Pré-eclâmpsia Online (Pre-eclampsia)
■ 7ª Diretriz Brasileira de Hipertensão Arterial: Capítulo 9 – Hipertensão Arterial na gestação
Malachias, MVB et al
Arq. Bras. Cardiol., Sept 2016, vol.107, no.3, suppl.3, p.49-5
■ First trimester combined screening for preeclampsia and small for gestational age – a single screening experience and validation of the FMF screening algorithm
B Mosimann, C Pfiffner, S Amylidi-Mohr et al
Swis Med Wkly 2017, vol 147:w14498
■ Doença hipertensiva específica da gestação: uma revisão sobre tratamento
K S Rocha, T F Farias, A Silvestre, M M Pereira
Revista de Medicina (USP) 2017, vol 96 (1)
■ Shared biomarkers between female diastolic heart failure and pre-eclampsia: a systematic review and met-analysis
Lisa J. Alma, Anouk Bokslag, Angela H.E.M. Maas et al
ESC Heart Fail. 2017, vol 4(2): 88–98
■ Endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness in pre-eclampsia demonstrated by the EndoPAT method
A Meeme, M Mammen, A Namugowa, GAB Buga
Cardiovasc J Afr. 2017 Jan-Feb; 28(1): 23–29
■ A narrative synthesis of factors that affect women speaking up about early warning signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia and response of healthcare staff
Wendy Carter, Debra Bick, Nicola Mackintosh, Jane Sandall
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017; 17: 63
■ Impact of road traffic pollution on pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders
Marie Pedersen, Thorhallur I. Halldorsson, Sjurdur F. Olsen et al
Epidemiology. 2017 Jan; 28(1): 99–10
■ Avaliação dos fatores de risco maternos em gestantes admitidas com pré-eclâmpsia grave
N A S Santos, J A A Gurgel, C G Camurça
Revista de Medicina da UFC 2016, vol 56 (2)
■ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
L Leeman, L T Dresang, P Fontaine
Am Fam Physician 2016, vol 93 (2): 121-127
■ Avaliação dos fatores de riscos maternos em gestante admitidas com pré-eclâmpsia grave
N A S Santos, J A A Gurgel, C G Camurças
Rev Med UFC 2016, vol 56 (2): 25-29
■ Assistência de enfermagem a mulheres com pré-eclâmpsia e/ou eclâmpsia: revisão integrativa
Ferreira, Maria Beatriz Guimarães et al
Rev. esc. enferm. USP, Apr 2016, vol.50, no.2, p.324-33
■ Excesso de peso e dislipidemia e suas intercorrências no período gestacional: uma revisão sistemática
Nascimento, Iramar Baptistella do et al
Rev. Bras. Saude Mater. Infant., June 2016, vol.16, no.2, p.93-101
■ Avaliação de alterações urinárias e função renal em gestantes com hipertensão arterial crônica.
Silva Junior, Guilherme Santos da et al.
- Bras. Nefrol., Jun 2016, vol.38, no.2, p.191-20
■ High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy is not a Protective Factor for Preterm Infants with Very Low Birth Weight. A Case-Control Study
Sabino, Annibal Tagliaferri et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Apr 2017, vol.39, no.4, p.155-161
■ Pre-eclampsia: the potential of GSNO reductase inhibitors
Thomas R. Everett, Ian B. Wilkinson, Christoph C. Lees
Curr Hypertens Rep. 2017; vol 19(3): 20
■ Incident coronary heart disease after preeclampsia: role of reduced fetal growth, preterm delivery, and parity
Hilde Kristin Refvik Riise, Gerhard Sulo et al
J Am Heart Assoc. 2017, vol 6(3): e004158
■ Use of magnesium sulfate before 32 weeks of gestation: a European population-based cohort study
H T Wolf, L Huusom, T Weber, A Piedvache, S Schmidt, M Norman, J Zeitlin
BMJ Open. 2017; vol 7(1): e013952
■ The role of vitamin D in pre-eclampsia: a systematic review
Juhi M. Purswani, Pooja Gala, Pratibha Dwarkanath et al
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017; vol 17: 23
■ The effects of multi mineral-vitamin D and vitamins (C+E) supplementation in the prevention of preeclampsia: an RCT
Milad Azami, Tayebe Azadi, Sepidezahra Farhang et al
Int J Reprod Biomed (Yazd) 2017, vol 15(5): 273–278
■ Impacts of Preeclampsia on the Brain of the Offspring
Dang, Frances et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Aug 2016, vol.38, no.8, p.416-422
■ Hipertensión/preeclampsia postparto, Recomendaciones de manejo según escenarios clínicos, seguridad en la lactancia materna, una revisión de la literatura
Ortiz Martínez, Roberth et al.
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., Abr 2017, vol.82, no.2, p.219-23
■ Pregnancy outcomes in younger and older adolescent mothers with severe preeclampsia
Priscila E Parra-Pingel, Luis A Quisiguiña-Avellán, Luis Hidalgo et al
Adolesc Health Med Ther. 2017; 8: 81–86
■ Preeclampsia: Vascular Pathophysiological Mechanism and the Basis for Early Diagnosis and Treatment.
