Testicular torsion

M Keays, H Rosenberg

CMAJ 2019, vol 191 (28): E792

1 – Testicular torsion occurs primarily in pubertal boys and Young men

2 – Testicular torsion should be considered in patients with acute testicular pain or lower abdominal pain

3 – Testicular torsion accounts for a minority of cases of acute scrotum

4 – Doppler ultrasography is the modality of choice for diagnosis

5 – Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency



Mycoplasma genitalium infection

A E Singh, A L Labbé, U Auguste

CMAJ 2019, vol 191 (4): E10

1 – Mycoplasma genitalium infection is an emergente, sexually transmitted infection (STI) that causes similar manifestations to gonorrhea and chlamydia

2 – Mycoplasma genitalium infection is common worldwide

3 – Routine testing for Mycoplasma genitalium infection is not recommended

4 – Treatment options for Mycoplasma genitalium infection are limited by antimicrobial resistance

5 – Sexual partners should be treated with the same therapy as the index case



Marijuana and fertility

S Ilnistsky, S Van Uum

CMAJ 2019, vol 191 (23): E638

1 – Tetrahydrocannabinol acts on the endocannabinoid system, wihich is ubiquitous in reproductive tissues

2 – Marijuana use can decrease sperm count

3 – Marijuana use may delay or inhibit ovulation

4 – For most couples, smoking marijuana does not affect their ability to conceive, but for couples with subfertiligy or infertility, it could be a contributing fator

5 – More and better-quality research on the fertiligy implications of recreational marijuana use is needed



Transgender-inclusive care

J S H Lam and A Abramovich

CMAJ 2019, vol 191 (18) E505

1 – Population studies estimate that 0,5% of adults (about 25 million people worldwide) identify as transgender

2 – Medical guidelines on providing care for transgender individuals have been published

3 – Trangender men with a cérvix are less likely than cisgender women to have up-to-date Papanicolau screening

4 – Fertility preservation should be discussed with transgender individuals before starting therapy

5 – Transgender individuals should be asked about suicidality and their mental health



Foreskin care in childhood

R McLarty and D Kiddoo

CMAJ 2019, vol 191 (13): E365

1 – Rate of neonatal circumcision are declining in Canada

2 – Physiologic phimosis decreases with age

3 – Retraction of physiologic phimosis should not be forced

4 – Routine foreskin care can prevent problems

5 – Physiologic phimosis with complication or pathologic phimosis should prompt treatment



■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Data: Fev 2020