Paediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension: updates on definition, classification, diagnostics and management

Erika B. Rosenzweig, Steven H. Abman, Ian Adatia et al

Eur Respir J. 2019, vol 53(1): 1801916


Risk stratification and medical therapy of pulmonar hypertension

Nazzareno Galiè, Richard N. Channick, Robert P. Frantz et al

Eur Respir J. 2019 Jan; 53(1): 1801889


Risk assessment in pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

Marc Humbert, Harrison W. Farber, Hossein-Ardeschir Ghofrani et al

Eur Respir J. 2019 Jun; 53(6): 1802004


Pathology and pathobiology of pulmonary hypertension: state of the art and research perspectives

Marc Humbert, Christophe Guignabert, Sébastien Bonnet et al

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Statement on imaging and pulmonary hypertension from the Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute (PVRI)

David G. Kiely, David L. Levin, Paul M. Hassoun et al

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Pulmonary hypertension in chronic lung disease and hypoxia

Steven D. Nathan, Joan A. Barbera, Sean P. Gaine et al

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Genetics and genomics of pulmonary arterial hypertension

Nicholas W. Morrell, Micheala A. Aldred, Wendy K. Chung et al

Eur Respir J. 2019 Jan; 53(1): 1801899


Malnutrition in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a possible role for dietary intervention

Chermaine T. Kwant, Gerrina Ruiter, Anton Vonk Noordegraaf

Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2019 Sep; 25(5): 405–40


Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

Nick H. Kim, Marion Delcroix, Xavier Jais, et al

Eur Respir J. 2019, vol 53(1): 1801915


Obesity alters oestrogen metabolism and contributes to pulmonary arterial hypertension

Kirsty M. Mair, Katie Y. Harvey, Alasdair D. Henry et al

Eur Respir J. 2019 Jun; 53(6): 1801524


Clinical trial design and new therapies for pulmonar arterial hypertension

Olivier Sitbon, Mardi Gomberg-Maitland, John Granton et al

Eur Respir J. 2019 Jan; 53(1): 1801908


Identification patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension using administrative claims algorithms

S C Mathai, A R Hemnes, S Manaker et al

Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2019, vol 16 (7)


Current knowledge and recente advances of right ventricular molecular biology and metabolismo from congenital heart disease to chronic pulmonar hypertension

S Guimaron, J Guihaire, M Amsallem et al

BioMed Research International 2018 , Article ID 1981568, 10 pages


Hipertensão Pulmonar: Organizações Médicas Online (Pulmonary Hypertension: Medical Organizations)


Hipertensão Pulmonar: Casos Clínicos Online (Pulmonary Hypertension: Case Reports)


■  Dr Paulo Fernando Leite

Cardiologia/Prevenção Cardiovascular

Estratificação de Risco Cardiovascular

Consultório: Rua Padre Rolim 815/sala 601

Tel: 33245518

CRMMG: 7026


Data: out 2019