Sexualidade durante a Pandemia COVID-19 (Sexuality during COVID-19 Pandemic)

How is the COVID-19 affecting our sexualities? An overview of the current media narratives and research hypothes

N Döring

Archives of Sexual Behavior 2020, vol 49: 2765-2778


The impact of telemedicine on sexual medicine at a major academic center during the COVID-19 pandemic

M J Rabinowitz, T P Kohn, c Ellimoottil et al

Sexual Medicine march 2021


Queda do desempenho sexual em homens e mulheres v

L S Alves – Instituto de Urologia e Andrologia

UROMINAS vol 8 (7)


Sexual health and COVID-19: protocol for a scoping review

N Kumar, K Jannohamed, K Nyhan et al

Systematic Reviews 2021, vol 10, article number: 37


The impact of COVID-19 on sexual health: a preliminary framework based on a qualitative study with clinical sexologists

Patrícia M. Pascoal, Joana Carvalho, Catarina F. Raposo, Joana Almeida, Ana Filipa Beato

Sex Med. 2021 Feb; 9(1): 100299


SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia affects male reproductive hormone levels: a prospective, cohort study

M Kadihasanoglu, S Aktas, E Yardimi et al

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2021, vol 18 (2): P256-p264


To have or not to have sex? COVID-19 and sexual activity among Chinese-speaking gay and bisexual men in Hong Kong

Y T Suen, R C Chan, E M Y Wong

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2021, vol 18 (1): P29-p34


Coping using sex during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the United Kingdom

G M Gillespie, A Jones, K Uzieblo et al

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2021, vol 18 (1): P50-p62


Identity threat and coping among British South Asian gay men during the COVID-19 lockdown

R Jaspal,

Sexuality & Culture february 2021


The impacts of isolation measures against SARS-CoV-2 infection on Sexual Health

M Alpalhão, P Filipe

AIDS and Behavior 2020, vol 24: 2258-2259


Considerações sobre a pandemia de Covid-19 e seus efeitos sobre a fecundidade e a saúde sexual e reprodutiva das brasileiras

Coutinho, Raquel Zanatta et al.

Rev. bras. estud. popul., 2020, vol.37


Trabalho sexual em período de pandemia por COVID-19 no contexto íbero-americano: análise de anúncios em websites.

Passos, Taciana Silveira and Almeida-Santos, Marcos Antonio

Ciênc. saúde coletiva, Nov 2020, vol.25, no.11, p.4237-4248


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Blog Internet Médica –

Data: março 2021

COVID-19: Five Things to Know About/CMAJ

Rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2: Five Things to Know About

M Liu, R K Arora, M Krajden

CMAJ 2021, vol 193 (13): E447


SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) serology: implications for clinical practice, laboratory medicine and public health

P V Caeseele, D Bailey, T C Dingle, M Krajden

For the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force

CMAJ 2021, vol 192 (34): E973-E979


Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2: Five Things to Know About

C Boodman, P Lagacé-Wiens, J Bullard

CMAJ 2021, Vol 192 (26): E713


Remdesivir for patients with COVI-19: Five Things to Know About

P E Wu, A M Morris

CMAJ 2021, vol 193 (4): E125


Kidney injury associated with COVID-19

D Blum, A Meraz-Munoz, Z Harel

CMAJ 2021, vol 193 (37): E1065


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Blog Internet Médica –

Data: abril 2021