■ Treatment of anorexia nervosa – new evidence-based guidelines
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■ O pediatra deve investigar sintomas de transtornos obsessivos compulsivos em crianças com dificuldades alimentares?
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■ Transtorno de compulsão alimentar: revisão sistemática da literatura.
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■ Is bullying and teasing associated with eating disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis
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International Journal of Eating Disorders 2019, vol 52 (5): 497-514
■ Anorexia nervosa and perfectionimsm: a meta-analysis
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International Journal of Eating Disorders 2019, vol 52 (3): 219-229
■ Eye-tracking research in eating disorders: a systematic review
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International Journal of Eating Disorders 2019, vol 52 (1): 3-27
■ The role of self-esteem in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa – a systematic review and meta-analysis
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■ Cognitive and affective empathy in eating disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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■ Genetic risk factors for eating disorders: an update and insights into pathophysiology
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■ Genetics of eating disorders: What the clinician needs to know
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■ Anorexia nervosa and endocrinology: a clinical update
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■ Assessment and treatment of the anorexia of aging: a systematic review
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■ Mediators linking insecure attachment to eating symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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■ Pediatric obesity and eating disorders symptoms: the role of the multidisciplinary treatment. A systematic review
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■ Eating disorder symptoms in Brazilian university students: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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■ Gender differences in eating disorder risk among NCAA division I cross country and track student-athletes
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■ Clinical management of females seeking fertility treatment and of pregnant females with eating disorders
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European Eating Disorder Review 2019, vol 27 (3): 215-223
■ Efficacy of psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder on self-esteem improvement: meta-analysis
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European Eating Disorder Review 2019, vol 27 (2): 109-123
■ Abnormalities in the EEC power spectrum in bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and obesity: a systematic review
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European Eating Disorder Review 2019, vol 27 (2): 124-136
■ Disordered eating behavior and autistic traits – Are there any associations in nonclinical populations? A systematic review
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European Eating Disorder Review 2019, vol 27 (1): 8-23
■ Uma análise sobre o funcionamento do insight em pacientes com anorexia nervosa
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■ How many individuals achieve symptom abstinence following psychological treatments for bulimia nervosa? A meta-analytic review
J Linardon, T D Wade
International Journal of Eating Disorders 2018, vol 51 (4): 287-294
■ Dr Paulo Fernando Leite
Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular
Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular
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