Clinical recommendations for the inpatient management of lower respiratory tract infections in children and adolescentes with severe neurological impairment in Germany

Maximilian David Mauritz, Ulrich von Both, Christian Dohna-Schwake,et al

Eur J Pediatr. 2024; 183(3): 987–999


Validation of the Scandinavian guildelines for minor and moderate head trauma in children: protocol for a pragmatic, prospective observational, multicentre cohort study

Fredrik Wickbom, Olga Calcagnile, Niklas Marklund, Johan Undén

BMJ Open. 2024; 14(4): e078622


Brazilian expert´s consensus on the treatment of infantile epileptic spasm syndrome in infants

L P B Sampaio, A M M Henriques-Souza, M R M da Silveira et al

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 2023, vol 81 (9): 844-856


Clinical management and diagnosis of CLN2 disease: consensus of the Braziliana experts group

L P de Brito, M L G de Manrez, A Pessoa et al

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 2023, vol 81 (3): 284-295


Update of the Brazilian recommendations on Duchenne muscular dystrophy

A P Q C Araujo, J A M Saute, C P D D Fortes et al

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 2023, vol 81 (1): 81-94


The role of ataluren in the treatment of ambulatory and non-ambulatory children with nonsense mutation Duchenne muscular disytrophy – a consensus derived using a modified Delphi methodology in Eastern Europe, Greece, Israel and Sweden

T Golli, L Juríková, T Sejersen, Craig Dixon

BMC Neurol 2024, vol 24: 73


European expert guidance on management of sleep onset insomnia and melatonina in typicaly developing children

Oliviero Bruni, Maria Breda, Lino Nobili, et al

Eur J Pediatr. 2024; 183(7): 2955–2964


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