Aspectos Psiquiátricos na Doença de Parkinson Online (Psychiatric Aspects in Parkinson´s Disease)
■ Risk fator for early psychosis in PD: insights from the Parkinson´s Progression Markers Initiative
Dominic H ffytche, Joana B Pereira, Clive Ballard et al
Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2017, vol 88 (84)
■ Parkinson´s diseases in adults
NICE guidelines july 2017
■ Depression, anxiety, and apathy in Parkinson´s disease: insights from neuroimaging
M –C Wen, L L Chan, L C S Tan, E K Tan
European Journal of Neurology 2016, vol 23 (6)
■ Impulsive and compulsive behaviors in Parkinson Disease
A H Erga, G Alves, J P Larsen et al
Journal of Parkinson´s Disease 2017, vol 7 (1): 183-191
■ Neuropsychological profiles in mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s diseases
E Hessen, A L Stay, E Auning et al
Journal of Parkinson´s Disease 2017, vol 6 (2): 413-421
■ Validation of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke criteria for psychosis in Parkinson Diseases
P C Gordon, M S G Rocha, R G Kauark et al
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2017, vol 25 (1): 73-80
■ Stability of mild cognitive impairment in newly diagnosed Parkinson´s disease
Rachael A Lawson, Alison J Yarnall, Gordon W Duncan et al
On behalf of the ICICLE-PD study group
Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2017, vol 88 (8
■ Fatigue in early Parkinson´s disease: the Norwegian ParkWest study
S O Ongre, J P Larsen, O B Tysnes and K Herlofson
European Journal of Neurology 2017, vol 24 (1): 105-111
■ Symptoms of depression in patients with mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease
Malak, Ana Lara Soares Blum et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., June 2017, vol.11, no.2, p.145-15
■ Cognitive training in Parkinson´s disease: a review of studies from 2000 t0 2014
Daniel Glizer, Penny A. MacDonald
Parkinsons Dis. 2016; 2016: 9291713
■ Determinants of dyadic relationship and its psychosocial impact in patients with Parkinson´s disease and their spouses
Michaela Karlstedt, Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad, Dag Aarsland, Johan Lökk
Parkinsons Dis. 2017; 2017: 4697052.
■ Clinical pain and neuropsychological functioning in Parkinson´s disease: Are they related?
Gwenda Engels, Wouter D. Weeda, Annemarie M. M. Vlaar, Henry C. Weinstein, Erik J. A. Scherder
Parkinsons Dis. 2016; 2016: 8675930.
■ Marijuana compounds: a nonconventional approach to Parkinson´s disease therapy
Mariana Babayeva, Haregewein Assefa, Paramita Basu, Sanjeda Chumki, Zvi Loewy
Parkinsons Dis. 2016; 2016: 1279042
■ Structural neuroimaging markers of cognitive decline in Parkinson´s disease
Alexandru Hanganu, Oury Monchi
Parkinsons Dis. 2016; 2016: 3217960
■ Rivastigmine as a symptomatic treatment for apathy in Parkinson´s dementia complex: new aspects for this riddle
Rita Moretti, Paola Caruso, Matteo Dal Ben
Parkinsons Dis. 2017; 2017: 6219851
■ Symptoms of depression in patients with mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease
Malak, Ana Lara Soares Blum et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., June 2017, vol.11, no.2, p.145-153
■ An integrated review of psychological stress in Parkinson´s disease: biological mechanisms and symptom and health outcomes
Kim Wieczorek Austin, Suzanne Weil Ameringer, Leslie Jameleh Clou
Parkinsons Dis. 2016; 2016: 9869712.
■ Bipolar disorder, a precursor of Parkinson’s disease?
Novaretti, Tânia M.S., Novaretti, Nathália and Tumas, Vitor
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.361-364
■ Gait, posture and cognition in Parkinson’s disease.
Barbosa, Alessandra Ferreira et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.280-286
■ Neuropsychological profile of Parkinson’s disease patients selected for deep brain stimulation surgery.
Machado, Flavia Amaral et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.296-302
■ Comparison of the use of screening tools for evaluating cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Camargo, Carlos Henrique Ferreira et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.344-350
■ The impact of cognitive performance on quality of life in individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
Olchik, Maira Rozenfeld et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.303-309
■ Some aspects of the validity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)for evaluating cognitive impairment in Brazilian patients with Parkinson’s disease
Tumas, Vitor et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.333-338
■ Cluster analysis of cognitive performance in a sample of patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Souza, Carolina Pinto et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.315-319
■ An integrated review of psychological stress in Parkinson´s disease: biological mechanisms and symptom and health outcomes
Kim Wieczorek Austin, Suzanne Weil Ameringer, Leslie Jameleh Cloud
Parkinsons Dis. 2016; 2016: 9869712.
■ Cortical and striatal reward processing in Parkinson´s disease psychosis
Sara Garofalo, Azucena Justicia, Gonzalo Arrondo et al
Front Neurol. 2017; 8: 156
■ Cerebral glucose metabolism and cognition in newly diagnosed Parkinson´s disease: ICICLE-PD study
M J Firbank, A J Yarnall, R A Lawson et al
J Maxwell, D J Brooks, D J Burn
Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2017, vol 88 (4)
■ The treatment of sleep disorders in Parkinson´s disease: from research to clinical practice
Giuseppe Loddo, Giovanna Calandra-Buonaura, Luisa Sambati et al
Front Neurol. 2017; 8: 42.
■ REM sleep behaviour disorder: prodromal and mechaistic insights for Parkinson´s disease
Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2017, vol 88 (5)
■ Telerehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: Influence of cognitive status.
Dias, Alice Estevo et al.
Dement. neuropsychol., Dec 2016, vol.10, no.4, p.327-332