The impact of inflammatory bowel disease in Canada 2018: Children and adolescent with IBD

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Clinical aspect and treatment for pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases

J S Moon

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (1): 50-56


Fatigue in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease

Els Van de Vijver, Ann Van Gils, Laura Beckers, et al

World J Gastroenterol. 2019, vol 25(5): 632–643


Prevalence of allergic diseases in children with inflammatory bowel disease

Zuzanna Wasielewska, Aleksandra Dolińska, Dominika Wilczyńska et al

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Functional gastrointestinal disorders in infancy: impact of the health of the infant and family

Y Vandenplas, B Hauser, S Salvatore

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (3): 207-216


Gastrointestinal conditions in children with severe feeding difficulties

Desiree Rivera-Nieves, Anita Conley, Keri Nagib, Kaiya Shannon, Karoly Horvath, Devendra Mehta

Glob Pediatr Health. 2019; 6: 2333794X19838536


Eficacia de la intervención nutricia y de la activida física en niños y adolescentes con hígado graso no alcohólico associado a obesidade: revisión sistemática exploratória

E A Caro-Sabido, A Larrosa=Haro

Revista de Gastroenterologia 2019, vol 84 (2): 185-194


Short Bowel syndrome as the leading cause of intestinal failure in early life: some insights into the management

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Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (4): 303-329


Diagnosis and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infant and children: from guidelines to clinical practice

J I G Ayerbe, B Hauser, S Salvatore et al

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (2): 107-121


Evaluation and treatment of malnutrition and associated gastrointestinal complications in children with cerebral palsy

I Trivic, I Hojsak

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (2): 122-131


Foreign body removal in children using Foley catheter or Magnet tube from gastrointestinal tract

J Y Choe, B Choe

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (2): 132-141


Successful transition from pediatric to adult care in inflammatory bowel disease: What is the key?

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Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (1): 28-40


Recent advance in very early onset inflammatory boewl disease

J O Shim

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2019, vol 22 (1): 41-49


Early biologic treatment in pediatric Crohn´s disease: catching the therapeutic window of opportunity in early disease by treat-to-treat

B Kang, Y H Choe

Ped Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2018, vol 21 (1): 1-11


Classification of pediatric functional gastrointestinal disorders related to abdominal pain using Rome III vs Rome IV criterions

Trent Edwards, Craig Friesen, Jennifer V. Schurman

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■ Uso de fibras no tratamento da constipação infantil: revisão sistemática com metanálise

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Medical and surgical management of pediatric ulcerative colitis

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Pediatric Crohn´s disease

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Surgical management of idiopathic constipation in pediatric patients

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Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2018, vol 31 (2): 89-98


Current approaches to pediatric polyposis syndrome

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Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection in children and adolescents in Korea

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Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr 2018, vol 21 (4): 219-233


Sobreposición entre los transtornos functionales de dolor abdominal y enfermedades orgânicas en niños

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Revista de Gastroenterología de México 2018, vol 83 (3): 268-274


Diagnóstico y tratamento de la esofagitis eosinofílica em niños. Revisión de la literatura y recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia.

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Vaccines for preventing rotavirus diarrhea: vaccines in use

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Guts, germs, and iron: a systematic review on iron supplementation, iron fortification, and diarrhea in children aged 4-59 months

Adnaan Ghanchi, Philip T James, Carla Cerami

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Neuroendocrine tumors in pediatrics

Zainab Azam Farooqui, Aman Chauhan

Glob Pediatr Health. 2019; 6: 2333794X19862712


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

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