Menopausa Online (Menopause)


Fatores de Risco Cardiovasculares em Mulheres Climatéricas com Doença Arterial Coronariana

Melo, Jorgileia Braga de et al

Int. J. Cardiovasc. Sci., 2017


Non-HDL cholesterol is a good predictor of the risk of increased arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women in an urban Brazilian population.

de Oliveira Alvim, Rafael et al.

Clinics, Feb 2017, vol.72, no.2, p.106-110


Carotid artery distensibility and hormone therapy and menopause: The Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study (LAAS)

Chrisandra Shufelt, Omeed Elboudwarej, B. Delia Johnson et al

Menopause. 2016, vol 23(2): 150–157


Apneia obstrutiva do sono em mulheres na pós-menopausa: estudo comparativo usando endoscopia do sono induzido por fármaco

Koo, Soo Kweon et al

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol., June 2017, vol.83, no.3, p.285-29


An efficient tool for the primary care management of menopause

Susan Goldstein

Can Fam Physician. 2017, vol 63(4): 295–298.

Recommendations on the management of women with premature ovarian

The British Menopause Sociaty and Women´s Health Concer

H Hamoda

Post Reproductive Health 2017, vol 23 (1): 22-35


Consensus statement for non-hormonal-based treatments for menopausal symptoms

J Woyka

Post Reproductive Health 2017, vol 23 (2): 71-75


British Menopause Society vision for menopause in the UK

Endorsed by Royal College of General Practitioner, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health, Royal College of Nursing, and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

H Currie, K Abernethy, S Gray

Post Reproductive Health 2017, vol 23 (3)


Improving recognition in the UK for menopause-related challenges to women´s working life

A Griffiths

Post Reproductive Health 2017, vol 23 (4)


Risk assessement: factors contributing to discomfort for menopausal women in workplace

Mehdi Jafari, Bahar Seifi, Mohammad Heidari

J Menopausal Med. 2017, vol 23(2): 85–90


The effect of soy isoflavones on the menopause rating scale scoring in perimenoapausal and post menopausal women: a pilot study

Marya Ahsan, Ayaz Khurram Mallick

J Clin Diagn Res.2017, vol 11(9): FC13–FC16


What happens after menopause? (WHAM): protocol for a prospective, multicenter, age-matched cohort trial of risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in high-risk premenopausal women

Martha Hickey, Alison Trainer, Sabine Braat et al

BMJ Open. 2017; vol 7(11): e018758


Influence of oral and gut microbiota in the health of menopausal women

Angélica T. Vieira, Paula M. Castelo, Daniel A. Ribeiro, Caroline M. Ferreira

Front Microbiol. 2017; vol 8: 1884


Postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of stroke: A pooled analysis of data from population-based cohort studies

Germán D. Carrasquilla, Paolo Frumento, Anita Berglund et al

PLoS Med.2017, vol 14(11): e1002445


Menopausal hormone therapy: a systematic review of cost-effectiveness evaluations

Louiza S. Velentzis, Usha Salagame, Karen Canfell

BMC Health Serv Res.2017; vol 17: 326


Effects of yoga and aerobic exercise on actigraphic sleep parameters in menopausal women with hot flashes

Diana Taibi Buchanan, Carol A. Landis, Chancellor Hohensee et al

J Clin Sleep Med.2017, vol 13(1): 11–18


Impact of menopause and diabetes on atherogenic lipid profile: Is it worth to analyse lipoprotein subfractions to assess cardiovascular risk in women?

Marília Izar Helfenstein Fonseca, Isis Tande da Silva, Sandra Roberta G. Ferreira

Diabetol Metab Syndr.2017; vol 9: 22


Vulvovaginal symptoms prevalence in postmenopausal women and relationship to other menopausal symptoms and pelvic floor disorders

Elisabeth A. Erekson, Fang-Yong Li, Deanna K. Martin, Terri R. Fried

Menopause. 2016 Apr; 23(4): 368–375


Anthropometric measures and serum estrogen metabolism in postmenopausal women: the Women´s Health Initiative Observational Study

Hannah Oh, Sally B. Coburn, Charles E. Matthews et al

Breast Cancer Res 2017; vol 19: 28


Evaluation of Probably Benign Adnexal Masses in Postmenopausal Women

Karakaya, Burcu Kisa et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., May 2017, vol.39, no.5, p.229-234


Climacteric Symptoms and Sexual Dysfunction: Association between the Blatt-Kupperman Index and the Female Sexual Function Index.

Cruz, Emanuela Fonseca, Nina, Vinícius José da Silva and Figuerêdo, Eduardo Durans

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Feb 2017, vol.39, no.2, p.66-71


Repercussões da Menopausa para a Sexualidade de Idosas: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura

Crema, Izabella Lenza, Tilio, Rafael De and Campos, Maria Teresa de Assi

Psicol. cienc. prof., Set 2017, vol.37, no.3, p.753-76


Functioning of active postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

Binda, Aline Cristiane et al.

Fisioter. mov., Dec 2017, vol.30, no.4, p.797-80

Evaluation of Quality of life, Physical Activity and Nutritional Profile of Postmenopausal Women with and without Vitamin D Deficiency

Delchiaro, Adriele et al

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., July 2017, vol.39, no.7, p.337-343


Managing menopause in women living with HIV: A survey of primary care practitioners

M Chirwa, R Ma, C Guallar, S Tariq

Post Reprod Health 2017, vol 23 (3): 111-115


Menopausal hormone therapy and colorectal cancer: a linkage between nationwide registries in Norway

Edoardo Botteri, Nathalie C Støer, Solveig Sakshaug et al

BMJ Open.2017, vol 7(11): e017639


Análise da ingestão de calorias totais, cálcio e proteínas e sua relação na densidade mineral óssea em mulheres pós-menopáusicas

Oselame, Cristiane da Silva et al

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol., Aug 2016, vol.19, no.4, p.653-660


Correlation of Menopausal Symptoms and Quality of Life with Physical Performance in Middle-Aged Women

Silva, Rívea Trindade da et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., June 2016, vol.38, no.6, p.266-272.


Female urinary incontinence: quality of life comparison on reproductive age and postmenopausal period

Rett, Mariana Tirolli et al.

Fisioter. mov., Mar 2016, vol.29, no.1, p.71-78

Menopause accelerates biological aging

Morgan E. Levine, Ake T. Lu, Brian H. Chen et al

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2016, vol 113(33): 9327–9332


Beer polyphenols and menopause: effects and mechanisms – a review of current knowledge

B A Sandoval-Ramírez, R M Lamuela-Raventós, R Estruch et al

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2017 (2017), Article ID 4749131, 9 pages


Los riesgos de no usar terapia hormonal de la menopausia: deterioro de la calidad de vida

Blümel, Juan Enrique and Arteaga, Eugenio

Rev. méd. Chile, Jun 2017, vol.145, no.6, p.760-764


Menopausia y riesgo cardiovascular

Arteaga Urzúa, Eugenio.

Rev. méd. Chile, Nov 2016, vol.144, no.11, p.1375-1376


Envejecimiento poblacional y unidades de climatério

Salinas P., Hugo

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol., Jun 2017, vol.82, no.3, p.293-297


Treatment of symptoms of the menopause

An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

C A Stuenkel, S R Davis, A Gompel et al

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2015, vol 100 (11): 3975-4011


■ by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

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