Tuberculose: Diretrizes Médicas (Tuberculosis: Guidelines)

Consenso sobre o diagnóstico da tuberculose da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia

Denise Rossato Silva, Fernanda Carvalho de Queiroz Melo

J bras pneumol. 2021, vol 47 (02) (Portuguese) (English)


Guidelines for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection: recommendations from the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association and CDC, 2020

T R Serling, G Njie, D Zenner et al

MMWR 2020, vol 69 (1)


Tuberculosis, COVID-19 and hospital admission: Consensus on pros and cons based on a review of the evidence

Giovanni Battista Migliori, Dina Visca, Martin van den Boom et al

contributing members of the Global TuberculosisNetwork

Pulmonology.2021, vol, 27(3): 248–256


World Health Organizationn recommendations on the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, 2020 update

Fuad Mirzayev, Kerri Viney, Nguyen Nhat Linh et al

Eur Respir J.2021 vol 57(6): 2003300


Recommendation mapping of the World Health Organizations

Anisa Hajizadeh, Tamara Lotfi, Dennis Falzon et al

J Clin Epidemiol.2021, vol 134: 138–149.


Treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. An official ATS/CDC/ERS/IDSA – Clinical Practice Guideline

Payam Nahid, Sundari R. Mase, Giovanni Battista Migliori et al

on behalf of the American Thoracic Society, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, European Respiratory Society, and Infectious Diseases Society of America

Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019, vol 200(10): e93–e142


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Dieta Cetogênica para Atletas (Ketogenic Diet for Athletes)

– A dieta cetogênica é uma dieta rica em gordura e pobre em carboidrato, menos de 50g/d de carboidratos e mais de 75% de gordura. As dietas cetogênicas demonstraram o aumento no consumo de gorduras durante as atividades físicas e diminui o consumo energético de carboidratos, principalmente ao realizarem atividades de baixa intensidade. Portanto, essa dieta potencialmente pode ser indicada com o objetivo de evitar o esvaziamento glicogênico e aumentar o desempenho ou então reduzir a fadiga durante as atividades.

– Segundo os especialistas em nutrição esportiva esta dieta permite a perda de gordura corporal, mantendo a estrutura muscular construída pelo treinamento, sem prejudicar a performance. Entretanto, algumas diretrizes atuais não recomendam esta dieta para atletas de elite até que existam mais evidências sobre os efeitos colaterais e eficácia.


Is a four-week ketogenic diet an effective nutritional strategy in crossfit trained female and male athletes?

Krzysztof Durkalec-Michalski, Paulina M. Nowaczyk, Natalia Główka et al

Nutrients.2021, vol 13(3): 864.


Ketogenic low-CHO, high-fat diet: the future of elite endurance sport?

Louise M. Burke

J Physiol.2021, vol 599(3): 819–843


Body composition changes in physically active individuals consuming ketogenic diets: a systematic revie

Julie L. Coleman, Christopher T. Carrigan, Lee M. Margolis

J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2021; vol18: 41


A review of the ketogenic diet for endurance athletes: performance enhancer or placebo effect?

Caitlin P. Bailey, Erin Hennessy

J Int Soc Sports Nutr.2020; vol 17: 33


Influences of ketogenic diet on body fat percentage, respiratory exchange rate, and total cholesterol in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hyun Suk Lee, Junga Lee

Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021, vol 18(6): 2912


Effects of two months of very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet on body composition, muscle strength, muscle area, and blood parameters in competitive natural body builders

A Paoli, L Cenci, P Pompei et al

Nutrients 2021, vol 13 (2): 374.


Utility of ketone supplementation to enhance physical performace: a systematic review

Lee M Margolis, Kevin S O’Fallon

Adv Nutr.2020, vol 11(2): 412–419


Impact of ketogenic diet on athletes: current insights

Fionn T McSwiney, Lorna Doyle, Daniel J Plews, Caryn Zinn]

Open Access J Sports Med.2019; vol 10: 171–183.


The effect of consuming carbohydrate with and without protein on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis during short-term post exercise recovery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

J Craven, B Desbrow, S Sabapathy et al

Sports Medicine – Open 2021, vol 7:



■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Blog Internet Médica –

Data: julho 2021