Telemedicina na Cardiologia Online (Telemedicine in Cardiology)


Telemedicine in pediatric cardiology

A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

G M Satou, K Rheuban, D Alverson et al

Circulation 2017, vol 135: e648-e678


Telemedicine for cardiovascular emergency networks

ANMCO/SIT Consensus Document

Pasquale Caldarola, Michele Massimo Gulizia, Domenico Gabrielli et al

Eur Heart J Suppl. 2017 , vol 19(Suppl D): D229–D24


The future of telemedicine for the management of heart failure patients

A Consensus Docment of the Italian Associaiton of Hospital Cardiologists (A.N.M.C.O.), the Italian Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (Digital S.I.T.)

A Di Lenarda, G Casolo, M Massino et al

European Heart Journal Supplements 2017, vol 19, issue suppl_D: D113-D129


The effectiveness of telemedicine in the management of chronic heart disease – a systematic review

Clemens S Kruse, Mounica Soma, Deepthi Pulluri et al

JRSM Open. 2017 Mar; 8(3): 2054270416681747


Telemedicine: Its importance in Cardiology Practice. Experience in Chile

E Escobr, C Akel

Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications 2017, vol 2 (3): 325-331


Health informatics in UK Medical Education: an online survey of current practice

Sarah Walpole, Paul Taylor, Amitava Banerjee

JRSM Open. 2017 Jan; 8(1): 2054270416682674


Telemedicine helps cardiologists extend their reach

B M Kuehn

Circulation 2016, vol 134: 1189-1191



Resumo Executivo – Diretriz de Telecardiologia no Cuidado de Pacientes com Síndrome Coronariana Aguda e Outras Doenças Cardíacas

M T de Oliveira Jr, L J C de Paula, M S Marcolino, M F Canesin

Arq Bras Cardiol 2015, vol 105 (2)


Telemedicine and cardiac implants: What is the benefit?

N Varma, R P Ricci

European Heart Journal 2013, vol 34 (25: 1885-1895


■  by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

CRMMG: 7026


Depressão Pós-parto (postpartum depression)


Postpartum depression: bipolar or unipolar? Analysis of 434 Polish postpartum women

Jaeschke, Rafał R. et al.

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr., June 2017, vol.39, no.2, p.154-159


Understanding the pathophysiology of postpartum psychosis: challenges and new approaches

William Davie

World J Psychiatry. 2017 , vol 7(2): 77–88


Postpartum depression in women: a risk factor analysis

F Zaidi, A Nigam, R Anjum, r Agarwalla

J Clin Diagn Res 2017, vol 11 (8): QC13-QC16


Sintomatología depresiva en el post parto y factores psicosociales asociados

Romero R, Daniela et al.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., Abr 2017, vol.82, no.2, p.152-162


Selective dietary supplementation in early postpartum is associated with high resilience against depressed mood

Y Dowlati, A V Ravindran, Z V Segal et al

PNAS 2017, vol 114 (13)


The impact of education, country, race and ethnicity on the self-report of postpartum depression using the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale

Di Florio, K. Putnam, M. Altemus, G. Apter et al

Psychol Med. 2017 vol 47(5): 787–799


Do successive preterm births increase the risk of postpartum depressive symptoms?

T O Ihongbe, S W Masho

Journal of Pregnacy 2017 (2017), article ID 4148136, 10 pages


Depressão pós-parto e satisfação conjugal: impacto longitudinal emu ma amostra brasileira

C S Hollist, O G Falceto, B L Seibel et al

Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade 2016, vol 11 (38)


Childbirth and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety: a prospective birth cohort study

  1. F. Bell, C. S. Carter, J. M. Davis, J. Golding et al

Arch Womens Ment Health. 2016 Apr; 19(2): 219–227


The impact of migration on women’s mental health in the postpartum period

Almeida, Lígia Moreira et al.

Rev. Saúde Pública, 2016, vol.5


Relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and depressive symptoms during late pregnancy and the early postpartum period: a longitudinal study

Simpson, William et al.

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr., Sept 2016, vol.38, no.3, p.190-19


Cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with systemic family therapy improves mild to moderate postpartum depression

Hou, Yongmei et al.

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr., Mar 2014, vol.36, no.1, p.47-52


Can postpartum depression be managed in pediatric primary care?

Su-Chin Serene Olin, Bonnie Kerker, Ruth E.K. Stein et al

J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2016 Apr 1; 25(4): 381–39


Altered stress patterns and increased risk for postpartum depression among low-income pregnant women

Kathryn Scheyer, Guido G. Urizar, Jr

Arch Womens Ment Health. 2016 Apr; 19(2): 317–328


The neurobiological impact of postpartum maternal depression: prevention and intervention approaches

Stacy S. Drury, Laura Scaramella, Charles H. Zeanah

Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Apr; 25(2): 179–200


Preventing postpartum depression: review and recommendations

E Werner, M Miller, L M Osborne et al

Arch Womens Ment Health 2015, vol 18 (1): 41-60


Depressão pós-parto entre mulheres com gravidez não pretendida

Brito, Cynthia Nunes de Oliveira et a

Rev. Saúde Pública, 2015, vol.4


Depressão pós-parto materna: crenças, práticas de cuidado e estimulação de bebês no primeiro ano de vida

Campos, Bárbara Camila de and Rodrigues, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim

Psico (Porto Alegre), Dez 2015, vol.46, no.4, p.483-492


Prevalencia de depresión posparto en puérperas adolescentes y adultas

Molero, Katherine L et al.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., 2014, vol.79, no.4, p.294-304


Depresión postparto y ejercicio

Méndez-Cerezo, Álvaro J.

Perinatol. Reprod. Hum., Dic 2014, vol.28, no.4, p.211-216


Depression with postpartum onset: a prospective cohort study in women undergoing elective cesarean section in Brasilia, Brazil.

Zaconeta, Alberto Moreno et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Mar 2013, vol.35, no.3, p.130-13


Associação entre sintomas emocionais da tensão pré-mentrual e o risco de desenvolvimento de sintomas depressivos no pós-parto

E A de Morais, F C Marini, A C V Cabral

Revista Médica de Minas Gerais 2013, vol 23:3


Is positive affect in pregnancy protective of postpartum depression?

Bos, Sandra Carvalho et al.

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr., Mar 2013, vol.35, no.1, p.5-12


Prevalence of suicide risk and comorbidities in postpartum women in Pelotas

Tavares, Daniele et al.

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr., Oct 2012, vol.34, no.3, p.270-27


Antenatal depression strongly predicts postnatal depression in primary health care

Faisal-Cury, Alexandre and Menezes, Paulo Rossi

Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr., Dec 2012, vol.34, no.4, p.446-45


Depressão pós-parto: tratamento baseado em evidências

F L P Ibiapina, J A G Alves, R P S Busgaib, F S Costa

FEMINA 2010, vol 38 (3)


Postpartum depression

TPearlstein, M Howard, A Salisbury et al

Am J of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2009, vol 200 (4): 357-364



■  by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

CRMMG: 7026
