Angiologia & Cirurgia Vascular: Diretrizes Médicas Online


Guideline on the management of patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease

M D Gerhard-Herman, H L Gornik, C Barret et al

A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines

Circulation 2017, vol 135: e726-e779


Percutaneous therapies for peripheral artery disease

M H Shisehbor, M R Jaff

Circulation 2016, vol 134: 2008-2027


Management of the diseases of mesenteric arteries and veins

Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society of Vascular Surgery

M Björck, M Koelemay, S Acosta et AL

European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 2017, vol 53 (4): 460-510


MR lymphangiography: a practical guide to perform it and a brieg review of the literature from a technical point of view

F G Mazzei, F Gentili, S Guerrini, N C Sqitieri et al

BioMed Research International 2017 (2017), Article ID 2598358, 8 pages


Ultrasonography of the lower extremity veins: anatomy and basic approach

D Lee, K Ahn, C H Kang, S B Cho

Ultrasonography 2017, vol 36 (2): 120-130


Ultrasonography of the lower extremity arteries: anatomy and scanning guidelines

Ji Young Hwang

Ultrasonography. 2017 Apr; 36(2): 111–119


CE: Venous thromboembolism: updated management guideline

S H Roberts, S M Lawrence

Am J Nursing 2017, vol 117 (5): 38-47


A synopsis of current international guidelines and new modalities for the treatment of varicose veins

N Kemp

RAGGP 2017, vol 46 (4): 229-233


Chronic venous insufficiency: management and treatment

Summary of selected presentations from the Chronic Venous Disease and Haemorrhoidal Disease 2016

EMJ Dermatol 2017, vol 5 (suppl 2): 2-13


Indications for medical compression stocking in venous and lymphatic disorders: an evidence-based consensus statement

E Rabe, H Partch, J Hafner et AL

Phlebology fev 2017


Management of venous thromboembolism: an update

Siavash Piran, Sam Schulman

Thromb J. 2016; 14(Suppl 1): 23


Pathways for outpatient management of venous thromboembolism in a UK centre

Robin Condliffe

Thromb J. 2016; 14: 47


Causes of venous thrombosis

  1. R. Rosendaal

Thromb J. 2016; 14(Suppl 1): 24


Management of chronic venous disease

Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society of Vascular Surgery

C Wittens, A H Davies, N Baekgaard et al

European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 2015, vol 49: 678-737


Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in urology: a review

M Saluja, P Gilling

International Journal of Urology july 2017


Antithrombotic therapy for prophylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer: review of the literature on current practice and emerging options

C Ay, P W Kamphuisen, G Agnelli

ESMO Open 2017


Venous thromboembolism in Latin America: a review and guide to diagnosis and treatment for primary care

Ceresetto, Jose Manuel.

Clinics, Jan 2016, vol.71, no.1, p.36-46


Endovascular iliocaval stent reconstruction for inferior vena cava filter-associated iliocaval thrombosis: approach, technical success, safety, and two-year outcomes in 120 patient

J F B Chick, A Jo, J M Meadows et al

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2017, vol 28 (7): 933-939


Endovascular management of chronic total occlusions of the inferior vena cava and iliac veins

E H Murphy, B Johns, E Varney, S Raj

Journal of Venous Surgery, Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 2017, vol 5 (1): 47-59


Practice patterns of endovenous ablation therapy for the treatment of venous reflux disease

F Aziz, J Diaz, J Blebea, F Lurie

Journal of Venous Surgery, Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 2017, vol 5 (1): 75-81


Robotic inferior vena cava surgery

V J Davila, C S Velazco, W M Stone et al

Journal of Venous Surgery, Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 2017, vol 5 (2): 194-199


A systematic review and meta-analysis of the risk for development of varicose veins in women with a history of pregnancy

L Ismail, P Normahani, N J Standfield et al

Journal of Venous Surgery, Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 2016, vol 4 (4): 518-524


Inflammatory manifestation of lymphedema

C L Ly, R P Kataru, B J Mehrara

Int J Mol Sci 2017, vol 18 (1): 171


Interventional radiologists and endovascular therapy for acute ischemic strokes

D Sacks

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2017, vol 28 (8): 1137-1140


Systematic review and single-center experience for endovascular management of visceral and renal artery aneurysms

H K Kok, H Asadi, M Sheehan et al

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2016, vol 27 (11): 1630-1641


Vascular graft infection, mycotic aneurysms, and endovascular infections

A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

W R Wilson, T C Bower, M A Creager et al

Circulation 2016, vol 134: e412-e460


The advent of non-thermal, non-tumescent techniques for treatment of varicose veins

R Bootun, T R A Lane, A H Davies

Phlebology 2016, vol 31 (1)


Chronic venous leg ulcers: effects of foam sclerotherapy on healting and recurrence

