■ Efetividade dos exercícios sem restrição de amplitude de movimento de ombro no pós-operatório de cancer de mama: revisão sistemática da literatura
M P R Félix, C A Ataide, N O Gomes et al
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. 2024, vol 70 (3)
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Rev. Bras. Cancerol 2024, vol 70 (3)
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Louise Brennan, Grainne Sheill, Sonya Collier, Peter Browne, Claire L. Donohoe, Linda O’Neill, Juliette Hussey, Emer M. Guinan
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Freerk T. Baumann, Wiebke Jensen, Anika Berling-Ernst et al
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2024 May; 121(10): 331–33
■ Association between health-related fitness and patient-reported symptoms in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients
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Spencer J. Allen, Stephanie M. Ntoukas, Gordon J. Bell,
J Sport Health Sci. 2024 Nov; 13(6): 851–86
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Fevereiro 2025