Grupo e Núcleos de Estudos da Doença Inflamatória Intestinal no Brasil

O GEDIIB é uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que, pelo esforço de seus associados, congrega especialistas de diversas áreas da medicina (Gastroenterologia, Coloproctologia, Endoscopia, Cirurgia Geral e Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo) relacionadas ao tratamento das doenças inflamatórias intestinais.

GEDIIB – Grupo e Núcleos de Estudos da Doença Inflamatória Intestinal no Brasil

Gastroenterologia & Coloproctologia: Casos Clínicos Online

Acesse online os 27 casos clínicos online no campo da Gastroentetologia & Coloproctologia, já disponíveis (publicações 2017), em diferentes freemedicaljournals:


Strongyloides stercoralis infection: an exotic cause of chronic diarrhea

Dimitrios S. Politis, Eleni Triantafyllidi, Konstantinos H. Katsanos, Dimitrios K. Christodoulou

Ann Gastroenterol. 2017; 30(4): 467.


Actinomycosis causing recurrent perianal fistulae

Mariana Ferreira Cardoso, Carla Carneiro, Luís Carvalho Lourençoet al

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e82


Bezoar metálico no trato gastrointestinal – relato de caso

P S C de Oliveira, r O M Franco, M C A de Souza, H J P Garcia

Medicina (RibeirãoPreto, Online.) 2017;50(2):114-18


Síndrome de Plummer-Vinson

Fabiana Necer Ferreira Cabral, Talita Cristina Cardoso da Silva, Franc Jorge Sampaio Santos Pereiraet al

Medicina USP 2017, vol 96 (2)


High levels of transaminases in a choledocholithiasis case: the importance of knowing thispattern

J V V Ferri, J P M D da Silva, U Oliveira Filho et al

Medicina USP 2017, vol 96 (2)


Diagnóstico pré-natal de peritonite meconial – relato de caso

M P T Costa, H N Feitosa, K M Cordeiro, et al

Revista de Medicina da UFC 2017, vol 57 (1)


Enteropatia crônica por radiação em câncer de vagina

Marcus Vinicius Ferreira Dutra, Sandro José Martins, Vitorino Modesto Santos, Marcos Vasconcelos Carneiro

RevMedSaude Brasília 2017, vol 6 (1): 59-63


Trombose venosa portal e esplênica e pancreatite aguda

Vitorino Modesto Santos, Francisca Germanya Morais Borges Viana, Priscilla Souza Faria et al

RevMedSaude Brasília 2017, vol 6 (1): 73-78


Massive hepatic infarction caused by HELLP syndrome

Adam E. Mikolajczyk, John Renz, Geraldine Diaz, Lindsay Alpert, John Hart, Helen S. Te

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e81


Midgut volvulus as a complication of intestinal malrotation in pregnancy

Artur Sérgio Gião Antunes, Bruno Peixe, Horácio Guerreiro

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e9


Gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to scurvy in an alcoholic malnourished cirrhotic patient

Artur Sérgio Gião Antunes, Bruno Peixe, Horácio Guerreiro

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e29


Gastric ischemia as a rare cause of hematemesis

  1. Brooks Vance, Christian A. Mayorga

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e4


Severe esophageal injury after radiofrequency ablation – a deadly complication

Nurit Katz-Agranov, Moises I Nevah Rubin

World J Gastroenterol. 2017 May 14; 23(18): 3374–3378


Protein-losing pseudomembranous colitis with cap polyposis-like features

Wolfgang Kreisel, Guenther Ruf, Richard Salm et al

World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Apr 28; 23(16): 3003–3010


Chronic granulomatous disease mimicking colonic Crohn´s disease successfully treated with infliximab

Armando Peixoto, Rosa Coelho, Tiago Maiaet al

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e46.


A rare case of Crohn´s ileitis in a patient with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency

PavlosKaimakliotis, Francis Giardiello, OgechukwuEze, BrindusaTruta

Ann Gastroenterol. 2017; 30(3): 370–372


Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in alcoholic hepatitis: hepatic encephalopathy a common theme

Elizabeth S John, RamySedhom, IshitaDalal, Ranita Sharma

World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jan 14; 23(2): 373–376.


Small bowel enteropathy associated with olmesartanmedoxomil treatment

Michail Galanopoulos, LazarosVarytimiadis, AthanasiosTsigaridaset al

Ann Gastroenterol. 2017; 30(1): 131–133.


Pancreatic endometrial cyst mimics mucinous cystic neoplasma of the pancreas

Michael A Mederos, Nicole Villafañe, SadhnaDhingraet al

World J Gastroenterol. 2017, vol 23(6): 1113–1118


Clinical and immunologic effects of faecal microbiota transplantation in a patient with collagenous colitis

SezinGünaltay, Lech Rademacher, Elisabeth Hultgren Hörnquist, Johan Bohr

World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Feb 21; 23(7): 1319–1324


Midgut volvulus after percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy

Diana Martins, Paula Sousa, Juliana Pinho, Joana Ruivoet al

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e59


Severe esophageal injury after radiofrequency ablation – a deadly complication

Nurit Katz-Agranov, Moises I Nevah Rubin

World J Gastroenterol. 2017 May 14; 23(18): 3374–3378


Severe esophagitis from nivolumab therapy

Justin Boike, Todd Dejulio

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e57


Systemic mastocytosis complicated by non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and variceal bleeding

Thomas R. McCarty, Adelina Hung, Arpan Mohanty, John I. Allen

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e30


Steroid-induced psychosis after EUS-Guided celica plexus blockade

David C. Olson, Jason J. Lewis

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e11


Development of mucormycosis colitis during prolonged hospitalization

Andrew J. Kruger, Rohan M. Modi, Martha Yearsley, Emmanuel E. Ugbarugba

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e56


Lymphotic gastritis identified by abnormal PET scan

Christopher J. Murphy, Benjamin Swanson, Michael Markow, Peter P. Stanich

ACG Case Rep J. 2017; 4: e62