Disfunção Erétil Online (Erectile dysfunction)


Erectile dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular risks: facts and controversies

Sanchez E, Pastuszak AW, Khera M.

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Feb;6(1):28-36



Low-intensity shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction: Is the evidence strong enough?

M Fode, G Hatzichristodoulou, E C Seregoglu et AL

Nature Reviews Urology July 2017



Effects of low-intensity extracorporeal schockwave therapy on erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis

R I Clavijo, T P Koh, J R Kohn, R Ramasamy

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 14 (1): 27-35



Fisiopatologia, avaliação e tratamento da disfunção erétil: artigo de revisão

A B Sarris, M C Nakamura, L G R Fernandes et al

Medicina (USP) 2016, vol 95 (1)



Prevalencia de disfunción eréctil y factores asociados en pacientes con indicación de rehabilitación cardíaca

Santibáñez, Claudio et al.

Rev Chil Cardiol, 2016, vol.35, no.3, p.216-221



Intervenciones de enfermería en pacientes con disfunción eréctil después de prostatectomía radical: una revisión integral

Appoloni Eduardo, Aline Helena, Napoleão, Anamaria Alves and Carvalho, Emilia Campos de

Enferm. glob., Abr 2016, vol.15, no.42, p.424-439



Erectile dysfunction in fit and healthy young men: psychological or pathological?

Giulia Rastrelli, Mario Maggi

Transl Androl Urol. 2017, vol 6(1): 79–90



Gout and subsequent erectile dysfunction: a population-based cohort study from England

Alyshah Abdul Sultan, Christian Mallen, Richard Hayward et al

Arthritis Res Ther. 2017; 19: 123



Erectile dysfunction in ankylosing spondylitis patients

Santana, Thiago et al.

Int. braz j urol., Aug 2017, vol.43, no.4, p.730-735



Effects of metformin on endothelial health and erectile dysfunction

Jay Pravin Patel, Eric Hweegeun Lee, Carlos Ignacio Mena, Charles N. Walker

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Jun; 6(3): 556–565



Erectile dysfunction therapy in countries where implant is economically not feasible

Adrián M. Garza-Gangemi, Mariano Sotomayor-de Zavaleta

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 176–182



Research in pharmacotherapy for erectile dysfunction

Ji-Kan Ryu, Jun-Kyu Suh, Arthur L. Burnett

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 207–215



Aging related erectile dysfunction – potential mechanism to halt or delay its onset

Monica G. Ferrini, Nestor F. Gonzalez-Cadavid, Jacob Rajfer

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Feb; 6(1): 20–27



Erectile dysfunction, masculinity, and psychosocial outcomes: a review of the experiences of men after prostate cancer treatment

Suzanne K. Chambers, Eric Chung, Gary Wittert, Melissa K. Hyde

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Feb; 6(1): 60–68



Erectile dysfunction treatment and traditional medicine – can East and West medicine coexist?

Joe K. C. Lee, Ronny B. W. Tan, Eric Chung

Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Feb; 6(1): 91–100



Erectile function predicts sexual satisfaction in men with spinal cord injury

C M Gomes, E P Miranda, J de Besa Jr et al

Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 5 (3): e148-e155



PDE-5 inhibitors should be used post radical prostatectomy as erection function rehabilitation? Opinion: No

Clavell-Hernández, Jonathan and Wang, Run

Int. braz j urol., June 2017, vol.43, no.3, p.390-393



PDE-5 inhibitors should be used post radical prostatectomy as erection function rehabilitation? Opinion: Yes

Alzweri, Laith M. and Burnett, Arthur L.

Int. braz j urol., June 2017, vol.43, no.3, p.385-389



Effect of tadalafil 5mg daily treatment on the ejaculatory times, lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile function in patients with erectile dysfunction

Karabakan, Mehmet et al.

