Síndrome de Cushing Online (Cushing´s syndrome)


Screening for Cushing syndrome at the primary care level: what every general practictioner must know

Ernest Yorke, Yacoba Atiase, Josephine Akpalu, Osei Sarfo-Kantanka

Int J Endocrinol. 2017; 2017: 1547358



Update on medical treatment for Cushing´s disease

Daniel Cuevas-Ramos, Dawn Shao Ting Lim, Maria Fleseriu

Clin Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016; 2: 16.



Recommendations of the Neuroendocrinology Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism for the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease in Brazil

Machado, Márcio Carlos et al.

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., June 2016, vol.60, no.3, p.267-286



Differentiation of pathologic/neoplastic hypercortisolism (Cushing´s syndrome) from physiologic/non-neoplastic hypercortisolism (formerly know as pseudo-Cushing´s syndrome)

J W Findling and Hershel Raff

Eur J Endocrinol 2017, vol 176: R205-R2016



Adrenal Cushing´s syndrome in pregnancy: clinical and molecular charcterisation of a case

Anne Trinh, Irene Chan, Maria Alexiadis et al

Obstet Med. 2016 Mar; 9(1): 43–45.



Metabolomic biomarkers in urine of Cushing´s syndrome patients

Alicja Kotłowska, Tomasz Puzyn, Krzysztof Sworczak, Piotr Stepnowski, Piotr Szefer

Int J Mol Sci. 2017 , vol 18(2): 294



A case of paraneoplastic Cushing syndrome presenting as hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome

Christina E. Brzezniak, Nicole Vietor, Patricia E. Hogan et al

Case Rep Oncol. 2017 , vol 10(1): 321–324



Preoperative quality of life in Cushing´s disease

V C Ye, R Akagami

Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 2017, vol 44 (1)



Cushing syndrome: diagnostic workup and imaging features, with clinical and pathologic correlation

N A Wagner-Bartak, A Baiomy, M A Habra et al

American Journal of Roentgenology 2017, vol 209: 19-32



A case report of Cushing´s disease presenting as hair loss

E G Lefkowitz, J P Cossman, J B Fournier

Case Rep Dermatol 2017, vol 9: 45-50



Kidney Stones as na under-recognized clinical sign in pediatric Cushing disease

Sara H. Rahman, Georgios Z. Papadakis, Margaret F. Keil et al

J Pediatr. 2016 Mar; 170: 273–277.e1



Case of diabetic ketoacidosis as an initial presentation of Cushing´s syndrome

Runa Acharya, Udaya M Kabadi

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2017; 2017: vol 16-0123



Fluticasone furoate induced iatrogenic Cushing syndrome in a pediatric patient receiving anti-retroviral therapy

S A A van den Berg, N E van ‘t Veer, J M A Emmen, R H T van Beek

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2017; 2017: 16-0158



Fluconazole in the treatment of Cushing´s disease

Kharis Burns, Darshika Christie-David, Jenny E Gunton

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2016; 2016: 150115



A case of adrenal Cushing´s syndrome with bilateral adrenal masses

Ya-Wun Guo, Chii-Min Hwu, Justin Ging-Shing Won, Chia-Huei Chu, Liang-Yu Lin

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2016; 2016: 150118



A thymic neuroendocrine tumour in a Young female: a rare cause of relapsing and remitting Cushing´s syndrome

M J Trott, G Farah, V J Stokes, L M Wang, A B Grossman

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2016; 2016: 160018.



Diagnosis of cyclic Cushing syndrome using the morning urine free cortisol to creatinine ratio

Yi Sun Jang, Ihn Suk Lee, Jong Min Lee, Soo A Choi, Gi Jun Kim, Hye Soo Ki

Korean J Intern Med. 2016 , vol 31(1): 184–187.



The role of isotretinoin therapy for Cushing´s disease: results of a prospective study

Lucio Vilar, José Luciano Albuquerque, Ruy Lyra et al

Int J Endocrinol. 2016; 2016: 817318



Adrenalectomy for Cushing´s syndrome: do´s and don´ts

DN Paduraru, A Nica, M Carsote, A Valea

J Med Life. 2016, vol 9(4): 334–341.



Síndrome de Cushing iatrogénico por corticoides inhalados en paciente VIH

Frías, Alondra et al.

