Sífilis: Casos Clínicos Online (Syphilis: Case Reports)

Syphilis at age 15 years

Jacqueline Kaufman, Bogar Garcia, Shawn Horrall

Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2018 Jan; 31(1): 105–106



An unusual giant serpiginous lesion of secondary syphilis

Grimaux, Xavier, Ayoubi, Rida El and Clec’h, Christian Le

An. Bras. Dermatol., Aug 2018, vol.93, no.4, p.590-591



A secondary syphilis rash with scaly target lesions

Xavier Marchand-Senécal, Sapha Barkati, Danielle Bouffard, Valérie Martel-Laferrière

Oxf  Med Case Reports. 2018 Feb; 2018(2): omx089



The greater impostor: transaminitis masking the coinfection of syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus

S Tolia, H Kassen, A Capatina-Rata

Case Reports in Medicine 2017, Article ID 2481961, 5 pages



Care for diagnosis. Atypical genital lesion

José Carlos Gomes Sardinha, Mauro Cunha Ramos, Antonio Pedro Mendes Schettini, Sinesio Talhari

An Bras Dermatol. 2018, vol 93(1): 143–144



A case of congenital syphilis presenting with unusual skin eruptions

Alexander K. C. Leung, Kin Fon Leong, Joseph M. Lam

Case Rep Pediatr. 2018; 2018: 1761454



Syphilis in Pregnancy and Congenital Syphilis: Reality in a Portuguese Central University Hospital

Magalhães, Magda et al.

Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., June 2017, vol.39, no.6, p.265-272



Infectious and congenital syphilis in Canada 2010-2015

Y Choudhri, J Miller, J Sandhu, A Leon, J Aho

Can Commun Dis Rep. 2018, vol 1; 44(2): 43–48.



Syphilis as an atypical cause of perianal fissure

Daniel R A Cox, Apoorva Rao, Eric Ee

J Surg Case Rep. 2018 Nov; 2018(11): rjy32



Liver cholestasis secondary to syphilis in an immunocompetent patient

Nazneen Hussain, Samuel O. Igbinedion, Richie Diaz et al

Case Reports Hepatol. 2018; 2018: 8645068



Reported cases of neurosyphilis among early syphillis cases – United States. 2009-to 2015

lex de Voux, Sarah Kidd, Elizabeth A. Torrone

Sex Transm Dis. 2018, vol 45(1): 39–41



Acute syphilitic meningitis in an HIV-infected patient

Alex Wagemakers, Dagmar Hepp, Joep Killestein et al

IDCases. 2018; vol 13: 4.



Syphilis mimicking trigeminal schwannoma

Honorio, Gustavo L. F. et al.

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr., Feb 2017, vol.75, no.2, p.132-132



Rare case of four osseous lesions of the skull in a patient with secondary syphilis

Jace Kusler, Supha Arthurs

Case Rep Infect Dis2018; 2018: 3148758



An unusual cause of adrenal insuficiency and bilateral adrenal masses

Su Ann Tee, Earn Hui Gan, Mohamad Zaher Kanaan et al

Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2018; 2018: 18-0030



Secondary syphylis associated with membranous nephropathy and acute hepatitis in a patient with HIV; a case report

Zhou Zhang, Aviv Hever, Nitin Bhasin, Dean A Kujubu

Perm J. 2018; vol 22: 17-062



Syphilis infections in an HIV patient presenting with leukemoid reaction: case report and review of the literature

Athina Lioni, Markela-Pagonitsa Zorzou, Christina Kollia, et a

Infect Dis Rep. 2018, vol 29; 10(1): 7410



Late-onset congenital syphilis with unusual brain abnormalities

Silva, Rodrigo Alencar e, Campelo, Camila and Godeiro-Junior, Clecio

Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr., Sept 2017, vol.75, no.9, p.676-676



Neurosyphilis presenting with anxiety: a case report

Ashley N Rubin, Eduardo D Espiridion, Nhu-Hac Truong, Daniel H Lofgren

Cureus. 2018, vol 10(7): e3020



Psychotic mania as the solitary manifestation of neurosyphilis

Eun Hyun Seo, Hae Jung Yang, Sang Hoon Kim et al

Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2018; 17: 24



Aneurysm and dissection in a patitne with syphilitic aortitis

Pivatto Júnior, Fernando et al.

Braz J Infect Dis, June 2017, vol.21, no.3, p.349-352



Sífilis congenital com lesão óssea: relato de caso

Gameiro, Vinicius Schott et al.

Rev. bras. ortop., Dec 2017, vol.52, no.6, p.740-742



A nodular-ulcerative for of secondary syphilis in AIDS

Ofelya Gevorgyan, Benjamin D. Owen, Arvind Balavenkataraman, Mitchell R.Weinstein

Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2017 Jan; 30(1): 80–82.



Atypical presentation of syphilis as an aphthous ulcer

Diane J. Lu, Ariella Zbar

CMAJ. 2017 May 29; 189(21): E748



Coronary ostial stenosis and aortic aneurysm caused by syphilis

Fergus To, Omid Kiamanesh

CMAJ. 2017 Mar 6; 189(9): E369.



