II Tema Especial Online: Colonoscopia

UK key performance indicators and quality assurance standards for colonoscopy

Colin J Rees, Siwan Thomas Gibson, Matt D Rutter et al

Gut. 2016 Dec; 65(12): 1923–1929.



Developing and testing an electronic measure of screening colonoscopy overuse in a large integrated healthcare system

Sameer D. Saini, Adam A. Powell, Jason A. Dominitz et al

J Gen Intern Med. 2016 Apr; 31(Suppl 1): 53–60



Expert opinions and scientific evidence for colonoscopy key performance indicators

Colin J Rees, Roisin Bevan, Katharina Zimmermann-Fraedrich et al

Gut. 2016 Dec; 65(12): 2045–2060



Complication rates in colonoscopy screening for cancer: a prospective cohort study of complications arising during the procedure and in the ensuing four weeks

Nadine Zwink, Bernd Holleczek, Christa Stegmaier et al

Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017 May; 114(18): 321–327



Effect of colonoscopy volume on quality indicators

D Pace, M Borgaonkar, M Lougheed et al

Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016 (2016), Article ID 7591637, 5 pages



Safety degree assessment of drugs used in conscious sedation for colonoscopy in patients that develop respiratory depression

Rech, Fernanda Maraschin, Kock, Kaiser de Souza and Bellei, Amanda Colpani

  1. Coloproctol. (Rio J.), Mar 2017, vol.37, no.1, p.31-37



Comparative analysis of endoscopic and histopathological features of superficial elevated lesions resected by endoscopic mucosal resection in the distal and proximal colon

Parada, Artur Adolfo et al

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir., June 2016, vol.43, no.3, p.178-184



Patient experience of CT colonoscopy and colonoscopy after fecal occult blood test in a national screening programme

Andrew A. Plumb, Alex Ghanouni, Colin J. Rees et al

Eur Radiol. 2017; 27(3): 1052–1063



Underuse and overuse of colonoscopy for repeat screening and surveillance in the Veterans Health Administration

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Mar; 14(3): 436–444.e1



Seeing better – evidence based recommendations on optimizing colonoscopy adenoma detection rate

Javier Aranda-Hernández, Jason Hwang, Gabor Kandel

World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Feb 7; 22(5): 1767–1778



Sedation in colonoscopy by using three different propofol infusion method and analysis of plasma concentration levels: a prospective comparative study

Carvalho, Paulo Henrique Boaventura de et al

ABCD, arq. bras. cir. dig., Dec 2016, vol.29, no.4, p.264-268

Usefulness of early colonoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of moderate or severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding

Correa, Paulo et al.

  1. Coloproctol. (Rio J.), Mar 2017, vol.37, no.1, p.25-30



Limpieza intestinal para colonoscopia en niños: efectividad, adherencia y efectos adversos de esquemas diferenciados por edad

Miquel, Isabel et al.

Rev. chil. pediatr., Abr 2017, vol.88, no.2, p.216-222



Colonoscopy in the diagnosis of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding

Benevides, Igor Borba de Souza e and Santos, Carlos Henrique Marques dos

  1. Coloproctol. (Rio J.), Dec 2016, vol.36, no.4, p.185-188



Pathological findings of colorectal polyps analyzed in Curitiba – Brazil.

Nisihara, Renato et al.

  1. Coloproctol. (Rio J.), June 2017, vol.37, no.2, p.123-127



Should screening colonoscopy be offered from age 50? Results from a statewide pilot projet, and from a randomized intervention study

Hermann Brenner, Nadine Zwink, Leopold Ludwig, Michael Hoffmeister

Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017 Feb; 114(6): 94–100.



Effect of colonoscopy volume on quality indicators

D Pace, M Borgaonkar, M Lougheed et al

Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016 (2016), Article ID 2580894, 7 pages



Obesity increases prevalence of colonic adenomas at screening colonoscopy: A Canadian-Community-Based Study

T F Shapero, G I Chen, T Devlin et al

Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017 (2017), Article ID 8750967, 8 pages



Preassessment interview improves the efficacy and safety of bowel preparation for colonoscopy

H Padmanabhan, A Rothnie, A Higgins et al

Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016 (2016), Article ID 7591637, 5 pages



Video capsule colonoscopy in routine clinical practice

E Toth, D E Yung, A Nemeth et al

Annals of Translational Medicine 2017, vol 5 (9)