Rev. méd. Chile, Jul 2016, vol.144, no.7, p.931-936



Choroidal and retinal abnormalities by optical coherence tomography in endogenous Cushing´s syndrome

Maria Fernanda Abalem, Marcio Carlos Machado, Helen Nazareth Veloso Dos Santos et al

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2016; vol 7: 154



Unusual Cushing´s syndrome and hypercalcitoninaemia due to a small cell prostate carcinoma

A Balestrieri, E Manani, F Nuzzo

Case Rep Endocrinol 2016, 2016: 6308058



Prevalence of hypercortisolism in type 2 diabetes patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

C Steffensen, A M Pereira, O M Dekkers, J O L Jorgensen

Eur J Endocrinol August 2016, vol 175 (6): R247-253



Improvement of cardiovascular risk factors after adrenalectomy in patients with adrenal tumors and subclinical Cushing´s syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

I Bancos, F Alahdab, R K Crowley et al

Eur J Endocrinol August 2016, vol 175 (6): R283-R295



Tissue-specific activation of cortisol in Cushing´s syndrome

S A Morgan, Z K Hassan-Smith, G G Lavery

Eur J Endocrinol August 2016, vol 175: R81-R87



Limited value of cabergoline in Cushing´s disease: a prospective study of a 6-week treatment in 20 patients

P Burman, B Edén-Engström, B Ekman et al

Eur J Endocrinol August 2016, vol 174 (1): 17-24



Using subscalres when scoring the Cushing´s quality of life questionnaire

J Tiemernsma, S Depaoli, J M Felt

Eur J Endocrinol August 2016, vol 174 (1): 33-40



Role of ¨old¨ pharmacological agents in the treat5ment of Cushing´s syndrome

  1. G. Ambrogio, F. Cavagnini

J Endocrinol Invest. 2016; vol 39: 957–965



Cushing syndrome: establishing a timely diagnosis

Judith Lowitz, Margaret F. Keil

J Pediatr Nurs. 2015 May-Jun; 30(3): 528–530



Cushing´s syndrome: update on signs, symptoms and biochemical screening

Lynnette K. NiemanEur J Endocrinol. 2015 Oct; 173(4): M33–M38.



Cushing´s syndrome in childhood: update on genetics, treatment and outcomes

M Lodish

Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2015, vol 22 (1): 48-54


Cushing´s syndrome caused by an adrenocortical carcinoma after a bariatric surgery: case report

Kátia Elisabete Pires SOUTO, Daniela Aline PEREIRA, Mauricio Jacques RAMOS, Alberto Salgueiro MOLINARI, Daniel de Carvalho DAMIN

Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2015 Dec; 28(Suppl 1): 87–89


Cushing´s syndrome: from physiological principles to diagnosis and clinical care

Hershel Raff, Ty Carroll

J Physiol. 2015 Feb 1; 593(Pt 3): 493–506.



Síndrome de Cushing cíclica – apresentação de um cso clínico e revisão da literatura

H V Luiz, T N da Silva, I Manita et al

Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo 2015, vol 10: 166-170


Hipercortisolismo e hiperandrogenismo como manifestaciones de adenoma suprarrenal: Informe del caso de una niña mexicana y revisión de la literatura

de Baro-Álvarez, Paola et al..

Acta pediatr. Méx, Feb 2014,

vol.35, no.1, p.38-44



Subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with Cushing syndrome evaluation with carotid intima-media thickness and ankle-brachial index

Luigi Petramala, D’Elia Lorenzo, Gino Iannucci, Antonio Concistré et al

Endocrinol Metab (Seoul) 2015 Dec; 30(4): 488–493



Secrecion ectopica de ACTH en un paciente con antecedentes de enfermedad de Cushing.

Dal Verme, Agust et al.

Medicina (B. Aires), Ago 2015, vol.75, no.4, p.218-220



Despistaje rutinario de Síndrome de Cushing en pacientes con obesidad mórbida: ¿es realmente necesario?

Alhambra Expósito, María Rosa et al.

Nutr. Hosp., Mayo 2014, vol.29, no.5, p.1020-1023



Síndrome de Cushing durante el embarazo: manifestaciones cutáneas secundarias a un tumor suprarrenal.

Molgó N, Montserrat et al.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., 2013, vol.78, no.4, p.320-324



Síndrome de Cushing: veinticinco años de experiencia clínica en Navarra

Pérez García, L., Anda, E. and Rojo, J.

