dresler, Charly Gaul

Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2018 Jun; 115(22): 365–370


Therapeutics approaches for the management of trigeminal autonomic cephalagias

Diana Y. Wei, Rigmor H. Jensen

Neurotherapeutics. 2018 Apr; 15(2): 346–360


Migraine treatment: current acute medications and their potential mechanisms of action

Jonathan Jia Yuan Ong, Milena De Felice

Neurotherapeutics. 2018 Apr; 15(2): 274–290


Avaliação do comprometimento cognitivo em pacientes com migrânea episódica

Teixeira, Caroliny Trevisan et al

BrJP, July 2018, vol.1, no.3, p.197-201 (portuguese) (english)


Current prophylactic medications for migraine and their potential mecahmisms of action

Till Sprenger, M. Viana, C. Tassorelli

Neurotherapeutics. 2018 Apr; 15(2): 313–323


Non-pharmacological approaches for migraine

Francesca Puledda, Kevin Shields

Neurotherapeutics. 2018 Apr; 15(2): 336–345


Non-pharmacological approaches for headaches in young age: an update review

Andrasik F, Grazzi L, Sansone E, D’Amico D, Raggi A, Grignani E.

Front Neurol. 2018 Nov 27;9:1009


Advances in the understanding of headache in idiophatic intracranial hypertension

Mollan SP, Hoffmann J, Sinclair AJ.

Curr Opin Neurol. 2019 Feb;32(1):92-98


Non-pharmacological self-management for people living with migraine or tension-type headache: a systematic review incluiding analysis of interventions components

Katrin Probyn, Hannah Bowers, Dipesh Mistry et al

BMJ Open. 2017; 7(8): e016670


Prognostic factors for chronic headache: a systematic review

Katrin Probyn, Hannah Bowers, Fiona Caldwell et al

On behalf of the CHESS Team

Neurology. 2017 Jul 18; 89(3): 291–301


Cefaleia e hormonas

Ribeiro, Vânia Costa et al.

Acta Obstet Ginecol Port, Set 2017, vol.11, no.3, p.182-188


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

Novo endereço:

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 815

Tel: 33245518 (Consulta Particular/Unimed)

– Centro Médico Unimed BH/Contagem/Pedro I

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

CRMMG: 7026
