Pneumologia: Perguntas & Respostas/AFP (Pneumology: AFP
AFP Clinical Answers/American Family Physicians (AFP)
■ Are shorter courses of systemic corticosteroid therapy as safe and effective as longer courses for patients with exacerbations of COPD?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (5): 273
■ Do written action plans for self-manageemnt of COPD reduce the severity of acute exacerbations?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (9): 543
■ When taking an inhaled steroid and seeking better asthma control, should the steroid dose be increased or should a LABA/steroid combination be used?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 99 (6): 356
■ Is intravenous magnesium sulfate effective for the treatment of acute asthma exacerbations?
Am Fam Physicians 2019, vol 100 (4): 208
■ Is adding a long-acting beta-agonist to an inhaled corticosteroid safe for patients with persitent asthma?
Am Fam Physicians 2019, vol 100 (3): 140
■ Are broad-spectrum antibiotics the preferred treattment in children with acute respiratory tract infections?
Am Fam Physician 2020, vol 99 (7): 424
■ Do influenza vacines reduce the risk of influenza in healthy children, healthy adults, and older adults?
Am Fam Physician 2019, vol 100 (8): 462
■ Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil
Tel: 33245518
CRMMG: 7026
Blog Internet Médica –
Data: março 2021