Anales Sis San Navarra, Dic 2012, vol.35, no.3, p.461-467




Síndrome de Cushing na gravidez: relato de caso

J S S Santos, L L B Santos, T J A Santana et al

Rev Med Minas Gerais 2010, vol 20 (2): 259-262



Aberrant expression of glucagon receptors in adrenal glands of a patient with Cushing’s syndrome and ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia

de Miguel, Valeria et al.

Medicina (B. Aires), June 2010, vol.70, no.3, p.254-256



Determinación de los niveles de cortisol salival en una muestra de sujetos de Santiago de Chile

Lépez, Macarena et al

Rev. méd. Chile, Feb 2010, vol.138, no.2, p.168-174



In what clinical settings should Cushings syndrome be suspected?

Bruno, Oscar D. et al.

Medicina (B. Aires), Dec 2009, vol.69, no.6, p.674-680



By Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

CMMG: 7026

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Diabetes Gestacional Online (Gestational Diabetes)


Desfechos neonatais de acordo com diferentes terapêuticas do diabetes mellitus gestacional

Silva, Amanda L. da et al

  1. Pediatr. (Rio J.), Feb 2017, vol.93, no.1, p.87-93



Treatments for gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

D Farrar, M Simmonds, M Bryant et al

BMJ Open 2017, vol 7 (6)



Diabetes gestacional. Diagnóstico y tratamiento en el primer nivel de atención

Medina-Pérez, EA et al

Med. interna Méx., Feb 2017, vol.33, no.1, p.91-98



Diagnóstico de diabetes gestacional en población mexicana

Font-López, KC and Gutiérrez-Castañeda, MR

Ginecol. obstet. Méx., Feb 2017, vol.85, no.2, p.116-124



A cost-effectiveness comparison of the NICE 2015 and WHO 2013 diagnostic criteria for women with gestational diabetes with and without risk factors

P B Jacklin, M J A Maresh, C C Patterson et al

BMJ Open 2017, vol 7 (8: e016621



Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Changes in the Amniotic Membrane of Gestational Diabetic Mothers

Togrul, Cihan et al.

Int. J. Morphol., Mar 2017, vol.35, no.1, p.184-188



Diabetes Gestacionalasociación con grupo ABO

Huidobro M, Andrea, Torres C, Demetrio and Paredes, Fabio

Rev. méd. Chile, Abr 2017, vol.145, no.4, p.431-435



Gestational diabetes mellitus – right person, right treatment, right time?

Robert S. Lindsay, Sharon T. Mackin, Scott M. Nelson

BMC Med. 2017; vol 15: 163



Perinatal outcomes in gestational diabetes in relation to ethnicity in the Netherlands

M W M Kosman, S A Eskes, J van Selst et al

Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2016, vol 74 (1)



Importancia de la detección de factores de riesgo para diabetes mellitus gestacional.

Fernández Pombo, Carmen Neri et al.

Index Enferm, Jun 2016, vol.25, no.1-2, p.18-2



Investiganting screening for diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes

H S Brink, M Alkernade, A J van der Lely, J van der Linden

Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2016, vol 74 (10)



Risk stratification for healthcare planning in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

S H Koning, K A Scheuneman, H L Lutgers et alNetherland

Journal of Netherland Medicine 2016, vol 74 (6): 262-269



The prevalence of gestational diabetes: a population-based analysis of a nationwide screening program

Hanne Melchior, Diana Kurch-Bek, Monika Mund

Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2017 , vol 114(24): 412–418



Diabetes during pregnancy: influence of body mass index on composite morbidity

Amy E. O’Neil Dudley, Zachary B. Jenner, Hector Mendez-Figueroa et al

AJP Rep. 2017 Apr; 7(2): e128–e133



Depressive symptoms in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: the LINDA-Brazil Study

Patrícia Damé, Kadhija Cherubini, Pâmella Goveia et al

J Diabetes Res. 2017; 2017: 7341893



Quality of life in women with gestatinal diabetes mellitus: a systematic review

Daniela Marchetti, Danilo Carrozzino, Federica Fraticelli et AL

J Diabetes Res. 2017; 2017: 7058082



The effects of various diets on glycemic outcomes during pregnancy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Vanessa Ha, Ashley J. Bonner, Jaynendr K. Jadoo et al

PLoS One. 2017;  vol 12(8): e0182095



Effect of probiotics on metabolic outcomes in pregnant women with gestational diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Bonnie L. Taylor, Georgia E. Woodfall, Katherine E. Sheedy et al

Nutrients. 2017 , vol; 9(5): 461



Maternal nutrition: opportunities in the prevention of gestational diabetes

Irma Silva-Zolezzi, Tinu Mary Samuel, Jörg Spieldenner

Nutr Rev. 2017 , 75(Suppl 1): 32–5



Macrosomia rates in women with diet-controlled gestational diabetes: a retrospective study

Fatima Vally, Jeffrey Presneill, Thomas Cade

J Pregnancy. 2017; 2017: 4935397.



