Global prevalence of vasovagal syncope: a systematic review and meta-analysis

N Salari, Z Karimi, M Hemmati et al

Glob Epidemol 224, vol 7: 100136


Perfil clínico, autonômico e escore de Calgary Modificado de Crianças e Adolescentes com presumida syncope vasovagal submetidos ao teste de inclinação

P M L Oliveira, R M F L da Silva, H A F Tonelli et al

Arquivos Brasileirod de Cardiologia 2023, vol 120 (7) (portuguese) (english))


Mechanism-based therapy of non-cardiac syncope: a practical guide

M Brignole, G Rivasi, A Ffederowski

Europace 2024, vol 26 (4): eu ae073


Cardioneuroablation as a strategy to prevent pacemaker implantation in young patients with vasovagal syncope

J Joza, L G B da Rosa, A Alturki et al

Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc 2024, vol 51: 101360


Classification of vasovagal syncope from physiological signals on tilt table testing

M Ferdowsi, B Kwan, M P Tan et al

Biomed Eng Online 2024, vol 23: 37


Increased prevalence of the electrocardiographic early repolarization pattern in young patients with vagally mediated syndrome: a case-control study

M Singla, P N Tyrrell, M Khural, G J Gross

CHC Pediatr Congenit Heart Dis 2024, vol 3 (2): 74-78


Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent syncope ina middle-aged women

W H,  X F u, X Du, G Deng

Annals of Noninvasie Electrocardiology 2024, vol 29 (2)


Síncope (Syncope 2019)

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