Dor Pélvica Online (Pelvic Pain)
■ Dor lombossacral relacionada à gestação.
Aragão, Fábio Farias de.
BrJP, June 2019, vol.2, no.2, p.176-181 (portuguese)
■ Retratos da dor pélvica crônica: percepções e crenças de 80 mulheres
Godoi, João Elias de et al.
BrJP, Mar 2019, vol.2, no.1, p.8-13. (portuguese)
■ Provoked vestibulodynia in women with pelvic pain
Carol Bao, Heather Noga, Catherine Allaire et al
Sex Med. 2019 Jun; 7(2): 227–234.
■ Clinical diagnosis of endometriosis: a call to action
S K Agarwal, C Chapron, L C Giudice et al
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2019, vol 220 (4): p354.e1-354.e2
■ Variables Associated with Endometriosis-related Pain: A Pilot Study using a Visual Analogue Scale.
Cozzolino, Mauro et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Mar 2019, vol.41, no.3, p.170-175
■ Physiotherapy for pelvic pain and female sexual dysfunction: an untapped resource
Bary Berghmans
Int Urogynecol J. 2018; 29(5): 631–638
■ Botulinum toxin use in neurourology
Benoit Peyronnet, Xavier Gamé, Gregory Vurture, et al
Rev Urol. 2018; 20(2): 84–93
■ Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder: Review of the Related Factors and Overall Approach
Dias-Amaral, Ana and Marques-Pinto, André
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Dec 2018, vol.40, no.12, p.787-793
■ Comparison of the pain pressure threshold on the pelvic floor in women with and without primary dysmenorrhea
Lima, Victória dos Santos Guarda et al.
BrJP, June 2019, vol.2, no.2, p.101-104
■ Anatomical landmarks of the intra-pelvic side-wall as sources of pain in women with and without pregnancy-related chronic pelvic pain after childbirth: a descriptive study
Thomas Torstensson, Stephen Butler, Anne Lindgren et al
BMC Womens Health. 2018; 18: 54
■ Neuromodulation for pelvic urogenital pain
Holly Roy, Ifeoma Offiah, Anu Dua
Brain Sci. 2018 Oct; 8(10): 180.
■ Potential role of thalidomide in the management of chronic pelvic pain. Cases report
Nascimento, Fábio A., Folchini, Caroline and Kowacs, Pedro André
Rev. dor, Apr 2017, vol.18, no.2, p.181-183
■ Immunological mechanisms underlying chronic pelvic pain and prostate inflammation in chronic pelvic pain syndrome
María L. Breser, Florencia C. Salazar, Viginia E. Rivero, Rubén D. Motrich
Front Immunol. 2017; 8: 898
■ Anatomic sites and associated clinical factors for deep dyspareunia
Paul J. Yong, Christina Williams, Ali Yosef, et al
Sex Med. 2017 Sep; 5(3): e184–e195
■ Incidence and risk fator for pelvic pain after mesh implant surgery for the treatment of pelvic floor disorders
Elizabeth J. Geller, Emma Babb, Andrea G. Nackley et al
J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2017 Jan 1; 24(1): 67–73
■ Chronic pelvic pain: assessment, evaluation, and objectivation
M B Passavanti, V Pota, P Sansone et al
Pain Res Treat 2017, 2917: 9472925
■ Biomarkers of Pelvic Endometriosis
Reis, Fernando Marcos dos, Monteiro, Cecília de Souza and Carneiro, Márcia Mendonça
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Mar 2017, vol.39, no.3, p.91-93
■ Perineal Massage Improves the Dyspareunia Caused by Tenderness of the Pelvic Floor Muscles
Silva, Ana Paula Moreira da et a
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Jan 2017, vol.39, no.1, p.26-30
■ Chronic pelvic pain in women
L M Speer, S Mushkbar, T Werbele
Am Fam Physician 2016, vol 93 (5): 380-387
■ New development in the pharmacotherapy of neuropathic chronic pelvic pain
Erin T Carey, Sawsan As-Sanie
Future Sci OA. 2016 Dec; 2(4): FSO148
■ Cultural Adaptation of the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire and Validation of Its Use in the Portuguese Language for Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain
Poli-Neto, Omero Benedicto et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Sept 2016, vol.38, no.9, p.443-449
■ The Potential of Cesarean Section as a Causative Factor of Chronic Pelvic Pain
Nogueira, Antonio Alberto, Silva, Júlio Cesar Rosa e and Poli Neto, Omero Benedito
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Feb 2016, vol.38, no.2, p.53-55
■ Anorectal and pelvic pain
Adil E. Bharucha, Tae Hee Lee
Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Oct; 91(10): 1471–148
■ The Influence of Education and Depression on Autonomy of Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Cross-sectional Study
Barbosa, Hermes de Freitas et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Jan 2016, vol.38, no.1, p.47-5
■ Diagnosis and treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pains syndrome: a consensus guideline
Jon Rees, Mark Abrahams, Andrew Doble, Alison Cooper et al
BJU Int. 2015 Oct; 116(4): 509–525.
■ Simplified technique for injection of Botulinum toxin to obturator internus muscle using ultrasound-guided nerve stimulation for persistent pelvic pain
Susan Florence Evans, Justin Matthew Porter
Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2015 Dec; 55(6): 612–614
■ Efficacy of paraspinal anesthetic block in patients with chronic pelvic pain refractory to drug therapy: a randomized clinical trial.
Rosa, Karen Felix da et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Mar 2015, vol.37, no.3, p.105-109
■ Análise de 230 mulheres com dor pélvica crônica atendidas em um hospital público
Deus, José Miguel de et al
Rev. dor, Sept 2014, vol.15, no.3, p.191-197 (portuguese)
■ Pelvic pain: a pathway for care developed for both men and women by the British Pain Society
A P Baranowski, J Lee, C Price, J Hughes
BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia 2014, vol 112 (3): 452-459
■ Sintomas depressivos em mulheres com dor pélvica crônica
Luz, Rosa Azevedo da et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Fev 2014, vol.36, no.2, p.79-83
■ Chronic pelvic pain in endometriosis: an overview
Onofrio Triolo, Antonio Simone Laganà, Emanuele Sturlese
J Clin Med Res. 2013 Jun; 5(3): 153–163
■ Dor pélvica crônica não visceral: tratamento multidisciplinar. Relato de caso.
Zakka, Telma Regina Mariotto et al.
Rev. dor, Set 2013, vol.14, no.3, p.231-233
■ Increased pressure pain sensitivity in women with chronic pelvic pain
Sawsan As-Sanie, Richard E. Harris, Steven E. Harte et al
Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Nov; 122(5): 1047–1055
■ Irritable bowel syndrome in women with chronic pelvic pain in a Northeast Brazilian city
Lessa, Lígia Maria Montenegro et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Feb 2013, vol.35, no.2, p.84-89
■ Inclusão dos sintomas na discriminação entre tumores anexiais benignos e malignos.
Hartman, Caio Augusto et al.
Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet., Nov 2012, vol.34, no.11, p.511-517
■ Update on urologic pelvic pain syndrome
J C Nickel
Rev Urol 2011, vol 13 (1): 39-49
■ Evaluation of acute pelvic pain in women
P S Kruszka, S J Kruszka
Am Fam Physician 2010, vol 82 (2): 141-147
■ Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular
Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular
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