Breastfeeding after gestational diabetes: Does perceived benefits mediate the relationship?

Jordyn T. Wallenborn, Robert A. Perera, Saba W. Masho

J Pregnancy. 2017; 2017: 9581796.



Beliefs, barriers, and preferences of European overweight women to adop a healthier lifestyle in pregnacy to minimize risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus: an explorative study

Judith G. M. Jelsma, Karen M. van Leeuwen, Nicolette Oostdam et al

J Pregnancy. 2016; 2016: 3435791



Gestational diabetes mellitus and future cardiovascular risk: an update

  1. Burlina, M. G. Dalfrà, N. C. Chilelli, A. Lapolla

Int J Endocrinol. 2016; 2016: 2070926



Gestational diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes: same disease in a different moment of life? Maybe not.

Zajdenverg, Lenita and Negrato, Carlos Antonio

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., June 2017, vol.61, no.3, p.208-210



Serum Fluorescent Advanced Glycation End (F-AGE) products in gestational diabetes patients

Lobo Júnior, João Paulo et al.

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., June 2017, vol.61, no.3, p.233-237



■ . Relation between fetal anthropometric parameters and cord blood adiponectin and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in gestational diabetes mellitus

Aramesh, Mohammad Reza et al

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., June 2017, vol.61, no.3, p.228-232



Type 2 diabetes-associated genetic variants of FTO, LEPR, PPARg, and TCF7L2 in gestational diabetes in a Brazilian population

Anghebem-Oliveira, Mauren Isfer et al.

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., June 2017, vol.61, no.3, p.238-248



Influence of environmental temperature on risk of gestational diabetes

G L Booth, J Luo, A L Partk et al

CMAJ 2017, vol 189 (1(



Pre-pregnancy potato consumption and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: prospective cohort study

W Bao, D K Tobias, F B Hu et al

BMJ 2016, vol 352: h6898



Maternal 75-g OGTT glucose levels as predictive factors for large-for-gestational age newborns in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

Brankica, Krstevska et al.

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., Feb 2016, vol.60, no.1, p.36-41



Clinical characteristics of women with gestational diabetes – comparison of two cohorts enrolled 20 years apart in southern Brazil.

Reichelt, Angela Jacob et al.

Sao Paulo Med. J., Aug 2017, vol.135, no.4, p.376-38



Gestational hypertension and chronic hypertension on the risk of diabetes among gestational diabetes women

Xiaojing Yuan, Huikun Liu, Leishen Wang et al

J Diabetes Complications. 2016, vol 30(7): 1269–1274



Adiponectin, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen and tissue plasminogen activator antigen levels among glucose-intolerant women with and without histories of gestational diabetes

  1. Kim, C. A. Christophi, R. B. Goldberg et al

Diabet Med. 2016 Jan; 33(1): 32–38



Evaluation of information retention and adherence to treatment in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus after multidisciplinary group.

Sousa, Ana Maria da Silva et al.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras., June 2016, vol.62, no.3, p.212-217



Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: the importance of the production in knowledge

Silva Junior, José Roberto da et al.

Rev. Bras. Saude Mater. Infant., June 2016, vol.16, no.2, p.85-8



Gestational, diagnosis, and management of gestational diabetes mellitus

A Garrison,

Am Fam Physician 2015, vol 91 (7): 460-467



Gestational diabetes: a clinical update

U Kampmann, L R Madsen, G O Skajaa et al

World J Diabetes 2015, vol 6 (8): 1065-1072



Relationship between mean platelet volume and vitamin D deficiency in gestational diabetes mellitus

Gur, Esra Bahar et al.

Arch. Endocrinol. Metab., Oct 2015, vol.59, no.5, p.448-454



Diabetes na gestação

R C Abi-Abib, C A Cabizuca, J R I Carneiro et al

Revista HUPE 2014, vol 13 (3)



Diabetes gestational: perfil e evolução de um grupo de pacientes do hospital das clínicas da UFMG

A I Nogueira, J S S Santos, L L B Santos et al

Rev Med Minas Gerais 2011, vol 21(1): 32-41



By Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

CMMG: 7026

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com