Doença de Crohn: Artigos de Revisão (Crohn´s Disease: Reviews 2024)


Is religiosity/spirituality in patients with Crohns´s disease important to their quality of life?

J L A Gonçalvez J Jukemura, C B G Facanali et al

Clinics 2024, vol 79


Crohn´s disease: review and standardization of nomeclature

F C B Magalhaes, E M Lima, P carpentieri-Primo et al

Radiologia Brasileira 2023, vol 56 (2): 95-101


Impact of anti-tumour necrosis factor (Anti-TNF) biological therapy on insulin sensitivity in patients with Crohn´s dissese: a literature review

G A de Lima, A C Venturelli, S R B Bello et al

Research Society and Development 2024, vol 13 (2)


Patient-reported outcome measures and surgery for Crohn´s disease: systematic review

W J Kim, M Iskandarani, C A Manzo et al

BJS Open 2023, vol 7 (5): zrad09


Interações genéticas e moleculares na doença de Crohn: uma revisão

A R S Lima, F M Cataldo, V V F Costa et al

Research Society and Development 2024, vol 13 (3)


How reliable is endoscopic scoring of postoperative recurrence in Crohn disease? A systematic review and meta-analysis

E M L van der Does de Willebois, V Bellato, M Duijvestein et al

Ann Surg Open 2024, vol 5 (1): e397


Correlation of socioeconomic and environmental factors with incidence of Crohn disease in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-regression

J Weidneer, I Glauche, U Manuwald et al

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024, vol 10:  e48682


Fecal transplantation for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

Cochrane Database Syst Ver 2023; 2023 (4): CD012774


Fecal calprotectin as an inflammatory biomarker in small bowel Crohn disease

M I Sousa, E Dias, P Andrade, G Macedo

Porto Biomed J 2024, vol 9 (4): 263


Does magnesium provide a protective effect in Crohn´s disease remission? A systematic Review of the literature

S Costescu, F Bratosin, Z Laurentiu et al

Nutrients 20024, vol 16 (11): 1662


Fibrostenosing Crohn´s disease: pathogenetic mechanisms and new therapeutic horizons

I Mignini, V Blasi, F Termite et al

Int J Mol Sci 2024, vol 25 (12): 6326


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■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

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Setembro 2024

Suicídio na Adolescência (Teenage Suicide 2024)

Scoping review on socioemotional skills in the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents

J Q Avanci, A F Gonçalves, O C Silva Filho et al

Cad. Saúde Pública 2024, vol 40 (7)


Suicide ideation and psychotropic recreational drug use by adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis

C L O Gracini, G G Nascimento, M T C Vidigal et al

São Paulo Med J 2024, vol 142 (4): e20226411


Elaboração de diretrizes para atendimento hospitalar de tentativas de suicídio na adolescência

S Scheibe, I J Luna

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 2023, vol 28 (3): 863-874


Why do adolescents attempt suicide? Insights from leading ideation-to-action suicide theories: a systematic review

J S Kirshenbaum, D Pagliaccio, A Bitran et al

Transl Psychiatry 2024, vol 14: 266


Risk and protective factors of self-harm and suicidality in adolescents: an umbrella review with meta-analysis

R Richardson, T Connell, M Foster et al

J Youth Adolesc 2024, vol 53 (6): 1301-1322


Compassion in three perspective: associations with depression and suicidal ideation in a clinical adolescent sample

E Jonsson, I Dennhag

Scand J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Psychol 2023, vol 11 (1): 120-127


Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among high school students – youth risk behavior survey, United States, 2021

E M Gaylor, K H Krause, L E Welder et al

MMWR Supple 2023, vol 72 (1): 45-54


Adolescência, atos e o risco de suicídio

C N Ribeiro, M C Guerra

Psicol. USP 2020


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■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

CRMMG: 7026

Consultório (Novo Endereço): Rua Rio Grande do Norte 23/ 9 andar

Tels 996346835   32438504

Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil



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Setembro 2024