Chávez, Jose Augusto Duran and Cavalli, Ricardo de Carvalho
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Aug 2016, vol.38, no.8, p.369-372
■ Pre-eclampsia: its pathogenesis and pathophysiology
P Gathiram, J Moodley
Cardiovasc J Afr. 2016 Mar-Apr; 27(2): 71–78
■ Inflammatory and oxidative stress airway markers in premature newborns of hypertensive mothers
Madoglio, R.J. et al.
Braz J Med Biol Res, 2016, vol.49, no.9
■ Fatores Maternos e Resultados Perinatais Adversos em Portadoras de Pré-eclâmpsia em Maceió, Alagoas.
Oliveira, Alane Cabral Menezes de et al.
Arq. Bras. Cardiol., Feb 2016, vol.106, no.2, p.113-120
■ Choroidal changes in pre-eclampsia during pregnancy and the postpartum period: comparison with healthy pregnancy
Duru, Necati et al.
Arq. Bras. Oftalmol., June 2016, vol.79, no.3, p.143-14
■ Impact of antihypertensive treatment on maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertenion: a systematic review and meta-analysis
L M Webster, F Conti-Ramsden, P T Seed et al
Journal of the American Heart Association 2017, vol 6: e005526
■ Preeclampsia: a risk factor for gestational diabetes mellit in subsequent pregnancy
J Lee, Y Ohn, K H Ahn et al
PLoS ONE 2017, vol 12(5): e0178150.
■ Time from pre-eclampsia diagnosis to delivery affects future health prospects of children
Birgitte Hollegaard, Jacob A. Lykke, Jacobus J. Boomsma
Evol Med Public Health. 2017; 2017(1): 53–66
■ First trimester serum placental growth factor and hyperglycosylated human chorionic gonadotropin are associated with pre-eclampsia: a case control study
Elina Keikkala, Sini Koskinen, Piia Vuorela et al
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2016; 16: 378
■ Inter-pregnancy interval and risk of recurrent pre-eclampsia: systematic review and meta-analysi
Gabriela Cormick, Ana Pilar Betrán, Agustín Ciapponi et AL
on behalf of the calcium and Pre-eclampsia Study Group
Reprod Health. 2016; 13: 83.
■ Clinical risk factors for pre-eclampsia determined in early pregnancy systematic review and meta-analysis of large cohort studies
Emily Bartsch, Karyn E Medcalf, Alison L Park, Joel G Ray
BMJ. 2016; 353: i1753
■ Maternal overweight and obesity and risk of pre-eclampsia in women with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes
Martina Persson, Sven Cnattingius, Anna-Karin Wikström, Stefan Johansson
Diabetologia. 2016; 59(10): 2099–2105
■ Low-dose aspirin for pré-eclampsia prevention in twin elevated human chorionic gonadotropin
AG Euser, TD Metz, AA Allshouse, KD Heyborne
J Perinatol. 2016 Aug; 36(8): 601–60
■ Association of serum concentration of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and risk of pre-eclampsia: a case-control study
Bita Eslami, Hossein Malekafzali, Noushin Rastkari et al
J Environ Health Sci Eng. 2016; 14: 17.
■ Intrauterine device use and the risk of pre-eclampsia: a case-control study
SE Parker, SS Jick, MM Werler
BJOG. 2016 Apr; 123(5): 788–795
■ Placental histology and neutrophil extracellular traps in lupus and pre-eclampsia pregnancies
Wendy Marder, Jason S Knight, Mariana J Kaplan et al
Lupus Sci Med. 2016; 3(1): e000134.
■ Prediction of complications in early-onset pre-eclampsia (PREP): development and external multinational validationof prognostic models
Shakila Thangaratinam, John Allotey, Nadine Marlin et al
for the PREP Collaborative Network
BMC Med. 2017; 15: 68
■ Clinical pharmacokinetic properties of magnesim sulphate in women with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
BO Okusanya, OT Oladapo, Q Long et al
BJOG. 2016 Feb; 123(3): 356–366
■ Severe preeclampsia in the setting of myasthenia gravis
A A Khabbaz, R Keeney
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology2017 (2017), Article ID 9204930, 5 pages
■ Clinical risk factors for pre-eclampsia determined in early pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis of large cohort studies
E Bartsch, K E Medcalf, A L Park et al
BMJ 2016:vol353:i1753
■ 1B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 in preeclampsia
Katarzyna Kosicka, Anna Siemiątkowska, Franciszek K. Główka
Int J Endocrinol. 2016; 2016: 5279462
■ Putative key role of inositol messengers in endothelial cells in preeclampsia
Sirilaksana Kunjara, Patricia McLean, Laurens Rademacher et al
Int J Endocrinol. 2016; 2016: 7695648
■ First trimester screening for pre-eclampsia
Stefan C Kane
Obstet Med. 2016 Sep; 9(3): 106–112