Tuberculosis of the finger

J Mandal, M Margaretten

N Engl J Med 2018, vol 379: 1161


A case-report of a pulmonary tuberculosis with lymphadenopathy mimicking a lymphoma

C Collu, A Fois, P Crivelli et al

International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2018, vol 70: 38-41


Tuberculous mimicking metástases by malignancy in FDG PET/CT

B Liu, L Dong, X Wang et al

QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 2017, vol 110 (3): 173-174


Tuberculous peritonitis

K Okamoto, S Hatakeyama

N Engl J Med 2018, vol 379: e20


A case report of peritoneal tuberculosis: a challenging diagnosis

D B Gökten, B Katipoglu, E Basara et AL

Case Reports in Infectious Diseases 2018, Article ID 4970836, 3 pages


Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome associated with tuberculous salpingitis and peritonitis: a case presentation and review of literature

Laura Coremans, Frederik de Clerck

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Gastric tuberculosis with outlet obstruction: a case report presenting with a mass lesion

R S Ecka, Z A Wani, M Sharma

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Disseminated tuberculosis presenting as chronic orchiepididymitis in a military trainee: a case report and review of the literature

M W Williams, A Burris, A Zingalis et al

Case Reports in Infectious Diseases 2018, Article ID 7316097, 4 pages


Tuberculose genitourinária – uma apresentação rara de uma infeção ainda frequente nos doentes transplantados renais.

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Fever with pancytopenia: unusual presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis: a case report

Chamara Dalugama, Indika Bandara Gawarammana

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Tuberculous pericarditis

D Faria, A Freitas

N Engl J Med 2018, vol 378: e27


Cardiac tamponade mimicking tuberculous pericarditis as the initial presentation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in a 58-year-old woman: a case report

E Lin, A Boire, Y Hemmige et al

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A rare case of pneumopericardium in the setting of tuberculous constrictive pericarditis

L L Abrahan, J D A Magno, C C C Uy-Agbayani et al

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Atypical imaging of spinal tuberculosis: a case report and review of literature

H Zhang, Z Lu

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Primary nasal tuberculosis in a 10-year-old girl

M Özer, Y özsurekçi, A B Cengiz et al

Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 2016, Article ID 9128548, 3 pages


Laryngeal tuberculosis: a forgotten disease

H Matsuura, Y Yamaki

QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 2017, vol 110 (8): 173-174


Oral tuberculosis: a rare manifestation of disseminated disease in a patient with dermatomyosistis on chronic corticosteroids

D Khateeb, M Kang, E Capitle, M Feurdean

Case Reports in Medicine 2016, Article 8193178, 4 pages


Primary adrenal and chest wall tuberculousis presenting as an adrenal crisis

S A Jang, J H Park, K A Lee

QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 2017, vol 110 (6): 389-390


Miliary tuberculosis

H Matsuura, M Nakatsu

QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 2017, vol 110 (10): 683


Neurosyphilis with concomitant cryptococcal and tuberculous meningitis in a patient with AIDS: report of a unique case

Jose Armando Gonzales Zamora, Luis Alberto Espinoza, Rita N. Nwanyanwu

Case Rep Infect Dis. 2017; 2017: 4103858


Tuberculous meningitis in an imunocompetent host: a case report

Suchin R. Khanna, Stephen M. Kralovic, Rajan Prakash

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An unusual presentation of tuberculous meningitis

S Sali, N Valipour

Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015, vol 10 (3): e26083


Tuberculous abscess

T Troelsen, O Hilbert

N Engl J Med 2014, vol 371: 161


by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

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