Int. braz j urol., Apr 2017, vol.43, no.2, p.317-324



A retrospective study of erectile function and use of erectile aids in prostate cancer patients after radical prostatectomy in Denmark

M K Haahr, N H Azawi, L Gronbaedk et AL

Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 5 (3): e156-e162



Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor use in type2 diabetes is associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality

Simon G Anderson, David C Hutchings, Mark Woodward et al

Heart. 2016 Nov 1; 102(21): 1750–1756



Interdisciplinary options for diagnosis and treatment of organic erectile dysfunction

N Diehm, A Borm, H H Keo, S Wyler

Swiss Med Wkly 2015, vol 145: w14268



Is internet pornography causing sexual dysfunctions? A review with clinical reports

B Y Park, G Wilson, J Berger et al

Behav Sci (Basel), aug 2016



Clinical use of alprostadil topical cream in patients with erectile dysfunction: a review

James Anaissie, Wayne JG Hellstrom

Res Rep Urol. 2016; 8: 123–131



Understading and managing erectile dysfunction in patients treated for cancer

Maria Voznesensky, Kiran Annam, Karl J. Kreder

J Oncol Pract. 2016 Apr; 12(4): 297–304



Postprostatectomy erectile dysfunction: a review

Paolo Capogrosso, Andrea Salonia, Alberto Briganti, Francesco Montorsi

World J Mens Health. 2016 Aug; 34(2): 73–8



Prevalence, psychological impact, and risk factors of erectile dysfunction in patients Peyronie´s disease: a retrospective analysis of 309 cases

Gianni Paulis, Gennaro Romano, Andrea Paulis

Res Rep Urol. 2016; 8: 95–103.



The current status of stem-cell therapy in erectile dysfunction review

Amanda B Reed-Maldonado, Tom F Lue

World J Mens Health. 2016 Dec; 34(3): 155–164.



Modifying risk factors in the management of erectile dysfunction: a review

Kenneth J DeLay, Nora Haney, Wayne JG Hellstrom

World J Mens Health. 2016 Aug; 34(2): 89–100



Erectile dysfunction

Faysal A. Yafi, Lawrence Jenkins, Maarten Albersen et al

Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2016; 2: 16003.



Dietary flavonoid intake and incidence of erectile dysfunction

Aedín Cassidy, Mary Franz, Eric B Rimm

Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Feb; 103(2): 534–541



Severity of erectile dysfunction is highly correlated with the syntax score in patients undergoing coronariography.

Andrade, Weslley Santiago et al.

Int. braz j urol., Feb 2016, vol.42, no.1, p.123-131



Is There a Space to Improve the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in the Next Years? Opinion: Yes

Althof, Stanley E.

Int. braz j urol., Oct 2015, vol.41, no.5, p.830-83



Is There a Space to Improve the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in the Next Years? Opinion: No. Ten reasons that there will be no new pharmacologic therapies for erectile dysfunctionin the foreseeable future

Sharlip, Ira D.

Int. braz j urol., Oct 2015, vol.41, no.5, p.832-834



The vascular and neurogenic factors associated with erectile dysfunction in patients after pelvic fractures.

Guan, Yong et al.

Int. braz j urol., Oct 2015, vol.41, no.5, p.959-966



Development of UK guidance on the management of erectile dysfunction resulting from radical radiotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer

I D White, J Wilson, P Aslet, A B Baxter et al

Int J Clin Pract. 2015 Jan; 69(1): 106–123



Effects of cigarette smoking on erectile dysfunction

J.R. Kovac, C. Labbate, R. Ramasamy, D. Tang, L.I. Lipshultz

Andrologia. 2015 Dec; 47(10): 1087–1092



Enfermedad periodontal y disfunción eréctil

Correa, Emil et al.

Rev. Clin. Periodoncia Implantol. Rehabil. Oral, 2015, vol.8, no.1, p.93-97



Disfunción eréctil en portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en edad productiva

López M, Cruz M et al.

