Osteoartrite: Diagnóstico por imagem Online (Osteoarthritis: Diagnostic imaging)


Eular recommendations for the use of imaging in the clinical management of peripheral joint osteoarthritis

G Sakelariou, P G Conaghan, W Zhang et al

Annals of Rheumatic Disease 2017



Estudo antropométrico do joelho em portadores de osteoartrite: comparação da mensuração intraoperatória e por ressonância magnética

Loures, Fabrício Bolpato et al.

Radiol Bras, June 2017, vol.50, no.3, p.170-175



Correlation between ultrasonographic finding, clinical scores, and depression in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Samia M Abd El Monaem, Nashwa Ismail Hashaad, Noha Hosni Ibrahim

Eur J Rheumatol. 2017 Sep; 4(3): 205–209



Ultrasound-detected osteophytes predict the development of radiographic and clinical features of hand osteoarthritis in the same finger joints 5 years later

Alexander Mathiessen, Barbara Slatkowsky-Christensen, Tore K Kvien, Ida K Haugen, Hilde Berner Hammer

RMD Open. 2017; 3(2): e000505



Levels of serum biomarkers from a two-year multicentre trial are associated with treatment response on knee osteoarthritis cartilage loss as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: an exploratory study

Johanne Martel-Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Raynauld, François Mineau et al

Arthritis Res Ther.2017; vol 19: 169



Development of a clinical prediction algorithm for knee osteoarthritis structural progression in a cohort study: value of adding measurement of subchondral bone density

Michael P. LaValley, Grace H. Lo, Lori Lyn Price et al

Arthritis Res Ther.2017; vol 19: 95



Evaluation of a quantitative  measurement of suprapatellar effusion by ultrasonograpy and ist association with symptoms of radiographic knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectionalobservational study

Daisuke Chiba, Eiichi Tsuda, Shugo Maeda, Eiji Sasaki, Ippei Takahashi, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Yasuyuki Ishibash

Arthritis Res Ther.2016; 18: 181



Chondroitin sulfate efficacy versus celecoxib on knee osteoarthritis structural changes using magnetic resonance imaging: a 2-year multicentre exploratory study

Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Raynauld, André D. Beaulieu et al

Arthritis Res Ther 2016; vol 18: 256.



Proximal tibil trabecular bone mineral density is related to pain patients with osteoarthritis

Wadena D. Burnett, Saija A. Kontulainen, Christine E. McLennan, Diane Hazel, Carl Talmo, David R. Wilson, David J. Hunter, James D. Johnsto

Arthritis Res Ther. 2017; 19:



Average symptom trajectories following incident radiographic knee osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

Rebecca Whittle, Kelvin P Jordan, Elaine Thomas, George Peat

RMD Open.2016; vol 2(2): e000281



A narrative overview of the current status of MRI of the hip and tis relevance for osteoarthritis research – What we know, what has changed and where are we going?

M D Crema, G J Watts, A Guermazi et AL

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (1): 1-13



The knee adduction moment andd knee osteoarthritis symptoms: relationships according to radiographic disease severity

M Hall, K L Bennell, T V Wringley et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (1): 34-41



The relationship between meniscal pathology and osteoarthritis depends on the type of meniscal damage visible on magnetic resonance images: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

B Antony, J B Driban, L L Price et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (1): 76-84



Magnetic resonance imaging lesions are more severe and cartilage T2 relaxation time measurements are higher in isolated lateral compartment radiographic knee osteoarthritis than in isolated medial compartment disease – data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

B L Wise, J Niu, A Guermazi et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (1): 85-93



■  by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Rua Gonçalves Dias 2012

Belo Horizonte – MG/Brasil

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Osteoartrite Online (Osteoarthritis)


Can osteoarthritis predict mortality?

R J Cleveland, L F Callahan

North Carolina Medical Journal 2017,vol 78: 322-325



Is a long leg a risk for hip or knee osteoarthritis? A 29-year follow-up study of 193 individuals

Kaj Tallroth, Leena Ristolainen, Mikko Manninen

Acta Orthop. 2017 Oct; 88(5): 512–515



Practice guideline for pharmacists: the management of osteoarthritis

J Kielly, E M Davis, C Marra

Can Pharm J (Ott) 2017, vol 150 (3): 156-168



Eular recommendations for the use of imaging in the clinical management of peripheral joint osteoarthritis

G Sakelariou, P G Conaghan, W Zhang et al

Annals of Rheumatic Disease 2017



The effect of resistance training on muscle strength, joint pain, and hand function in individuals with hand osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Nicoló Edoardo Magni, Peter John McNair, David Andrew Rice

Arthritis Res Ther.2017; vol 19: 131



Ultrasound-detected osteophytes predict the development of radiographic and clinical features of hand osteoarthritis in the same finger joints 5 years later

Alexander Mathiessen, Barbara Slatkowsky-Christensen, Tore K Kvien, Ida K Haugen, Hilde Berner Hammer

RMD Open. 2017; 3(2): e000505



Effectiveness of intra-articular therapies in osteoarthtiris: a literature review

Peter Wehling, Christopher Evans, Jana Wehling, William Maixner

Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis.2017, vol 9(8): 183–196



New drug treatment for osteoarthritis: What is on horizon?

