Infectologia: Perguntas & Respostas (Infectious Disease: AFP Clinical Answers)
AFP Clinical Answers/American Family Physicians (AFP)
■ How effective are interventions to prevent and treat C. difficile infection?
Am Fam Physician 2020, vol 99 (5):285
■ What is the effectiveness of recombinant zoster vaccine compared with the live vaccine for the prevention of shingles?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (1): 10
■ Are broad-spectrum antibiotics the preferred treattment in children with acute respiratory tract infections?
Am Fam Physician 2020, vol 99 (7): 424
■ What is an effectiv treatment for mild dehydration in children with gastroenteritis?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (5): 273
■ Is the probiotic L. rhamnosus GG safe and effective for the treatment of acute gastroenteritis in young children?
Am Fam Physician 2020, vol 101 (1): 10
■ When is IGRA the preferred test over the TST in evaluating for latente tuberculosis infection?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (4): 226
■ What are the risks associated with delaying the first dose of MMR vaccine after 12 to 15 months of age?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (11): 675
■ How should croup be managed?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (2): 80
■ How effective is prenatal maternal vaccination in preventing pertussis in infants?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (10): 606
■ Do influenza vacines reduce the risk of influenza in healthy children, healthy adults, and older adults?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (8): 462
■ What recommendations for initiating ART for HIV infection are supported by randomized controlled trials?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (6): 331
■ What infectious disease screening and vaccinations are recommended for persons who inject drugs?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (3): 140
■ Is prophylactic vaccination against HPV safe and effective in preventing infection and cervical cancer precursors?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (12): 737
■ Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil
Tel: 33245518
CRMMG: 7026
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Data: Março 2021