ncer Occupational (Occupational Cancer: Occupational and Environmental Medicine)
■ Malignant mesothelioma among US Medicare beneficiareies: incidence, prevalence and therapy, 2016-2019
L Kurth, J M Mazurek, D J Balckley
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 80 (2)
■ Shift work with and without night shifts and breast cancer risk in a cohort study from Finland
M Härmä, A Ojajärvi, A Koskinen et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 80 (1)
■ Herbicide use in farming and other Jobs in relation to non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma (NHL) risk
A J De Roos, L Fritschi, M H Ward et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 79 (12)
■ Lung cancer risk in relation to Jobs held in a nationwiede case-control study in Iran
B Hosseini, A Olsson, L Bouaoun et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 79 (12)
■ Head and neck cancer and asbestos
B Clin, C Gramond, I Thaon et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 79 (10)
■ Comparison of cancer incidence and mortality in the Norwegian fire departments cohort, 1960-2018
N Marjerrison, J Kalobsen, P A Demers et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 79 (11)
■ Night work, chronotype and risk of endometrial cancer in the Screenwide case-control study
L Costas, J Frias-Gomez, Y B Moreno et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 79 (9)
■ Cancer risk among firegighters and police in the Ontario workforce
J Sritharan, T L Kirkham, J MacLeod et al
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2022, vol 79 (8)
■ Impact of occupational pesticide exposure assessment method on risk estimates for prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma and Parkinson´s disease: results of three meta-analysis
Johan Ohlander, Samuel Fuhrimann, Ioannis Basinas, et al
Occup Environ Med. 2022 Aug; 79(8): 566–574.
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