Obesidade Online: Exercício & Dieta
■ Measurement methods for physical activity and energy expenditure: a review
Didace Ndahimana, Eun-Kyung Kim
Clin Nutr Res. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 68–80.
■ International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: diets and body composition
A A Aragon, B J Schoenfeld, R Wildman et al
J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2017, vol 14: 160
■ International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise
R Jäger, C M Kerksick, B I Campbell et al
J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2017, vol 14: 20
■ Prediction and evaluation of resting expenditure in a large group of obese outpatients
M Marra, I Cioffi, R Sammarco et al
Int J Obes 41: 697-705
■ Fat utilization during high-intensity exercise: Whem does it end?
Ratko Peric, Marco Meucci, Zoran Nikolovski
Sports Med Open. 2016 Dec; 2: 35
■ Total energy expenditure, energy intake, and body composition in endurance athletes across the training season: a systematic review
Juliane Heydenreich, Bengt Kayser, Yves Schutz, Katarina Melzer
Sports Med Open. 2017 Dec; 3:
■ Effect on 12-week intensive dietary and exercise program on weight reduction and maintenance in obese women with weight cycling history
Kwon HN, Nam SS, Park YK.
Clin Nutr Res. 2017 Jul;6(3):183-197
■ Effectiveness of a four-week diet regimen, exercise and psychological intervention for weight loss
Weinreich T, Filz HP, Gresser U, Richartz BM.
J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Mar;11(3):LC20-LC24
■ Exercise improved sêmen quality and reproductive hormone levels in sedentary obese adults
Rosety MÁ, Díaz AJ, Rosety JM et al
Nutr Hosp. 2017 Jun 5;34(3):603-60
■ Effects of exercise training on fat loss and lean mass gain in Mexican-American and Korean premenopausal women
S Wu, K Park, J B McCormick
International Journal of Endocrinology 2017 (2017), Article ID 5465869, 7 pages
■ Effects of exercise training and weigh loss on plasma fetuin-A levels and insulin sensitivity in overweight older men
J B Bluemnthal, A Gitterman, A S Ryan, S J Prior
Journal of Diabetes Research 2017 (2017), Article 1492581, 7 pages
■ Effects of supervised and unsupervised physical activity programmes for weight loss
S A Creasy, R J Rogers, K K Davis et al
Obesity Science and Practive 2017, vol 3 (2): 143-184
■ Determinants of walking among middle-aged and older overweight and obese adults: socio demographic, health, and built environmental factors
S N Forjuoh, M G Ory, J Won et al
Journal of Obesity 2017 (2017), Article ID 9565430, 11 pages
■ Body image in a representative sample of overweight, obese and normal weight active older women living in the community: associations with body composition, physical fitness and function.
Raso, Vagner et al.
MedicalExpress (São Paulo, online), Aug 2016, vol.3, no.4
■ Influence of morbid obesity on physical capacity, knee-related symptoms and overall quality of life: A cross-sectional study
Tamura, Lilian Sarli et al.
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras., Feb 2017, vol.63, no.2, p.142-147
■ Effects of a twelve-week weight reduction exercise programme on selected spatiotemporal gait parameters of obese individuals
J A Jegede, B O A Adegoke, O M Olagbegi
Journal of Obesity vol 2017 (2017), Article ID 4193256, 7 pages
■ Aerobic exercise training without weight loss reduces dyspnea on exertion in obese women
Vipa Bernhardt, Jonathon L. Stickford, Dharini M. Bhammar, Tony G. Babb
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2016 Jan 15; 221: 64–70
■ Exercise, adipokines and pediatric obesity: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
A García-Hermoso, R J M Ceballos-Ceballos, C E Poblete-Aro et al
Int J Obes 2017, vol 41: 475-482
■ Intra-gastric ballon as an adjunct to lifestyle support in severely obese adolescents; impact on weight, physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and psychosocial well-being
L J Reece, P Sachdev, R J Copeland et al
Int J Obes 2017, vol 41: 591-597
■ An evaluation of low volume high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) for health risk reduction in overweight and obese men
Benjamin M. Kelly, Soteris Xenophontos, James A. King, Myra A. Nimm
BMC Obes. 2017; 4: 17.
■ Understanding perceived determinants of nurses´eating and physical activity behaviour: a theory-informed qualitative interview study
Brian T. Power, Kirsty Kiezebrink, Julia L. Allan, Marion K. Campbell
BMC Obes. 2017; 4: 18.
■ Effect of caloric restriction or aerobic exercise training on peak oxygen comsumption and quality of life in obese older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: a randomized, controlled trial
Dalane W. Kitzman, Peter Brubaker, Timothy Morgan et al
JAMA. 2016 Jan 5; 315(1): 36–46.
■ Effects of exercise intensity and nutrition advice on myocardial function in obese children and adolescents: a multicentre randomised controlled Trial study protocol
Katrin A Dias, Jeff S Coombes, Daniel J Green et al
BMJ Open. 2016; 6(4): e010929.
■ Exercise, appetite and weight control: Are there differences between men and women?
Alice E. Thackray, Kevin Deighton, James A. King, David J. Stensel
Nutrients. 2016 Sep; 8(9): 583
■ Effect of physical activity and dietary restriction interventions on weigh loss and the musculoskeletal function of overweight and obese older adults with knee osteoartrhritis: a systematic review and mixed method data synthesis
A S Alrushud, A B Rushton, A M Kanavaki, C A Greig
BMJ Open 2016, vol 7 (6)
■ Does the incremental shuttle walk test require maximal effort in young obese women?.