Rev. méd. Chile, Dic 2013, vol.141, no.12, p.1555-1559



Sexual activity, erectile dysfunction , and incident cardiovascular events

S A Hall, R Shacklton R C Rosen, A B Araujo

A J Cardiol 2010, vol 105 (2): 192-197



Management of erectile dysfunction

J J Heidelbaugh

Am Fam Physician 2010, vol 81 (3): 305-312



Perfiles de los indicadores relacionados con las disfunciones sexuales masculinas: trastorno de la erección, trastorno del orgasmo y eyaculación precoz

Sánchez Bravo, Claudia et al.

Salud Ment, Jun 2010, vol.33, no.3, p.237-242



■  by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Disfunção Sexual Feminina Online (Female sexual dysfunction)


Hypoactive sexual desire disorder

I Golstein, N N Kim, A H Clayton et al

International Society for the Study of Women´s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) Expert Consensus Panel Review

Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2017, vol 92 (1): 114-128



A Model for the Management of Female Sexual Dysfunctions

Lara, Lúcia Alves da Silva et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Apr 2017, vol.39, no.4, p.184-194



Flibanserin for hypoactive sexual desire disorder: place in therapy

F Gelman, J Atrio

Ther Adv Crhronic 2017, vol 8 (1):16-15



Flibanserin efficacy and safety in premenopausal women with generalized acquired hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Fisher WA, Pyke RE.

Sex Med Rev. 2017, vol 5(4):445-460



Flibanserin: from bench to bedside

E M Dooley, M K Miller, A H Clayton

Sexual Medicine Reviews 2017, vol 5 (4): 461-469



What sexual behaviors to decreased sexual desire in women? A review and proposal for end points in treatment trials for hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Robert Pyke, Anita Clayton

Sex Med. 2017 Jun; 5(2): e73–e83



What is the real impact of urinary incontinence on female sexual dysfunction? A case control study

Mariana Rhein Felippe, Joao Paulo Zambon, Marcia Eli Girotti et al

Sex Med. 2017, vol  5(1): e54–e60



Female urinary incontinence and sexuality

Mota RL.

Int Braz J Urol. 2017 Jan-Feb;43(1):20-28



The effect of extended release tolterodine used for overactive bladder treatment on female sexual function

Athanasios Zachariou, Maria Filiponi

Int Braz J Urol. 2017, vol  43(4): 713–720



Sexual distress and quality of life among women with bipolar disorder

Sørensen T, Giraldi A, Vinberg M.

Int J Bipolar Disord. 2017 Dec;5(1):29



Anatomic sites and associated clinical factors for deep dyspareunia

P J Yong, C Williams, A Yosef et al

Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 5 (3): e184-e195



Sexual life of women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome after laparoscopic Vecchietti vaginoplasty

Z Pastor, J Fronek, M Novácková, R Chmel

Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 5 (2): e106-e113



Vaginismus treatment: clinical trials follow up 241 patients

P T Pacik, S Gelletta

Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 5 (2): e114-e123



A meta-analysis detailing overall sexual function and orgasmic function in women undergoing miduretheral sling surgery for stress incontinence

N Szell, B Komisaruk, S W Goldstein et al

Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 5 (2): e84-e93



New development in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder – a focus on Flibanserin

Christopher J Jayne, Michael J Heard, Sarah Zubair, Dustie L Johnson

Int J Womens Health. 2017; 9: 171–178.



The women´s EMPOWER survey: identifying women´s perceptions on vulvar and vaginal atrophy and its treatment

S A Kingsberg, M Krychman, S Graham et al

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 14 (3): 413-424



Flibanserin in postmenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder: results of the PLUMERIA Study

D J Portaman, L Brown, J Yuan et al

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 14 (6): 834-842



The women´s EMPOWER survey: women´s knowledge and awareness of treatment options for vulvar and vaginal atrophy remains inadequate

M Krychman, S Graham, B Bernick et al

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 14 (3): 425-433



Reasons for and experiences with surgical interventions for female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C):  a systematic review

R C Berg, S Taraldsen, M A Said et al

The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2017, vol 14 (8): 997-990



Impact of ospemifene on quality of life and sexual function in young survivors of cervical cancer: a prospective study

N De Rosa, G Lavitola, P Giampaolino et AL

BioMed Research International 2017 (2017), Article 75136110, 8 pages



Prevalência de dispareunia na gravidez e fatores associados

Sperandio, Fabiana Flores et al.

