Artrite Reumatóide: Perguntas & Respostas Onlin (Rheumatoid Arthritis: Questions & Answers)
■ Rheumatoid arthritis: Are psychological factors effective in disease flare?
Volkan Yılmaz, Ebru Umay, İbrahim Gündoğdu et al
Eur J Rheumatol. 2017 Jun; 4(2): 127–132
■ Is male rheumatoid arthritis an occupational disease? A review
Dan Murphy, David Hutchinson
Open Rheumatol J. 2017; 11: 88–105
■ Can rheumatoid vasculitis predate a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis?
Sarah Sacks, Alan Steuer
Eur J Rheumatol. 2017 Mar; 4(1): 57–58
■ Is joint pain in patients with arthralgia suspicious for progressionto rheumatoid arthritis explained by subclinical inflammation? – A cross-seccional MRI-study
L.E. Burgers, R.M. ten Brinck, A.H.M. van der Helm-van Mil
Rheumatology (Oxford) 2019 Jan 1; 58(1): 86–93
■ From patients with arthralgia, pre-RA and recently diagnosed RA: What is the current status of understanding RA pathogenesis?
M Molendijk, H M W Hazes, E Lubberts
RMD Open 2018, vol 4 (1)
■ What is the additional value of MRI of the foot to the hand in undifferentiated arthritis to predict rheumatoid arthritis development?
- J. Dakkak, D. M. Boeters, A. C. Boer et a
Arthritis Res Ther. 2019; 21: 56
■ Can baseline ultrasound results help to predict failure to achieve DAS28 remission after 1 year of tight control treatment in early RA patients?
- F. Ten Cate, J. W. G. Jacobs, W. A. A. Swen et al
Arthritis Res Ther. 2018; 20: 15
■ Giant cell arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatic, and late-onset rheumatoid arthritis: Can they be components of a single disease process in elderly patients?
Cengiz Korkmaz, Pınar Yıldız
Eur J Rheumatol. 2017 Jun; 4(2): 157–160
■ The rheumatoid hand in the light of fluorescence: a diagnostic technique of the future?
Paweł Żuchowski, Marzena Waszczak-Jeka, Szymon Kudlicki, Sławomir Jeka
Reumatologia. 2019; 57(1): 45–49
■ Parasitoses intestinais: efeito protetor na artrite reumatoide?
Oliveira, Sandra Maximiano de et al.
Rev. Bras. Reumatol., Oct 2017, vol.57, no.5, p.461-465 (portuguese)
■ A cluster of intracellular parasitic infections among patients on biological DMARDs – the tip of the iceberg
H Hammarström, L Dovetal, A Calander
Rheumatology Advances in Practice 2018, vol 2 (2)
■ High prevalence of gallstone disease in rheumatoid arthrtitis: A new comorbidity related to dyslipidemia?
M C Garcia-Gómez, E de Lama, S Ordoñez-Palau et al
Reumatol Clin 2018, vol 14: 84-89
■ Qué papel juega la actividad de la enfermedad en el riesgo cardiovascular de la artrhritis rheumatoid?
M A R Huaranga, M D M Sánchez, M A Z D de la Espina et al
Reumatol Clin 2018, vol 14: 339-345
■ Valor de la ecografia con Doppler de poder en pacients con arthritis reumatoide en remissión clínica: Reclassificación de la actividad de la enfermedad?
F Vergara, S Ruta, J Rosa et al
Reumatol Clin 2018, vol 14: 202-206
■ Is the serum oxytocin level altered by treatment in rheumatoid arthritis patients complicated with depression?
Yusuke Miwa, Hidekazu Furuya, Ryo Yanai et al
Eur J Rheumatol. 2018 Mar; 5(1): 22–26
■ Tumor-associated antigens in rheumatoid arthritis interstitial lung disease or malignancy
Gökhan SARGIN, Reyhan KÖSE, Taşkın ŞENTÜRK
Arch Rheumatol. 2018 Dec; 33(4): 431–437
■ What causes a small increase in radiographic progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients tapering TNF inhibitors
C A M Bouman, A A den Broeder, A van der Maas et al
RMD Open 2017, vol 3 (1)
■ Right drug, right patient, right time: Aspiration or future promise for biologics in rheumatoid arthritis?
Vasco C. Romão, Edward M. Vital, João Eurico Fonseca, Maya H. Buch
Arthritis Res Ther. 2017; 19: 239
■ Terapia ocupacional na artrite reumatoide: o que o reumatologista precisa saber?
Almeida, Pedro Henrique Tavares Queiroz de et al.
Rev. Bras. Reumatol., Jun 2015, vol.55, no.3, p.272-280
■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Cardiologia – CRMMG: 7026
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais/Brasil