G Grover, A Tanase, A Elstone, S Ashley

Phlebology 2016, vol 31 (1)


The comparative impact of conservative treatment versus superficial venous surgery, for the treatment of venous leg ulcers: a systematic review of the impacto n patient´s quality of life

P Tollow, J Ogden, M S Whiteley

Phlebology 2016, vol 31 (2)


Safety concerns for sclerotherapy of telangiectases, reticular and varicose veins

E Yiannakopoulou

Pharmacology 2016, vol 98: 62-69


Management of descending thoracic aorta diseases

Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society of Vascular Surgery

V Riambau, D Böckler, J Brnkwall et al

European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 2017, vol 53 (1): 4-52


Aortopathy associated with congenital heart disease: a current literature review

Katrien Francois

Ann Pediatr Cardiol. 2015 Jan-Apr; 8(1): 25–36


Comparing American, European and Asian practice guidelines for aortic diseases

Jose Rozado, Maria Martin, Isaac Pascual, Daniel Hernandez-Vaquero, Cesar Moris

J Thorac Dis. 2017 , vol 9(Suppl 6): S551–S560


Ascending aorta reinterventions

Jacobo Silva Guisasola, Rubén Alvarez-Cabo, Daniel Hernández-Vaquero, Rocío Díaz Méndez

J Thorac Dis. 2017, vol 9(Suppl 6): S448–S453


MDCT evaluation of acute aortic syndrome (AAS)

Tullio Valente, Giovanni Rossi, Francesco Lassandro et al

Br J Radiol. May 2016; 89(1061): 20150825.


Endovascular treatment of genetically linked aortic diseases

  1. Böckler, K. Meisenbacher, A. S. Peters, C. Grond-Ginsbach, M. S. Bischoff

Gefasschirurgie. 2017; vol 22(Suppl 1): 1–7


The introduction of biosimilars of low molecular weight heparins in Europe: a critical review and reappraisal endorsed by the Italian Society for Haemotasis and Thrombosis (SISET) and the Italian Society for Angiology and Vascular Medicine (SIAPAV)

Davide Imberti, Marco Marietta, Hernan Polo Friz, Claudio Cimminiell

Thromb J. 2017; 15: 13.


Perioperative management of patients on direct oral anticoagulants

Virginie Dubois, Anne-Sophie Dincq, Jonathan Douxfils et al

Thromb J. 2017; 15: 14.


Management of bleeding with non-vitamin K antagonists oral anticoagulants in the era of specific reversal agents

C T Ruff, R P Gigliano, E M Antman

Circulation 2016, vol 134: 248-261


Management of patients on non-vitamin K antagonists oral anticoagulants in the acute care and periprocedural setting

A Scientific Statement From American Heart Association

A N Raval, J E Cigarroa, M K Chung et al

Circulation 2017, vol 135: e604-e633


Recommendations for the management of ANCA-associated vasculitis

EULAR/ERA-EDTA Recommendations

M Yates, R A Watts, I M Bajema et al

Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 2016, vol 75 (9)


Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease

A Scientific Statement For Health Professionals From American Heart Association

B W McCrindle, A H Rowley, J W Newburger et al

Circulation 2017, vol 135: e927- e999


The management of diabetic foot

A clinical practice guideline by the Society for Vascular Surgery in collaboration with the American Podiatric Medical Association and Society for Vascular Medicine

A Hingorani, G M LaMuraglia, P Henke et AL

Journal of Vascular Surgery 2016, vol 63 (2)

Angiologia & Cirurgia Vascular: Organizações Médicas Online


Acesse online as principais organizações médicas online no campo da Angiologia & Cirurgia Vascular:


American Board of Venous & Lymphatic Medicine


American College of Phlebology


American College of Phlebology Foundation


American Society of Angiology


Asociación Latinoamericana de Cirurgia Vascular y Angiologia


Associação Brasileira de Flebologia e Linfologia


Australian-New Zeland Society for Vascular Surgery


British Society of Endovascular Therapy


Canadian Society of Phlebology


European Society for Vascular Medicine


German Society for Angiology/Vascular Medicine


International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies


International Society of Endovascular Specialists


International Union of Angiology


Sociedad Argentina de Flebologia y Linfologia


Sociedad Española de Angiologia y Cirurgia Vascular


Sociedad Panamericana de Flebologia y Linfologia


Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular


Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Cerebrovasculares


Sociedade Brasileira de Radiologia Intervencionista e Cirurgia Endovascular


Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardiotorácica e Vascular


Società Italiana de Angiologia e Patologia Vascolare


Societé Francaise de Médicine Vasculaire


Society for Vascular Medicine


Society for Vascular Surgery


Society for Vascular Ultrasound


Vascular Anaesthesia Society


Vascular Society UK