Síndrome de Brown-Sequard Online (Brown-Sequard Syndrome)
¨A Síndrome de Brown-Séquard é uma entidade classicamente encontrada nas lesões traumáticas da coluna. O quadro clínico reflete uma hemissecção do cordão medular, com perda de função motora ipsilateral associada a um déficits da sensibilidade dolorosa e térmica contra-lateral. As causas mais frequentes da síndrome são as lesões traumáticas ou tumorais (metastáticas ou intrínsecas). No entanto, estão descritas outras etiologias como a isquemia do cordão medular; patologia infecciosa ou inflamatória incluindo esclerose múltipla; hemorragia incluindo hematomielia e hematoma sub ou epidural; e doença degenerativa. O tratamento inclui, imobilização da coluna, corticosteroide, cirurgia da coluna vertebral e tratamento fisioterápico (a depender das lesões do número de lesões adquiridas). O prognóstico da síndrome de Brown-Séquard é ruim e depende muito da causa da síndrome. ¨
■ Brown-Séquard syndrome caused by blunt cervical trauma with radiographic correlation
David Z. Cai, Geoffrey Liu, Christopher F. Wolf et al
Asian J Neurosurg. 2018 Jan-Mar; 13(1): 130–132
■ A rare case of Brown-Sequard syndrome caused by traumatic cervical epidural hematoma
S Kashyap, G Majeed, S Lawandy
Surgical Neurology International 2018, vol 9: 213
■ Brown-Séquard syndrome as a first presentation of multiple sclerosis
Tarun Kumar Ralot, Rambir Singh, Chander Bafna et al
Malays J Med Sci. 2017 Aug; 24(4): 106–110
■ Cervical disc herniation causing Brown-Sequaerd syndrome: case report and review of literature: case report and review of literature (CARE-compliant)
Yuqing Zeng, Haiyong Ren, Junming Wan et al
Medicine (Baltimore) 2018 Sep; 97(37): e12377
■ Controversies in the differential diagnosis of Brown-Sequard syndrome duet to cervical spinal disease from stroke: a case series
Vaner Koksal, Ozcan Yavasi
Turk J Emerg Med. 2017 Sep; 17(3): 115–120
■ Síndrome de Brown-Séquard em associação à síndrome de Horner
A F M Dias, P C Benevides, R M Faleiro, M T Reis
Rev Med Minas Gerais 2017, vol 27: e-1897
■ Brown-Séquard syndrome without vascular injury associated with Horner´s syndrome after a stab injury to the neck
Stephen Johnson, Margaret Jones, Jennifer Zumsteg
J Spinal Cord Med. January, 2016; 39(1): 111–114.
■ Teaching NeuroImages: one-and-a-half Browwn-Séquard syndrome
G Cirirllo, V Todisco, G Tedeschi
Neurology 2016, vol 87 (15)
■ Brown-Séquard syndrome: a rare manifestation of decompression sickness
W S Tseng, N C Huang, W S Huang, H C Lee
Occupational Medicine 2015, vol 65 (): 758-776
■ Intramedullary spinal cord neurocysticercosis presenting as Brown-Séquard syndrome
Elda M Salazar Noguera, Rita Pineda Sic, Fernando Escoto Solis
BMC Neurol. 2015; 15: 1.
■ Brow-Sequard syndrome produced by calcified herniated cervical disc and posterior vertebral osteophyte: case report
Dawei Guan, Guanjun Wang, Morgan Clare, Zhengda Kuang
J Orthop. 2015 Dec; 12(Suppl 2): S260–S263.
■ Solitary thoracic osteochondroma presenting as Brow-Séquard syndrome
Raghvendra Vijayrao Ramdasi, Amit Mahore
BMJ Case Rep. 2014; 2014: bcr2014206656
■ Brown-Séquard syndrome from herniation of a thoracic disc
Christopher D. Witiw, Mohammed F. Shamji
CMAJ. 2014 Dec 9; 186(18): 1395
■ Síndrome de Brown Sequard en una hérnia discal cervical
F Padilla-Vásquez, V H Escobar-de la Garma et al
Arch Neurocien (Mex) 2013, vol 18 (2 (104-107
■ A rare case of Brown-Sequard syndrome caused by cervical disc herniation: a case report
Amir Abbas Ghasemi
J Inj Violence Res. 2012 Nov; 4(3 Suppl 1): 82.
■ Síndrome de Brown-Séquard por hérnia discal cervical a duplo nível: caso clínico e revisão da literatura
Alves, Jorge Miguel Silva Ribeiro Olliveira et al.
Coluna/Columna, Set 2012, vol.11, no.3, p.245-246
■ Transverse myelitis with Brown-Sèquard syndrome after H1N1 immunization.
Vieira, Marcelo Adriano da Cunha e Silva et al.
Arq. Neuro-Psiquiatr., July 2012, vol.70, no.7, p.555-555
■ Trauma vértebro medular por arma blanca y síndrome de Brown Sequard: a proposito de un caso
Acta Médica Peruana 2012, vol 29 (2): 89-91
■ Brown-Sequard syndrome reveling intradural thoracic disc herniation
- Diabira, P.-L. Henaux, L. Riffaud, A. Hamlat, G. Brassier, X. Morandi
Eur Spine J. 2011 Jan; 20(1): 65–70.
■ Cervical disc herniation production acute Brown-Sequard syndrome
Jong-Tae Kim, Ho-Jin Bong, Dong-Sup Chung, Young-Sup Park
J Korean Neurosurg Soc. 2009 May; 45(5): 312–314
■ Brown-Sequard syndrome after blunt cervical spine trauma: clinical and radiological correlations
Pablo Miranda, Pedro Gomez, Rafael Alday, Ariel Kaen, Ana Ramos
Eur Spine J. 2007 Aug; 16(8): 1165–1170
■ by Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Cardiologia – Centro Médico Unimed BH
Rua Gonçalves Dias 202
Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil
tel 40204020
CRMMG: 7026
Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com