¨A síndrome de Sturge-Weber (SSW) é uma desordem neuro-oculocutânea, rara e congênita. Esta facomatose, também conhecida como angiomatose encéfalotrigeminal, é definida pela tríade clássica: hemangiomas cutâneo, meníngeo e ocular. Apesar de sua apresentação típica, formas incompletas não são incomuns. A SSW é reconhecida ao nascimento por um nevo flâmeo típico (coloração vinho do Porto, ou angioma venoso) em um lado da face. Como as lesões corticais se calcificam, elas são detectáveis em radiografias simples do crânio após a infância. Há envolvimento angiomatoso correspondente (angiodisplasia leptomeníngea) das meninges e do cérebro, o que causa crises epilépticas (85%), retardamento mental (60%), e atrofia cerebral. Sintomas extracutâneos incluem convulsões, hemiplegia, retardo mental e glaucoma. O glaucoma está frequentemente presente e seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos permanecem incertos. Frequentemente sobrevém glaucoma infantil unilateral no lado acometido, se houver envolvimento extenso da conjuntiva com hemangioma da episclera e anomalias da câmara anterior. O envolvimento palpebral ou conjuntival quase sempre implica envolvimento intraocular eglaucoma subsequente. Cerca de 40% dos pacientes com coloração em vinho do Porto na face apresentam hemangioma de coroide, em geral difuso em vez de circunscrito, no mesmolado. Não há tratamento eficaz para a síndrome de Sturge-Weber. Talvez por isso, o manejo clínico e cirúrgico do glaucoma associado à síndrome de Sturge-Weber (GSSW) seja um desafio para a prática oftalmológica, muitas vezes com resultados desapontadores. O hemangioma coroidal pode requerer tratamento com fotocoagulação a laser ou radioterapia¨


A multidisciplinary consensus for clinical care and research needs for Sturge-Weber syndrome

Alejandro J. De la Torre, Aimee F. Luat, Csaba Juhász, et al

Pediatr Neurol. 2018 Jul; 84: 11–20



The pathogenesis of port wine stain and Sturge Weber syndrome: complex interactions between genetic alterations and aberrant MAPK and PI3K activation

V Nguyen, M Hochman, M C Jr Mihm, et al

Int J Mol Sci 2019, vol 20 (9): pii: E2243



Acute primary angle-closure in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Wei-Wen Su

Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2018 Jun; 10: 101–104



Surge-Weber syndrome

S Desai, C Glasier

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Imaging of glutamate concentration in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Tracy S. Gertler, Cynthia V. Stack

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Clinical and metabolic correlates of cerebral calcifications in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Vinod K Pilli, Michael E Behen, Jiani Hu et al

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Imaging of glutamate concentration in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Tracy S. Gertler, Cynthia V. Stack

Pediatr Neurol Briefs. 2017 Jan; 31(1): 2



Ocular manifestations of Sturge-Weber syndrome: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management

Flavio Mantelli, Alice Bruscolini, Maurizio La Cava et al

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Predictors of cognitive functions in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome: a longitudinal study

Edit Bosnyák, Michael E. Behen, William C. Guy et al

Pediatr Neurol. 2016 Aug; 61: 38–45



Anticonvulsivant efficacy in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Emma H. Kaplan, Eric H. Kossoff, Catherine D. Bachur et al

Pediatr Neurol. 2016 May; 58: 31–3



Predicting and preventing epilepsy in Sturge-Weber syndrome?

Csaba Juhász

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Sturge-Weber syndrome type 3 manifesting as ¨Status migrainosus¨

Philip Richard Jordan, Mehtab Iqbal, Manish Prasad

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Intellectual and adaptative functioning in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Brian Kavanaugh, Aditya Sreenivasan, Catherine Bachur et al

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Ophthalmic alterations in the Sturge-Webert, Klippel-Treanunay syndrome, and the phakomatosis pigmentovasculares: an independent group of conditions?

Solmaz Abdolrahimzadeh, Vittorio Scavella, Lorenzo Felli et al

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Current therapeutic options in Sturg-Weber syndrome

Anne Comi

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Bilateral Sturge-Weber Syndrome and glaucoma controlled with Ahmed valve implant.

Kac, Marcelo Jarczun et al.

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New vascular classification of port-wine stains: improving prediction of Sturge-Weber risk

R Waelchli, SE Aylett, K Robinson et al

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Patterns of structural reorganization of the corticospinal tract in children with Sturge-Weber syndrome

David O. Kamson, Csaba Juhász, Joseph Shin et al

Pediatr Neurol. 2014 Apr; 50(4): 337–342



EEG evolution in Sturge-Weber syndrome

Eric H. Kossoff, Cathy Bachur, Angela M. Quain et al

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Síndrome de Sturge-Weber syndrome

B Ribeiro Rodrigues, M L H Prigenzi

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Sturge-Weber syndrome

Catherine D. Bachur, Anne M. Comi

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Aspirin use in Sturge-Weber syndrome: side effects and clinical outcomes

Eboni I. Lance, Aditya K. Sreenivasan, T. Andrew Zabel, et al

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Updates and future horizons on the understading, diagnosis and treatment of Sturge-Weber syndrome brain involvement

Warren Lo, Douglas A. Marchuk, Karen L Ball et al

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Síndrome de Sturge-Weber

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Sturge-Weber syndrome: neurology-psychiatry interface

Amin A Muhammad Gadit

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Presentation, diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment of the neurologic features of Sturge-Weber syndrome

Anne M. Comi

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Sturge Weber syndrome: a case report

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Síndrome de Sturge-Weber e suas repercussões oculares: revisão da literatura.

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Physiatric findings in individuals with Sturge-Weber syndrome

Stacy J. Suskauer, Melissa K. Trovato, T. Andrew Zabel, Anne M. Comi

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Síndrome de Sturge-Weber: relato de caso dos achados da avaliação fonoaudiológica.

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Síndrome de Sturge-Weber e diabetes mellitus tipo 1

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Você conhece esta síndrome?

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Síndrome de Sturge Weber: combinación de lesiones angiomatosas coroideas y orbitarias en un paciente.

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Behavioral manifestations of Sturge-Weber syndrome: a case report

Vishal Madaan, Vijay Dewan, Sriram Ramaswamy, Ashish Sharma

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■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

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Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com