AIDS/HIV: Casos Clínicos (HIV/AIDS: Case Reports)
■ Acute HIV infection in a 39-year-old man
S Matsumoto, Y Murata, Y Tomoda
CMAJ 2022, vol 194 (45: E1541
■ Concurrent COVID-19 and acute HIV: a case report and diagnostic review
K A Johnson, S Graglia, E D Lynch et al
Case Rep Med 2021; 2021: 2653678
■ Parotid tuberculosis as the presenting manifestation of disseminate disease in an otherwise asymptomatic HIV patient
Mohammed Ajmal, Shridhar Pattar, Aditya Sudan, Minakshi Dhar
Cureus. 2022 Feb; 14(2): e22493.
■ Norwegina scabies in HIV/AIDS
K Pakanati, D Jagota, M Ladogana
Proc (Bayl Univ Med Center) 2022, vol 35 (3): 346-347
■ Vasculitis ina case or rupioid syphilis in HIV
C Rodrigues, P Dhaliwal, A Readinger
Proc (Bayl Univ Med Center) 2022, vol 35 (3): 348-3494
■ Concurrent development of HIV-negative Kaposi´s sarcoma and mycosis fungoides in an elderly Inuit from Canada
H Bedier, J Lins, L Julien, J Routy
BMJ Case Reports 2021, vol 14 (1)
■ Rare, disseminated Kaposi sarcoma n advanced HIV with high burden pulmonar and skeletal involvement
S P Connolly, J McGrath, J Sui, E G Muldoon
BMJ Case Reports 2021, vol 14 (12)
■ Systemic cytomegalovirus masquerading as a colorectal mass in a patient with undiagnosed HIV/AID
Nikhil Madala, Rafael C Da Silva, Jaime Gonzalez Cardona et al
IDCases. 2022; 29: e01598
■ A case of Kaposi´s sarcoma of tonsil with profuse bleeding in a HIV-positive patient
D Penjor, A W Chong
SAGE Open Med Case Rep 2021, vol 9: 2050313X21106611
■ Case reporto f hidradenitis supurativa localized to the face ina HIV patient
B D Rankin, R M Haber
SAGE Open Med Case Rep 2021, vol 9: 2050313X21057923
■ Grave´s disease associated with HIV disease and late imune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome following the initiation of antiretroviral therapy
S Ludgate, S P Connolly, D Fennell et al
Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep 2022; 2021: 21-0094
■ Therapeutic challenges of psoriais in the HIV-infected patient: a case report
Manuela Arbune, Anca-Adriana Arbune, Elena Niculet, et al
Exp Ther Med. 2022 Feb; 23(2): 175.
■ HIV-associated vacuolar myelopathy: a rare initial presentation of HIV
A Rezaie, R Parmar, C Rendon, S C Zell
SAGE Open Med Case Rep 2020, vol 8
■ It´s complicated: a case repor on a COVID-19-positive HIV patient presenting with rhabdomyolysis and acute kideney injury
A Foster, Z Khan, A Siddiqui et al
SAGE Open Med Case Rep 2020, vol 8: 2050313X20965423
■ AIDS/HIV: Artigos de Revisão (AIDS/HIV: Reviews)
Arquivos Blog Internet Médica – abril 2022
■ AIDS/HIV: Mednews
Arquivos Blog Internet Médica – setembro 2019
■ AIDS/HIV: Perguntas & Respostas (AIDS/HIV: Questions & Answers)
Arquivos Blog Internet Médica – dezembro 2018
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■ Médico Responsável: Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
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Novembro 2022