■ Antibiotic use in children – a cross-national analysis of 6 countries
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■ Bone and joint infections
Saavedra-Lozano, Jesús; Falup-Pecurariu, Oana; Faust, Saul N.; More
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■ Paediatric virology: a rapidly increasing educactional challenge
Ioannis N. Mammas, Maria Theodoridou, Anna Kramvis et al
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■ Rotavirus vaccine: current useand future considerations
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■ Antisépticos y desinfectantes: apuntando al uso racional. Recomendaciones del Comité Consultivo de Infecciones Asociadas a la Atención de Salud, Sociedad Chilena de Infectología
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■ Neonatal herpes simplex viral infection and acyclovir: na update
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■ Emerging role of Zika virus in adverse fetal and neonatal outcomes
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■ Microcefalia e vírus Zika: um olhar clínico e epidemiológico do surto em vigênciano Brasil
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■ Microcephaly
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■ Evidências de transmissão vertical de arbovírus
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■ Chikungunya infection in hospitalized febrile infants younger than 3 months of age
Elenga, Narcisse; Folin, Marion; Vandamme, Yves-Marie; More
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■ Approved antiviral drugs over the past 50 years
Erik De Clercq, Guangdi Li
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■ Safety, efficacy, and exposure-response of voriconazole in pediatric patients with invasive aspergillosis, invasive candidiasis or esophageal candidiasis
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■ Lot-to-lot consistency, safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of an investigation hexavalent vaccine in US infants
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■ Neisseria meningitis serogroup B vaccine, bivalent rLP2086, induces broad serum bactericidal activity against diverse invasive disease strains incluing outbreak strains
Harris, Shannon L.; Donald, Robert G. K.; Hawkins, Julio Cesar; More
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■ Etiology of acute otitis media in children less than 5 years of age: a pooled analysis of 10 similary designed observational studies
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■ Pertussis: microbiology,disease, treatment, and prevention
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■ Incidence and burden of pertussis among infants less than 1 year of age
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■ Risk of perteussis in relation to degree of prematurity in children less than 2 years of age
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■ Safety and immunogenicity of the quadrivalent meningococcal serogroups A, C, W and Y tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine coadministerered with routine childhood vaccines in European infants
Merino Arribas, Jose Manuel; Carmona Martínez, Alfonso; Horn, Michael; More
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■ Attitudes of Swiss health care providers toward childhood immunizations
Schuler, Marianne; Schaedelin, Sabine; Aebi, Christoph; More
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■ Will infant hepatitis B vaccination protect into adulthood? Extended Canadian experience after a 2-, 4- and 6-month immunization schedule
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■ Breast milk is a potentinal vehicle for human papillomarivus transmission to oral mucosa of the spouse
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■ Epidemiology and outcomes of hospitalized children with necrotizing soft-tissue infections
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■ Low uptake of meningococcal C vaccination in France: a cross-sectional nationwide survey of general practitioner´s perceptions, attitudes and practives
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■ Effect of combination vaccines on hepatitis B vaccine compliance in children in the United States
Kurosky, Samantha K.; Davis, Keith L.; Galindo, Claudia M.
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■ Factors determining the uptake of influenza vaccination among children with chronic conditions
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■ Incidence of influenza virus infection among pregnant women: a systematic review
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■ Cost-effectiveness comparison of monovalent C versus quadrivalent ACWY meningococcal conjugate vaccination in Canada
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■ Late-onset sepsis in extremely premature infants: 2000-2011
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■ The residual vaccine-preventable burden of rotavirus disease
Sederdahl, Bethany K.; Yi, Jumi; Jerris, Robert; More
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■ Cost-effectiveness of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children in Portugal
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■ Direct and indirect effects of influenza vaccination
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■ Due to advocate: human papillomavirus vaccination
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■ Pediatric antimicrobial stewardship programs
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■ A review of pneumococcal vaccines: current polysaccharide vaccine recommendations and future protein antigens
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