Rev. Bras. Saude Mater. Infant., Mar 2016, vol.16, no.1, p.49-55



Are depression and poor sexual health neglected comorbidities? Evidence from a population sample

Field N, Prah P, Mercer CH, Rait G et al

BMJ Open. 2016, vol 6(3):e010521



Indicadores clínicos de disfunção sexual em mulheres grávidas: revisão integrativa de literatura

Carteiro, Dora Maria Honorato, Sousa, Lisete Maria Ribeiro de and Caldeira, Sílvia Maria Alves

Rev. Bras. Enferm., Fev 2016, vol.69, no.1, p.165-173



Acupuncture in premenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder: a prospective cohort pilot study

S H Oakley, J Walther-Liu, C C Crisp, R N Pauls

Sexual Medicine 2016 (4): e176-e181



The sexual impact of infertility among women seeking fertility care

W D Winkelman, P P Katz, J F Smith

Sexual Medicine 2016, vol 4 (3): e190-e197



Physical examination of the female cancer patient with sexual concerns: What oncologists and patients should expect from consultation with a specialist

Stacy Tessler Lindau, Emily M. Abramsohn, Shirley R. Baron et al

CA Cancer J Clin. 2016 May; 66(3): 241–263



The sexual acceptability of contraception: reviewing the literature and building a new concept

Jenny A. Higgins, Nicole K. Smith

J Sex Res. 2016 May 3; 53(4-5): 417–456



A biopsychosoial approach to women´s sexual function and dysfunction at midlife: a narrative review

Holly N. Thomas, Rebecca C. Thurston

Maturitas. 2016 May; 87: 49–60.



Increasing women´s sexual desire: the comporative effectiveness of estrogens and androgens

Maurand Cappelletti, Kim Wallen

Horm Behav. 2016 Feb; 78: 178–193



Bremaelanotide for female sexual dysfunction in premenopausal women: a randomized, placebo-controlled dose-finding trial

Anita H Clayton, Stanley E Althof, Sheryl Kingsberg et al

Womens Health (Lond) 2016 Jun; 12(3): 325–337



Examining the sexual function and related attitudes among women: a cross-sectional study

Safieh Jamali, Afifeh Rahmanian, Shohreh Javadpour

Int J Reprod Biomed (Yazd) 2016 Jan; 14(1): 29–38.



How to ask and what to do: a guide for clinical inquiry and intervention regarding female sexual health after cancer

Sharon L. Bober, Jennifer B. Reese, Lisa Barbera, Andrea Bradford, Kristen M. Carpenter, Shari Goldfarb, Jeanne Carter

Curr Opin Support Palliat Care. 2016 Mar; 10(1): 44–54.



Has testosterone passed the test in premenopausal women with low libido? A systematic review

Beverly G Reed, Laurice Bou Nemer, Bruce R Carr

Int J Womens Health. 2016; 8: 599–607



Atuação da fisioterapia nas disfunções sexuais femininas: uma revisão sistemática

R E Wolpe, A M Toriv, F P da Silva et al

Acta Fisiátrica 2015, vol 22 (2)



Biopsycholosocial determinants of hypoactive sexual desire in women: a narrative review

Mina Malary, Soghra Khani, Mehdi Pourasghar et AL

Mater Sociomed. 2015 Dec; 27(6): 383–389



Influência do climatério nas disfunções sexuais em mulheres com doenças reumáticas

