– É uma síndrome paraneoplásica rara, frequentemente diagnosticada incidentalmente durante a investigação de hipoglicemia de etiologia incerta.

– É caracterizada por uma hipoglicemia tumoral de células não ilhéus secundária à produção excessiva do hormônio IGF-II parcialmente processado a partir de um tumor fibroso solitário (SFT).

– Muitas vezes, esses tumores são intratorácicos, benignos e assintomáticos

– A ressecção cirúrgica completa do tumor geralmente resulta na resolução dos sintomas e cura na maioria dos casos.


Doege-Potter syndrome with a benign solitary fibrous tumor: a case report and literature review

T Mohammed, G Ozcan, A S Siddique et al

Case Rep Oncol 2021, vol 14 (1): 470-476



Doeger Potter, síndrome de

H F Sandoval-Alzate, J M Parra-Gamboa, A Ângulo-Casalis

Acta Med Colomb 2020, vol 45 (3)

http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-24482020000300078&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=es (Spanish)


http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-24482020000300078&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en (English)


Doege-Potter syndrome due to endothoracic solitary hypoglycemic fibrous tumor

Madaleine Lopez‐Hinostroza, Jeel Moya‐Salazar et al

Clin Case Rep. 2022 Apr; 10(4): e05611



Doege-Potter syndrome: a presumptive case of metastatic hemangiopericytoma with persistente hypoglycemia in a 27-year-old male

Von Lovel Zarra, Kenny Jun Demegillo, May Uyking-Naranjo, Ahmad Domado

J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc. 2021; 36(1): 90–94



Recurrent hypoglycemia due to a massive abdominal tumor in a nonagenarian: a case report and review of the literature

Catherine E. Reizun, W. Sheaffer Sorrells, Robert A. Grossman

Am J Case Rep. 2021; 22: e930727-1–e930727-7



Doege-Potter syndrome in a facial solitary fibrous tumor: diagnose and clinical management discussion

Roser Fort‐Culillas, Rebeca Barahona San Millán et al

Clin Case Rep. 2021 Jun; 9(6): e04291



Doege-Potter syndrome with a benigh solitary fibrous tumor: a case report and literature review

Turab Mohammed, Gonca Ozcan, Ayesha S. Siddique, Ronald N. Araneta III, Dennis E. Slater, Aziz Khan

Case Rep Oncol. 2021 Jan-Apr; 14(1): 470–476



Outside the thorax: Doege-Potter syndrome presenting as a retroperitoneal abdominal mass

Daniel M. Berrebi, Oksana Symczyk, Taylor Cater et al

Case Rep Endocrinol. 2021; 2021: 9919321



Think outside the thorax: Doege-Potter syndrome presenting as a retroperitoneal mass

Taylor Lauren Gray Cater, Oksana Symczyk, Adnan Haider

J Endocr Soc. 2021 May 3; 5(Suppl 1): A1042



Doege-Potter syndrome and hypoglycemia associated with solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: two case reports

Liliana Fernández-Trujillo, Jhon E Bolaños, Carolina Álvarez et al

Clin Med Insights Circ Respir Pulm Med. 2020; 14: 1179548420964759



Doege-Potter syndrome and Pierre-Marie-Bamberger syndrome in a patient with pleural solitary fibrous tumor: a rare case with literature review

Anup Solsi, Karen Pho, Shiva Shojaie, Dawood Findakly, Tarreq Noori

Cureus. 2020 May; 12(5): e7919



Doege-Potter syndrome

H F Sandoval-Alzate, J M Parra-Gamboa, A Ângulo-Casalis

Acta Med Colomb 2020, vol 45 (3)



Hipoglicemia inducida por um tumor fibroso solitário pulmonar: síndrome de Doege-Potter

Soutelo, Jimena et al

Rev méd Chile 2016, vol 144 (1): 129-133



Síndrome de Doege-Potter: hipoglicemia secundaria a tumor fibroso solitário de la pleura

Campos M, Rodrigo et al

Rev méd Chile 2012, vol 140 (3): 353-357



Síndrome de Doege-Potter

B L Moreira, M A S Monarim, R F T Romano et al

Radiol Bras 2015, vol 48 (3)



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