Urologia: Perguntas & Respostas (Urology: AFP Clinical Answers)

AFP Clinical Answers/American Family Physicians (AFP)


What are the first-line treatment recommendations for kidney stones?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (8): 462



Which nonpharmacologic therapies are effective for men with long-standing pelvic pain and lower urinary tract symptoms?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (9): 526



How should testicular cancer be diagnosed?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (7): 424



What is the AAFP recommendation for prostate cancer screening in men?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (3): 152



Urologia: Artigos de Revisão (Urology: Reviews)

Arquivo Blog Internet Médica outubro 2020



Uroginecologia: Organizações Médicas Online (Urogynecology: Medical Organizations)

Arquivo Blog Internet Médica setembro 2020



Urologia: Organizações Médicas Online (Urology: Medical Organizations)

Arquivo Blog Internet Médica outubro 2018


Oncologia: Perguntas & Respostas (Oncology: AFP Clinical Answers)

AFP Clinical Answers/American Family Physicians (AFP)


What is the preferred anticoagulante for long-term prevention of recurring VTE in patients with cancer

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (12): 740



Is prophylactic vaccination against HPV safe and effective in preventing infection and cervical cancer precursors?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (12): 737



What is the USPSTF recommendation on screening for ovarian cancer?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (10): 606



What should you stop screening for cervical cancer?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (6): 331



What are guideline recommendations for surveillance of breast cancer survivors for cancer recurrence?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (7): 400



What are the effectiveness and harms of treatments for uterine fibroids, and what is the risk of findings unexpected leiomyosarcoma?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (7): 400



What should you stop screening for cervical cancer?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (6): 331



Who should be offered couseling to reduce their risk of skin cancer?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (3): 152



When should colonoscopy be performed in the colorectal cancer survivor

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (8): 478



How should testicular cancer be diagnosed?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (7): 424



Should we screen for thyroid cancer?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (7): 424



What is the AAFP recommendation for prostate cancer screening in men?

Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (3): 152



■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Blog Internet Médica – www.internetmedica.com.br

Data: Março 2021