Lisboa, Lilian Lira, Andrade, Sandra Cristina de and Azevedo, George Dantas de

Rev. Bras. Reumatol., Abr 2015, vol.55, no.2, p.195-196



Reproduction and mode of delivery in women with vaginismus or localized provoked vestibulodynia: a Swedish register-based study

L Möller, A Josefsson, M Bladh et al

BJOG 2015, vol 122 (3): 329-334



Sexual desire and hormonal contraception

Ms. Amanda Boozalis, Nhial T. Tutlam, Camaryn Chrisman Robbins, Jeffrey F. Peipert

Obstet Gynecol. 2016, vol 127(3): 563–572



How to ask and what to do: a guide for clinical inquiry and intervention regarding female sexual health after cancer

Sharon L. Bober, Jennifer B. Reese, Lisa Barbera et al

Curr Opin Support Palliat Care. 2016 Mar; 10(1): 44–54



Presenting symptoms among Black and White women with provoked vulvodynia

Candace S. Brown, Davis C. Foster, Candi C. Bachour,et al

J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2015 Oct 1; 24(10): 831–836



Sexual problems among older women by age and race

Anne K. Hughes, Ola S. Rostant, Sally Pelon

J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2015 Aug 1; 24(8): 663–669.



A practical solution for dysparenia in breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial

M F Goetsch, J Y Lim, A B Caughey

J Clin Oncol 2015, vol 33 (30): 3394-3400



Management of vaginal atrophy: implications from the REVIVE Survey

S Wysocki, S Kingsberg, M Krychman

Clin Med Insights Reprod Health 2014, vol 8: 23-30



Older women´s sexual desire problems: biopychosocial factors impacting them and barriers to their clinical assessment

Michelle Maciel, Luciana Laganà

Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014: 107217



Benefits and risks of testosterone treatment for hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women: a critical review of studies published in the decades preceding and succeeding the advent of phosphodiesterae type 5 inhibitors

Sandra Léa Bonfim Reis, Carmita H. N. Abdo

Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2014 Apr; 69(4): 294–303



Sexual dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review of prevalence

Nascimento, Elisabete Rodrigues et al.

Clinics, Nov 2013, vol.68, no.11, p.1462-1468



Frequência de disfunção sexual em mulheres com doenças reumáticas.

Ferreira, Clarissa de Castro et al.

Rev. Bras. Reumatol., Fev 2013, vol.53, no.1, p.41-46



Sexual activity and satisfaction in healthy community-dwelling older women

Susan E. Trompeter, Ricki Bettencourt, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor

Am J Med. 2012 Jan; 125(1): 37–43.e1



Influência dos sintomas climatéricos sobre a função sexual de mulheres de meia-idade

Cabral, Patrícia Uchôa Leitão et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Jul 2012, vol.34, no.7, p.329-33




R L B D Moreira

Revista Médica de Minas Gerais 2012, vol 23 (3)



Gravidez e Diabetes Gestacional: uma combinação prejudicial à função sexual feminina?

Ribeiro, Meireluci Costa et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Maio 2011, vol.33, no.5, p.219-224



Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo. Estudio cuantitativo. Primera parte

Sánchez Bravo, Claudia et al.

Salud Ment, Ago 2010, vol.33, no.4, p.347-353



Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo: Estudio cualitativo. Segunda parte

Sánchez Bravo, Claudia et al.

Salud Ment, Oct 2010, vol.33, no.5, p.437-449



Efetividade de intervenções fisioterapêuticas para o vaginismo: uma revisão da literatura

Aveiro, Mariana Chaves, Garcia, Ana Paula Urdiales and Driusso,

Fisioter. Pesqui., Set 2009, vol.16, no.3, p.279-283


Abordagem fisioterapêutica nas disfunções sexuais femininas.

R S Antonioli, S Simões

Rev Neurocienc 2010, vol 18 (2): 267-274



Abordagem das disfunções sexuais femininas.

Lara, Lúcia Alves da Silva et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Jun 2008, vol.30, no.6, p.312-321



■  by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com