Traumatologia: Artigos de Revisão (Trauma: Reviews)
■ Dor aguda no paciente crítico: revisitando a literatura
J M Vieira Junior, L H Prinz
BrJP 2022, vol 05 (2) (portuguese) (english)
■ Traumatic brain injury in Brazil: an epidemiological study and systematic review of the literature
A L G Magalhães, J L V M de Barros, M G F Cardoso et al
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 2022, vol 80 (4): 410-423
■ Trauma de joelho abordagem e tratamento: uma revisãoj sistemática
D G B da Rocha, L G Marcelino
Brazilan Journal of Development 2022, vol 8 (5)
■ Update in combined musculoskeletal and vascular injuries of the extremities
Nikolaos Stefanou, Christina Arnaoutoglou, Fotios Papageorgiou, et al
World J Orthop. 2022 May 18; 13(5): 411–426
■ Analysis of ocular emergencies in a reference eye center in Brazil
T A C de Araújo, C R O Melo, L P Mendes et al
Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia 2022, vol 85 (4)
■ Fratura do seio frontal. Condutas e desafios: uma revisão de literatura
L R A Setton, A R F Setton, Y M S Ribeiro et al
J Bras Neurocirurg ,2022, vol 33 (3): 312-322
■ Epidemiological review of spinal cord injury due to roadd trafffic acidentes in Latin America
L L F Londoño, N Marchesini, D E Vallesteros et al
Med Princ Pracxt 2022, vol 31 (1) 11-19
■ Cerebral fat embolism after traumatic bone fractures: a structured literature review and analyis of published case reports
L Vetrugno, E Bignami, C Deana et al
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021, vol 19: 4
■ Management of minor traumatic brain injury in an ED observation unit
M A Wheatley, S Kapil, A Lewis et al
West J Emerg Med 2021, vol 22 (4): 943-950
■ WSES guidelines on blunt and penetrating bowel injury: diagnosis, investigations, and treatment
Luke Smyth, Cino Bendinelli, Nicholas Lee, et al
World J Emerg Surg. 2022; 17: 13
■ Gunshot wounds: ballistics, pathology, and treament recommendations, with a focus on retained bullets
Gracie R Baum, Jaxon T Baum, Dan Hayward, Brendan J MacKay
Orthop Res Rev. 2022; 14: 293–31
■ Pre-hospital management of penetrating neck injuries: a scoping review of current evidence and guidance
C Simpson, H Tucker, A Hudson
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021, vol 29: 137
■ Non-iatrogenic esophageal trauma: a narrative review
Dean P. Schraufnagel, Mujtaba Mubashir, Daniel P. Raymond
Mediastinum. 2022; 6: 23
■ Traumatic injuries to the trachea and bronchi: a narrative review
Ioana Antonescu, Vishnu R. Mani, Suresh Agarwal
Mediastinum. 2022; 6: 22
■ Defining major trauma: a Delphi study
L Thompson, M Hill, F |Lecky, G Shaw
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021, vol 29: 63
■ The definition of major trauma using diferente revisiones of the abbreviated injury scale
J C Van Ditshuizen, C A Sewalt, C S Palmer et al
Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021, vol 29: 71
■ Emergency Medicine with advanced surgery protocols: a review
H Mills, R Acquah, N Tang et al
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2022, article ID 3513250
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