Jürgensen, S.P. et al.
Braz J Med Biol Res, 2016, vol.49, no.8.
■ Treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade em mulheres com sobrepeso e obesidade
N A Fernandes, M R Ribas, F Azevedo
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2016, vol 10 (60)
■ Exercício contra resistência e sua eficácia no tratamento da obesidade: uma revisão
A Schurt, R Liberali, F Navarro
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2016, vol 10 (59)
■ Os efeitos do treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade para o emagrecimento
W de O Belmiro, A C Navarro
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2016, vol 10 (59)
■ Educational strategies for the prevention of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity
Machado, Alexandre Paulo et AL
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras., Nov 2016, vol.62, no.8, p.800-808
■ Knee arthroscopic visibility alterations in obese and non-obese patients
Zini, Cássio et al
ABCD, arq. bras. cir. dig., 2016, vol.29, suppl.1, p.75-79
■ Tendinopathy and obesity
Castro, Adham do Amaral e et al
ABCD, arq. bras. cir. dig., 2016, vol.29, suppl.1, p.107-11
■ Exercise training and weight gain in obese pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial (ETIP Trial)
Kirsti Krohn Garnæs, Siv Mørkved, Øyvind Salvesen, Trine Moholdt
PLoS Med. 2016 Jul; 13(7): e1002079.
■ Avaliação do conhecimento em nutrição de mulheres fisicamente ativas e sua associação com características sociodemográficas e estado nutricional
J C Almeida, V S Siqueira, C B Piantino
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2017, vol 11 (64)
■ Efeito do exercício físico na melhora do grau de flexibilidade na articulação dos joelhos em obesos exercitados comparados com obesos sedentários
Z A Santos, R Ribeiro
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2016, vol 10 (55)
■ Influence of morbid obesity on physical capacity, knee-related symptoms and overall quality of life: A cross-sectional study
Tamura, Lilian Sarli et al.
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras., Feb 2017, vol.63, no.2, p.142-147
■ Body image in a representative sample of overweight, obese and normal weight active older women living in the community: associations with body composition, physical fitness and function.
Raso, Vagner et al.
MedicalExpress (São Paulo, online), Aug 2016, vol.3, no.4
■ Association of insufficient physical activity with sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in individuals aged 50 years or more.
Santos, Vanessa Ribeiro dos et al.
Rev. Nutr., Mar 2017, vol.30, no.2, p.175-184
■ Exercício físico com atividades recreativas: uma alternativa da obesidade infantil
W L Testa, L S Poeta, M F S Duarte
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2016, vol 11 (62)
■ A obesidade infantil e o efeito do exercício agudo da natação e a resposta da sudorese para um desenvolvimento saudável
R A Miranda, A C Navarro
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2016, vol 10 (55)
■ Teste de caminhada de seis minutos: desempenho de crianças com excess de peso
Cibinello, Fabíola Unbehaun et al
Rev Bras Med Esporte, Abr 2017, vol.23, no.2, p.142-146
■ Efeitos de uma intervenção com pedômetro sobre o risco metabólico em crianças obesas
Stabelini Neto, Antonio et al
Rev Bras Med Esporte, Dez 2016, vol.22, no.6, p.476-479
■ Avaliação da atividade física de escolares com um questionário via internet
Jesus, Gilmar Mercês de et al
Rev Bras Med Esporte, Ago 2016, vol.22, no.4, p.261-266
■ Effect of physical activity on cardiometabolic markers in adolescents: systematic review
Miranda, Valter Paulo Neves et al
Rev Bras Med Esporte, June 2016, vol.22, no.3, p.235-24
■ Alimentação, risco cardiovascular e nível de atividade física em adolescentes
K De Lima Sumini, G B Oselame, C Oselame, et al
Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 2017, vol 11 (61)
■ Controle postural e atividade física em crianças eutróficas, com sobrepeso e obesas
Neves, Jessica Caroliny de Jesus, Souza, Aryane Karoline Vital de and Fujisawa, Dirce Shizuko
Rev Bras Med Esporte, Maio 2017, vol.23, no.3, p.241-245
■ Longitudinal study of the associations between change in sedentary behavior and change in adiposity during childhood and adolescence: Gateshead Millennium Study
K D Mann, L D Howe, L Basterfield et al
Int J Obes 2017, vol 41: 1042-1047;
■ Effects of a ¨school-based¨ physical activity intervention on adiposity in adolescents from economically disadvantaged communities: secondary outcomes of the¨Physical Activity 4 Everyone¨ RCT
J L Hollis, R Sutherland, L Campbell et al
Int J Obes 40: 1486-1493
■ Psycho-physiological response of obese adolescents to an intermittent run test compared with a 20-M shuttle run
Olivier Rey, Christophe Maïano, Caroline Nicol et al
J Sports Sci Med. 2016 Sep; 15(3): 451–459
■ Examining measures of weight as risk factors for sport-related injury in adolescents
Sarah A. Richmond, Alberto Nettel-Aguirre, Patricia K. Doyle-Baker et al
J Sports Med (Hindawi Publ Corp) 2016; 2016: 7316947