F W Watt, M Gulati

European Medical Journal march 2017



Papel da via de sinalização do HIF-1α na osteoartrite: revisão sistemática

Fernández-Torres, Javier et al

Rev. Bras. Reumatol., Apr 2017, vol.57, no.2, p.162-173



Translation of clinical problems in osteoarthritis into pathophysiological research goals

Peter M van der Kraan, Francis Berenbaum, Francisco J Blanco et al

On behalf of the EULAR Study group in OA

RMD Open. 2016; 2(1): e000224



Tratamiento farmacológico invasivo articular en la artrosis.

Benítez Pareja, D., Benítez Pareja, P. and Torres Morera, L. M.

Rev. Soc. Esp. Dolor, Abr 2016, vol.23, no.2, p.88-92



Synovitis in osteoarthritis: current understanding with therapeutic implications

Alexander Mathiessen, Philip G. Conaghan

Arthritis Res Ther.2017; vol 19: 18



Beneficial effect of resveratrol on phenotypic features and activity of osteoarthritic osteoblasts

Élie Abed, Aline Delalandre, Daniel Lajeunesse

Arthritis Res Ther.2017; vol 19: 151



Compared efficacy of intra-articular injection of methylprednisolone and triancinolone

A Fettah Buyuk et al

Acta ortop. bras., Oct 2017, vol.25, no.5, p.206-208



Generating individual patient preferences for the treatment of osteoarthritis using adaptive choice-based conjoint (ACBC) analysis

Basem Al-Omari, Julius Sim, Peter Croft, Martin Frisher

Rheumatol Ther.2017 Jun; vol 4(1): 167–182



Association between biomarkers of tissue inflammation and progression of ostearthritis; evidence from the Rotterdam study cohort

Fatemeh Saberi Hosnijeh, Anne Sofie Siebuhr, Andre G. Uitterlinden et al

Arthritis Res Ther.2016; vol 18: 8



Extracellular vesicles in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

Joseph Withrow, Cameron Murphy, Yutao Liu et al

Arthritis Res Ther.2016; vol 18: 286



Severity of osteoarthritis is associated with increased arterial stiffness

Kaspar Tootsi, Jaak Kals, Mihkel Zilmer, Kaido Paapstel, Aare Märtson

Int J Rheumatol. 2016; 2016: 6402963



Exploratory analysis of osteoarthritis progression among medication users: data from the osteoarthritis initiative

Jeffrey B. Driban, Grace H. Lo, Charles B. Eaton et al

Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis.2016, vol 8(6): 207–219



Does sports participation (including level of performance and previous injury) increase risk of osteoarthritis? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Gui Tran, Toby O Smith, Adam Grice et al

Br J Sports Med.2016, vol 50(23): 1459–146



Efeitos do exercício aquático na força muscular e no desempenho funcional de indivíduos com osteoartrite: uma revisão sistemática

Mattos, Fernanda de et AL

Rev. Bras. Reumatol., Dec 2016, vol.56, no.6, p.530-542



Impact of physical activity and mechanical loading on biomarkers typically used in osteoarthritis assessment: current concepts and knowledge gaps

Nicole M. Cattano, Jeffrey B. Driban, Kenneth L. Cameron, Michael R. Sitler

Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2017 Jan; 9(1): 11–21



Suplementação com colágeno como terapia complementar na prevenção e tratamento de osteoporose e osteoartrite: uma revisão sistemática

Porfírio, Elisângela and Fanaro, Gustavo Bernardes

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol., Feb 2016, vol.19, no.1, p.153-164



Systemic inflammation and painful joint burden in osteoarthritis: A matter of sex?

A V Perruccio, V Chandran, J D Power, et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (1): 53-59



Osteoarthritis-related difficulty walking and risk for diabetes complications

G A Hawker, R Croxford, A S Bierman et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (1): 67-75



Osteoarthritis year in review 2016: biomarkers (biochemical markers)

A Mobasheri, A C Bay-Jensen, W E van Spil et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (2): 199-208



Relationship between physical acitivity and hip pain in persons with and without cam or pincer morphology: a population-based case-control study

J A Kopec, J Cibere, L C Li et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (7): 1055-1061



Effect of a model consultation informed by guidelines on recorded quality of care of osteoarthritis (MOSAICS); a cluster, randomised controlled Trial in primary care

K P Jordan, J J Edwards, M Porcheret et al

Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2017, vol 25 (10): 1588-1597



■  by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Rua Gonçalves Dias 2012

Belo Horizonte – MG/Brasil

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com