A work-relatedness assessment in epidemiological case investigation of occupational cancers: principles

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A work-relatedness assessement in epidemiological case investigation of occupational cancers. II Practice: an upper urinary tract cancer ina dyer

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Revisión sistemática y metaanálisis de técnicas que previenen el dolor lumbar

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O retorno ao trabalho de mulheres após a experiência do câncer de mama: uma metassíntese

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Distúrbio de voz relacionado ao trabalho: revisão integrativa

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Transtornos de ansiedade como causa de afastamentos laborais

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Ferimentos por arma de fogo em profissionais de segurança pública e militares das forças armadas: revisão integrativa

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Shift work and prostate cancer: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis

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Musculoskeletal disordes and complaint in professional musicians: a systematic review of prevalence, risk factors, and clinical treatment effects

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Trends in occupational diseases in the Italian agricultural sector, 2004-2017

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The combined effects of occupational exposure to noise and other risk factors – a systematic review

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The occupational burden of nonmalignant respiratory disease. An Official American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society Statement

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Prevalence of type II and type III workplace violence against physicians: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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Occupational health and safety in the palm oil industry: a systematic review

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Shift-work: a review of the health consequences

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The use of surface electromyography in assessing the effectiveness of manual therapy: a systematic review

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On future occupational safety and health challenges

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Organization factors and risk management in the mining industry

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Exploring study protocol examining muscle fatigue among transportations and transshipment operators: a systematic review

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Occupational health hazards of street cleaners – a literature review considering prevention practices at the workplace

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The potential of using hair cortisol to measure chronic stress in occupational healthcare; a scoping review

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Risk factors for development of lower limb osteoarthritis in physically demanding occupations: a narrative umbrella review

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Shift work and migraine: a systematic review

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Occupational exposure to inhaled nanoparticles: Are young workers being left in the dust?

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Update of occupational lung disease

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Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain among professional drivers: a systematic review

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A systematic review of the effectiveness of employer-led interventions for drug misuse

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Revisión sistemática sobre la reducción de efectos emocionales negativos en trabajadores del área de emergencias y catástrofes mediante técnicas de catarsis.

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Toxicidad del formaldehido en trabajadores profesionalmente expuestos. Revisión bibliográfica

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Metal levels, genetic instability, and renal markers in electronic waste works in Thailand

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Suicidio entre los trabajadores agrícolas, forestales y pesqueros: una revisión sistemática de la literatura y un metaanálisis

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The association between occupational loading and spine degeneration on imaging – a systematic review and meta-analysis

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■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601 – Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026

Email: pfleite1873@gmail.com

Blog Internet Médica – www.internetmedica.com.br

Data: janeiro 2021