Isoniazid-induced acute psychosis in a patient with pleural tuberculosis

Joana Gomes, Diana Durães, André Sousa, Hugo Afonso

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Acute psychosis and Wilson´s disease

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Misinterpretation of psychiatric illness in deaf patients: two case reports

Ethan Anglemyer, Craig Crespi

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Polypharmacy leading to priapism in HIV patient with schizoaffective disorder: A CYP450 Cascade

Vinod Sharma, Aditi Sharma

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Reversible thrombocytopenia after gabapentin in an HIV-positive patient

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Clozapine-induced cardiotoxicity presenting as sepsis: a case report and literature review

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Clozapine, HIV and neutropenia: a case report

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Response after infection-associatied rise in clozapine levels in treatment-resistant schizoaffective didorder

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■ . Bariatric surgery in individuals with severe cognitive impairment: report of two cases

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Psychosis in a 15-year-old female with herpes simplex encephalitis in a background of mannose-binding lecithin deficiency

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Course of neuropsychiatric symptoms during flares of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

Gareth Garrett, Nicola Ambrose, Zaib Davids, Dorothea Bindman

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A case of neuropsychiatric lupus erythematosus characterized by the Owl´s eye sign: a case report

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O transtorno da compulsão alimentar (TCA) tem impacto no reganho de peso após a cirurgia bariátrica? Relato de caso

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Adapting lymphedema treatment in patients with a mental disability

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Psychotic mania as the solitary manifestation of neurosyphilis

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Misofonia: características clínicas e relato de caso.

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Cardiac sarcoidosis resembling panic disorder: a case report

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Periodic catatonia market by hypercotisolemia and exacerbated by the menses: a case report and literatures review

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Neuropsychiatric manifestation in a patient with panhypopituitarism

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A case of violent suicide attempt in a context of myxedema psychosis following radioiodine treatment in a patient with Grave´s disease

Louise Todorov, Amel Ait Boudaoud, Rachel Pascal de Raykeer et al

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Adult scurvy associated with psychiatric disorders and breast feeding

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Psychosis crisis associated with thyrotoxicosis due to Grave´s disease

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Psychogenic polydipsia and hyponatremia – A side effect of psychosis: a review with a case report.

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Urethral polyembolokoilamania: an unusual manifestation of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)

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Olfactory reference syndrome with suicidal attempt treated with pimozide and fluvoxamine

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An atypical presentation of pediatric acute neuropsychiatric syndrome responding to plasmapheresis treatment

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Lamotrigine-valproic acid interactions leading to Stevens-Johnson syndrome

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Thrombotic microangiopathy associated with valproic acid toxicity

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Delirium and high creatine kinase and myoglobin levels related to synthetic cannabinoid withdrawal

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A case report of severe delirium after amantadine withdrawal

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Pantoprazole-induced delirium: review of a case and associated literature

Anupriya Razdan, Ramaswamy Viswanathan, Alan Tusher

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Pharmacological hypotension as a cause of delirious mania in a patient with bipolar disorder

Manuel Glauco Carbone, Mario Miniati, Marly Simoncini et al

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■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

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