Dieta Cetogênica para Atletas (Ketogenic Diet for Athletes)

– A dieta cetogênica é uma dieta rica em gordura e pobre em carboidrato, menos de 50g/d de carboidratos e mais de 75% de gordura. As dietas cetogênicas demonstraram o aumento no consumo de gorduras durante as atividades físicas e diminui o consumo energético de carboidratos, principalmente ao realizarem atividades de baixa intensidade. Portanto, essa dieta potencialmente pode ser indicada com o objetivo de evitar o esvaziamento glicogênico e aumentar o desempenho ou então reduzir a fadiga durante as atividades.

– Segundo os especialistas em nutrição esportiva esta dieta permite a perda de gordura corporal, mantendo a estrutura muscular construída pelo treinamento, sem prejudicar a performance. Entretanto, algumas diretrizes atuais não recomendam esta dieta para atletas de elite até que existam mais evidências sobre os efeitos colaterais e eficácia.


Is a four-week ketogenic diet an effective nutritional strategy in crossfit trained female and male athletes?

Krzysztof Durkalec-Michalski, Paulina M. Nowaczyk, Natalia Główka et al

Nutrients.2021, vol 13(3): 864.


Ketogenic low-CHO, high-fat diet: the future of elite endurance sport?

Louise M. Burke

J Physiol.2021, vol 599(3): 819–843


Body composition changes in physically active individuals consuming ketogenic diets: a systematic revie

Julie L. Coleman, Christopher T. Carrigan, Lee M. Margolis

J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2021; vol18: 41


A review of the ketogenic diet for endurance athletes: performance enhancer or placebo effect?

Caitlin P. Bailey, Erin Hennessy

J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2020; vol 17: 33


Influences of ketogenic diet on body fat percentage, respiratory exchange rate, and total cholesterol in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hyun Suk Lee, Junga Lee

Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021, vol 18(6): 2912


Effects of two months of very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet on body composition, muscle strength, muscle area, and blood parameters in competitive natural body builders

A Paoli, L Cenci, P Pompei et al

Nutrients 2021, vol 13 (2): 374.


Utility of ketone supplementation to enhance physical performace: a systematic review

Lee M Margolis, Kevin S O’Fallon

Adv Nutr.2020, vol 11(2): 412–419


Impact of ketogenic diet on athletes: current insights

Fionn T McSwiney, Lorna Doyle, Daniel J Plews, Caryn Zinn]

Open Access J Sports Med.2019; vol 10: 171–183.


The effect of consuming carbohydrate with and without protein on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis during short-term post exercise recovery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

J Craven, B Desbrow, S Sabapathy et al

Sports Medicine – Open 2021, vol 7:



■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Blog Internet Médica –

Data: julho 2021

Nefrologia: Perguntas & Respostas (Nephrology: Questions & Answers)

Qual o papel dos biomarcadores de lesão renal na nefropatia induzida por contraste

P P M Spineti

Arq Bras Cardiol 2021, vol 116 (6)


Risco de insuficiência renal aguda pós-contraste em tomografia computadoriza: Estamos atentos à função renal

B C Juchem, F B de Sousa, C Karohl et al

Clinical & Biomedical Research 2019, vol 39 (1)


Cognitive performance in dialysis patients – ¨when is the right time to test?

Hristos Karakizlis, Stefanie Thiele, Brandon Greene, Joachim Hoyer

BMC Nephrol. 2021; 22: 205


Management of patient with a failed kidney transplant: what should we do?

Marco Fiorentino, Pasquale Gallo, Marica Giliberti, Vincenza Colucci et al

Clin Kidney J. 2021 Jan; 14(1): 98–106


Routine immunohistochemistry study for polyomavirus BK nephropathy in transplanted kidney biopsies, is it recommended?

Fatemeh Nili, Maliheh Mohammadhoseini, Seyed Mohammadreza Khatami et al

BMC Nephrol. 2021; 22: 226


Personalizing the kidney transplant decision: Who doesn´t benefit from a kidney transplant?

Deirdre Sawinski, David P. Foley

Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020 Feb 7; 15(2): 279–281


Assessment of patients referred to urgent start peritoneal dialysis: when does the nurse contraindicate?

Helen Caroline Ferreira, Fabiana Baggio Nerbass, Viviane Calice-Silva

J Bras Nefrol. 2021 Jan-Mar; 43(1): 47–51


Does cystatin C have a role as metabolic surrogate in peritoneal dialysis beyond its association with residual renal function?

Carla Leal Moreira, Liliana Cunha, Sofia Correia et al

J Bras Nefrol. 2020 Jan-Mar; 42(1): 31–37


Tyrosine kinase inhibitor-induced hypertension – marker of anti-tumour treatment efficacy or cardiovascular risk factor?

Anastasia G. Ptinopoulou, Ben Sprangers

Clin Kidney J. 2021 Jan; 14(1): 14–17


Aspiration-sclerotherapy versus laparoscopic de-roofing in the treatment of renal cysts: which is better?

Xueling Zhang, Dehong Cao, Peizhen Han et al

BMC Nephrol. 2020; 21: 193


Evidence in chronic kidney disease – mineral and bone disorder guidelines: is it time to treat or time to wait?

Jordi Bover, Pablo Ureña-Torres, Silvia Mateu et al

Clin Kidney J. 2020 Aug; 13(4): 513–521


Renal function and delirium in older fracture patients: different information from different formulas?

E Mossello, G Rivasi, V Tortù et al

European Journal of Internal Medicine 2020, vol 71: p70-p75


Do virtual renal clinics improve acess to kidney care? A preliminary impact evaluation of a virtual clinic in East London

  1. A. Hull, V. Rajabzadeh, N. Thomas, S. Hoong et al

BMC Nephrol. 2020; 21: 1


Does chronic kidney disease predict stroke risk independent of blood pressure? A systematic review and meta-regression

Dearbhla M. Kelly, Peter M. Rothwell

Stroke. 2019 Nov; 50(11): 3085–3092.


Could IL-17A be a novel therapeutic target in diabetic nephropathy?

Carolina Lavoz, Sandra Rayego-Mateos, Macarena Orejudo et al

J Clin Med. 2020 Jan; 9(1): 272


Is uric acid elevation a random finding or a causative agent of diabetic nephropathy?

M Z Kock, G Aktas, T T Duman et al

Rev Assoc Med Bras 2019, vol 65 (9)


Does chronic kidney disease result in high risk of atrial fibrillation?

Dapeng Zhang, Yibin Feng, Feona Chung-Yin Leung et al

Front Cardiovasc Med. 2019; 6: 82


Do routine hospital data accurately record comorbidity in advanced kidney disease populations? A record linkage cohort study

Ailish Nimmo, Retha Steenkamp, Rommel Ravanan, Dominic Taylor

BMC Nephrol. 2021; 22: 95.


Significance of kidney biopsy dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease – UMOD: is kidney biopsy truly nonspecific?

Tamehito Onoe, Satoshi Hara, Kazunori Yamada et al

BMC Nephrol. 2021; 22: 1


Sugar of fat? Renal tubular metabolism reviewed in health and disease

Leslie S. Gewin

Nutrients. 2021 May; 13(5): 1580


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Blog Internet Médica –

Data: julho 2021