Doença de Kawasaki Online (Kawasaki Disease)


Kawasaki e fatores de risco para pior prognóstico

T A de Oliveira, L C B Gomes Junior, P A Araújo et al

Resid Pediatr 2017, vol 7 (2): 73-76


Dissecting Kawasaki disease: a state-of-the-art review

S M Dietz, D van Stijn, D Burgner et al

European Journal of Pediatrics 2017, vol 176 (8): 995-1009


Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease

A Scientific Statement for Health Professionals From the American Heart Association

B W McCrindle, A H Rowley, J W Newburger et al

Circulation 2017, vol 135: e927-e999


Kawasaki disease

J W Newburger, M Takahashi, J C Burns

JAAC 2016, vol 67 (14)


Predicting coronary artery aneurysms in Kawasaki disease at a North American center: an assessment of baseline z scores

M Beth F Son, K Gauvreau, S Kim et al

Journal of the American Heart Association 2017, vol 6: e00537


Clarithromycin plus intravenous immunoglobulin therapy can reduce the relapse rate of Kawasaki disease: a phase 2, open-label, randomized control study

E Nanishi, H Nishio, H Takada et AL

Journal of the American Heart Association 2017, vol 6: e005370


Oxidative stress and Kawasaki disease: How is oxidative stress involved from the acute stage to the chronic stage?

T Yahata, K Hamaoka

Rheumatology 2017, vol 56 (1); 6-13


Atypical Kawasaki disease presenting as a retropharyngeal abscess.

Kim, Jong Seung and Kwon, Sam Hyun

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol., Aug 2016, vol.82, no.4, p.484-486


Distribución geográfica de la enfermedad de Kawasaki en Chile

Hoyos-Bachiloglu, Rodrigo et al.

Rev. chil. infectol., Feb 2016, vol.33, no.1, p.12-18


Case 6/2017 – Extensive Giant Left Coronary Artery Aneurysm Due to Kawasaki Vasculitis in Asymptomatic 48-Year-Old Man

Atik, Edmar et al.

Arq. Bras. Cardiol., Nov 2017, vol.109, no.5, p.489-490


Diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease

A Saguil,M Fargo, S Grogan

Am Fam Physician 2015, vol91 (6): 365-371


Recognising Kawasaki disease in UK primary care: a descriptive study using the Clinical Practice ResearchDatalink

A Moore, A Hamden, R Mayon-White

Br J Gen Pract 2014, vol 64 (625): e477-e483


Kawasaki disease in children and adolescents: clinical data of Kawasaki patients in a western region (Tyrol) of Austria from 2003-2012

E Binder, E Griesmaier, T Giner

Pediatric Rheumatology 2014, vol 12: 37


■ by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Rua Gonçalves Dias 202

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

31 30033306       /   40204020

CRMMG: 7026


Hipoglicemia Online (Hypoglycemia)


Current practice of hypoglycemia management in the emergency departments

M H Bilhimer, C N Treu, N M Acquisto

Am J of Emergency Medicine 2017, vol 35 (1): 87-91


Hypoglycemia after gastric bypass: an emerging complication

R Millstein, H M Lawler

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2017, vol 84 (4):319-328


Hypoglycemia: a review of definitions used in clinical trials evaluating antihyperglycemic drugus for diabetes

C Balijepalli, E Druyts, G Siliman et al

Clin Epidemiol 2017, vol 9: 291-296


Insulinoma e gestação: anestesia e manejo perioperatório

Braga, Angélica de Fátima de Assunção et al

Rev. Bras. Anestesiol., July 2017, vol.67, no.4, p.426-429


Review of hypoglycemia in the older adult: clinical implications and management

M Sircar, A Bhatia, M munshi et al

Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2016, vol 40 (1): 66-7


Frequency and predictors of self-reported hypoglycemia in insulin-treated diabetes

S Malkani, A Kotwal

Journal of Diabetes Research 2017 (2017), Article ID 7425925, 7 pages


Intractable fasting hypoglycemia as a manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma

J J Forde, O Wwelukwa, T Brar, R Cabrera

Case Reports in Hepatology 2017 (2017, Article ID 7465025, 3 pages


Rare cause of recurrent hypoglycemia: insulin autoimmune syndrome

R Tinmanee, R Buranagan, S Ploybutr et al

Case Reports in Endocrinology 2017 (2017), Article ID 6423852, 3 pages


Riski of hypoglycemia following intensification of metformin treatment with insulin versus sulfonylurea

Christianne L. Roumie, Jea Young Min, Robert A. Greevy et al

CMAJ. 2016 Apr 5; 188(6): E104–E112


Intractable fasting hypoglycemia as a manifestation of hepatocellular carcinoma

J J Forde, O Ewelukwa, T Brar, R Cabrera

Case Reports in Hepatology 2017 (2017), Article ID 7465025, 3 pages


Functional outcome of patients with prolonged hypoglycemic encephalopathy

Guillaume Barbara, Bruno Mégarbane, Laurent Argaud et al

Ann Intensive Care. 2017; 7: 5


Diabetes, dementia and hypoglycemia

G S Meneilly, D M Tessier

Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2016, vol 40 (1): 73-76


Review of hypoglycemia in the older adult: clinical implication and management

M Sircar, A Bhatia, M Munshi

Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2016, vol 40 (1): 66-72


Acute management and outcomes of patients with diabetes mellitus presenting to Canadian Emergency Departments with Hypoglycemia

B H Rowe, M Singh, C Villa-Roel et al

Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2015, vol 39 (1): 55-64


The effect of hypoglycemia on health-related quality of life: Canadian Results from a Multinational Time Trade-off Survey

S Harris, M Mamdani, C B Galbo-Jorgensen et al

Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2016, vol 38 (1): 45-52


Generalized anxiety disorder and hypoglycemia symptoms improved with diet modification

M Aucoin, S Bhardwaj

Case Reports in Psychiatry 2016 (2016), Article ID 7165425, 4 pages


Hiperinsulinismo congénito del reciém nacido: a propósito de un caso clínico

Sáez, Josefina et al

Rev. chil. pediatr., Jun 2017, vol.88, no.3, p.377-382


De la bomba de insulina y el monitoro continuo de glucosa al páncreas artificial

Apablaza, Pamela, Soto, Néstor and Codner Ethel

Rev. méd. Chile, Mayo 2017, vol.145, no.5, p.630-640


Crise convulsiva como manifestação de insulinoma: um relato de caso

A C B Brandão, L de Medeiros, J V O Marques et al

Rev Med UFPR 2017, vol 4 (2)


Severe hypoglycemia and elevated high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in older adults with diabetes

A K Lee, J W McEvoy, R C Hoogeveen et al

The ARIC Study

Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2016, vol 68 (12)


Síndrome de hipoglicemia autoinmune: Primeiros casos en Chile

Lanas, Alejandra et al

Rev. méd. Chile, Jul 2015, vol.143, no.7, p.938-942



J Morales, D Schneider

Am J Medicine 2014, vol 127 (10)


■ by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH

Rua Gonçalves Dias 202

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

31 30033306/40204020

CRMMG: 7026