Syphilis-related eye disease presenting as bilateral papilledema, retinal nerve fiber layer hemorrhage, and anterior uveitis in a penicillin-allergic patient

J Dietze, S Havens

Case Reports in Infectious Disease 218, Article ID 2840241, 7 pages



Secondary syphilis presenting as a corymbiform syphilide: case report and review

Walter de Araujo Eyer-Silva, Viviane Primo Basílio de Souza, Guilherme Almeida Rosa da Silva et al

Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2018; vol 60: e40



Corymbiform syphilis associated with three other sexually tansmitted infections

John Verrinder Veasey, Lyvia Almeida Nascimento Salem, Felipe Henrique Yazawa Santos

An Bras Dermatol. 2018, vol 93(1): 129–132



by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

Av Contorno 8351 – Conj 01

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 31 32919216   2917003   3357229

(- consulta particular –)

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

AIDS/HIV: Perguntas & Respostas Online (HIV/AIDS: Questions & Answers)


Jornal da USP – HIV/AIDS



Who wants to switch? Gauging patient interest in novel antiretroviral therapies

Caroline B Derrick, Jan Ostermann, Sharon B Weissman et al

Open Forum Infect Dis. 2018 Oct; 5(10): ofy247



Immediate start of antiretroviral, why not?.

Matsuda, Elaine Monteiro et AL

Braz J Infect Dis, June 2018, vol.22, no.3, p.250-251



Is visceral leishmaniasis the same in HIV-coinfected adults?

Henn, Guilherme Alves de Lima et al.

Braz J Infect Dis, Mar 2018, vol.22, no.2, p.92-98



Is it time for Brazil to prioritize TB preventive therapy for all people living with HIV?

Maciel, Ethel L. et al.

Braz J Infect Dis, Jan 2018, vol.22, no.1, p.74-75



Are traditional body fat equations and anthropometry valid to estimate body fat in children and adolescents living with HIV?

Lima, Luiz Rodrigo Augustemak de et al.

Braz J Infect Dis, Aug 2017, vol.21, no.4, p.448-456



HIV testing after a first positive rapid diagnostic test: a role for nucleid acid testing

Anne M Neilan, Jennifer E Cohn, Jean-Francois Lemaire et al

Open Forum Infect Dis. 2018 Aug; 5(8): ofy170



Diagnosing tuberculosis in hospitalized HIV-infected individuals who cannot produce sputum: Is urine lipoarabinomannan testing the answer?

Natasha F. Sabur, Aliasgar Esmail, Mantaj S. Brar, Keertan Dheda

BMC Infect Dis. 2017; 17: 803



A systematic review of adherence to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV – How can we improve uptake and adherence?

David Sidebottom, Anna Mia Ekström, Susanne Strömdahl

BMC Infect Dis. 2018; 18: 581



Is it still worthwhile to perform quarterly cd4+ t lymphocyte cell counts on hiv-1 infected stable patients?

Antonio Di Biagio, Marta Ameri, Davide Sirello et AL

BMC Infect Dis. 2017; 17: 127.



Diabetes mellitus in HIV-infected patients: fasting glucose, A1c, or oral glucose tolerance test – Which method to choose for the diagnosis?

Ana Rita Coelho, Flávia Andreia Moreira, Ana Cristina Santos et al

BMC Infect Dis. 2018; 18: 309



Cardiac steatosis in HIV- A marker or mediator of disease?

Morgan Jacob, Cameron J. Holloway

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2018; 9: 529



Are women living with HIV prone to osteoporosis in postmenopause? A systematic review.

Cezarino, Pérsio Yvon Adri et al.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras., May 2018, vol.64, no.5, p.469-473



Preventable adverse drug events in critically ill HIV patients: Is the detection of potential drug-drug interactions a useful tool?

Ramos, Grazielle Viana et al.

Clinics, 2018, vol.73



How should HIV resources be allocated? Lessons learnt from applying optima HIV in 23 countries

Robyn M Stuart, Laura Grobicki, Hassan Haghparast‐Bidgoli, et al

J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Apr; 21(4): e25097



How common and frequent is hererosexual anal intercourse among South Africans? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Branwen N. Owen, Jocelyn Elmes, Romain Silhol et al

J Int AIDS Soc. 2017; 20(1): 21162



Pregnant adolescents living with HIV: What we know, what we need to know, where we need to go

Tegan Callahan, Surbhi Modi, Jennifer Swanson, Bernadette Ng’eno, Laura N. Broyles

J Int AIDS Soc. 2017; 20(1): 21858



Adherence to antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean: systematic review and meta-analysis

Jessica de Mattos Costa, Thiago Silva Torres, Lara Esteves Coelho, Paula Mendes Luz

J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Jan; 21(1): e25066



by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

Av Contorno 8351 – Conj 01

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 31 32919216   2917003   3357229

(- consulta particular –)

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com