A critical evaluation of the status of HPV vaccination in São Paulo State, Brazil

T R Martins, S S Witkin, A S Ferreira et al

Clinics 2024, vol 79



Advancing immunoterapies for HPV-related cancers: exploring novel vaccine strategies and the influence of tumor microenvironment

Anna Jéssica Duarte Silva, Ingrid Andrêssa de Moura, Marco

Vaccines (Basel) 2023 Aug; 11(8): 1354



Genital and oral HPV geno-prevalence measured through urine and saliva samples in young adults in Italy

Francesco Napolitano, Silvia Angelillo, Aida Bianco, Gabriella Di Giuseppe, et al

Vaccines (Basel) 2024 Feb; 12(2): 205



Predictable changes in the accuracy of human papilomavírus tests after vaccination: review with implications for performance monitoring in cervical screening

Matejka Rebolj, Adam R. Brentnall, Kate Cuschieri

Br J Cancer. 2024 May 27; 130(11): 1733–1743



The changing nature of HPV associated with high grade cervical lesions in vaccinated populations, a retrospective study of over 1700 cases in Scotland

Kate Cuschieri, Tim Palmer, Catriona Graham, Ross Cameron, Kirsty Roy

Br J Cancer. 2023 Oct 19; 129(7): 1134–1141



Long-term risks of invasive cervical cancers following HPV infection: follow-up of two screening cohorts in Manchester

Clare Gilham, Alexandra Sargent, Emma J. Crosbie, Julian Peto

Br J Cancer. 2023 May 11; 128(10): 1933–1940



HPV immunization in Brazil and proposals to increase adherence to vaccination campaigns

W M Santos, D M Santos, M S Fernandes

Rev. Saúde Pública 2023, vol 57



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